Charlie, my friend

Charlie was my dog.

i had charlie for a good 15 years, he was a good boy, and when it was his time to go, he continued his adventures alongside me in azeroth. he’s been by my side now many years accompanying my hunter, and regardless of how much of a boon lone wolf would be to my damage, i have always had the option to eschew that choice and have charlie continue to help me adventure across the world of warcraft, solving quests and fighting bosses.

as of this upcoming redesign, i will now have to choose between playing my favorite hunter spec, or having charlie continue to join me. it will not be a hard choice. marksmanship will become a dead spec to me, i will never so much as look at its features because the sentimental attachment it asks me to give up is too great, all in favor of some slick, shallow number go up faceless hawk mechanic, a new designer toy to make people go ooohhh ahhhhh, while tearing away part of the soul of the hunter.

blizzard and its class designers i think have callously underestimated what a hunters pet means to them, for a great many people it is not just some mechanic. its a companion and has so been for decades. a hunters choice of pet is often very personal and particular. and to strip away that choice for what is arguably the classes most traditional spec (ranged focus on shooting) makes me sad.

good bye marksmanship hunter


Especially because getting rid of the pet has NOTHING to do with the problems being fixed and is entirely arbitrary.

All they need to do is leave us with basic pets with bite, claw, growl, dash or whatever and a 5% damage reduction for having them out. Done - anyone who thinks no pet is great can just play with no pets ever and nothing changes for them. People that want pets still have them, the damage nerf means there is nothing to balance.

They could literally please everyone AND implement 100% of their rework while keeping pets in this fashion but instead are choosing to dump on a big chunk of hunters.


If you’re so sentimentally attached to your pet, play the damned Pet spec. This isn’t an argument.

You can’t be sad about your beloved pet not being available anymore, meanwhile playing the spec that doesn’t utilize him and probably talented into Lone Wolf anyways.

They’re changing BM so you can have just 1 pet. That’s good news for you.

Your favorite spec is going to be reworked one way or another anyways, because it needs it.


There is also alternative solution


You could say switch to a ranged class that has no pet…you picked hunter and it a core mechanic since 2004. So you move…


I agree with you Yae, and those playing other classes or specs aren’t being asked to give up anything. The rest of us are. So, from my point of view, that’s a -them- problem, just like they’re harping about us wanting to keep the pets.

Yup they should have to re-roll or play a ranged class that better suits them. In my mind they must always get what they want even if it means changing what something is. I assume these people use the wrong screw driver then complain when it doesn’t work the way they want.

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I’m still salty about them ruining my favorite spec (survival). I made the switch to MM, even if I wasn’t happy about it, and now my second choice is having the core lore removed.

Reworks are fine, but, this is class defining, and it doesn’t feel good, at all.


And MM has been designated by lone wolf for majority of wow’s existence as being the petless hunter.


(post deleted by author)

Just as wrong as you were in the other thread.
MM has been designed with the pet for half, and the CHOICE to use the pet for the other. Citing the usage in group content is NOT a rebuttal whether or not people use the pet outside of group content.

You are blatantly attempting to confirm your bias, and not making intellectually honest comments.


Less than that, as even prior to lone wolf for a fairly long time it simply existed, and auto-attacked with 0 interactions with the rest of the kit.

And for majority of wow MM was pushed towards no longer using pet.


Lone Wolf was a bone thrown to a loud, baleful minority to fulfill their fantasy of petless ranger. I now regret ever accommodating this cancer- if only I knew it would grow and take over the identity of the spec and the class itself, and spread itself into the offices of Blizzard too.
The simplest solution to fixing Marksman is deleting Lone Wolf. Leave the animal-haters out to dry. Unfortunately, it seems one of said haters is now embedded in the class design team. Once announced, Blizzard has a tendency to stubbornly go through with changes no matter the outcry.
It remains to be seen if the old guard MM gets a bone of our own- a toggle to re-enable pets at cost, a reverse Lone Wolf, maybe. I wonder how much do they value our subs?


Usage of the pet in group content could never be used as proof of whether MM wants pets or not- not when Lone Wolf has been overtuned for its entire existence. Logs and elitist sentiment would flip fast if MM pets ever received a significant buff to push them ahead of LW.

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It hasn’t been a core mechanic for MM since 2014.


It has been a optional mechanic just like using lone wolf. I have been MM since Wotlk and have put my pet away maybe one percent of the time. I prefer my pet dmg and leech over over lone wolf.

Okay. Preference doesn’t make it a core mechanic.

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It was a bone thrown to a loud, baleful minority to fulfill their fantasy of not fully removing the pet (as originally planned) all the way back in 2014.

After 10 more years, that bone is being taken away.

It would not.

It hasn’t been overtuned, it was simply the design that MM should not be playing with a pet. Now this is being solidified.

Not everyone is good at math, so it’s okay.


When I am already top DPS most of the time a little more is not what I care about. I mean the pet still does damage and I prefer the leech to increase survival chances.

Yea, lots of pet using mm hunters topping dps.

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