It seems it is broken again. I turned in the requirements and again, it doesn’t show up.
Yep, it’s broken again. Invisible and everything. Activision, can you just make it always there, and just give us a debuff that says we can’t use it when you don’t want us to be able to use it?
This seems to be a common misconception. Turning the cost in doesn’t cause the charger to spawn. It spawns on its own schedule.
Don’t pay for it unless you can see it there. I would argue ideally don’t pay for it full stop because it is a rip off - wait for it to be in “construction” mode and contribute, costs less and you get the same access once it is built - but if you are in a hurry at least wait till it is actually up before buying in.
Also, it is never invisible. There is an exclusion phase around Flux, not around the charger. When you see people going in and out and disappearing, they aren’t using the charger without you, they are just getting close to Flux and phasing out. They did this to stop people covering Flux with a big mount because people suck. If you can’t see the charger, it simply isn’t currently up.
Then why does she say its up and its not visible? Or why does she say “that machine right behind me” but theres nothing visible?
Yeah it’s probably bad text. They aren’t going to invent dynamic NPC text for this one situation and there isn’t room for her to explain all that I wrote above in her little text box.
Maybe they could add a little speech bubble like some NPCs have: “I don’t see the charger, where is it” “Come back later when it has spawned in!”
You are incorrect…its literally been hours again today and the charging station is not appearing even tho the quest “Energy Cells For Everyone” is available. Least its certainly not on Gilneas-Elune.
Yeah, turned in the items, got the 2 hour buff, but no station…I’ve seen a crowd waiting around it for about an hour now.
Y’all don’t need to be turning it in if you can’t see it. The turn-in for the buff isn’t some sort of activation. The station should be there, but that quest for the buff will always be there regardless of whether the station is there or not. I hope that made sense.
Well… I really wish I would’ve saw this thread before hand lol. Just happened to me as well. RIP Spare Parts and Energy Cell.
this has been going on for fare too long and it need to be fixed ,I paid to use it it should be there ,I really don’t want to hear that it is on a time ,if I pay it should be there. period. and this time I paid then I got the quest to build it and could not even start the quest this is getting way out of hand.
Fix it please!
Same issue, took parts and cell, no station, even though others can access it. Have tried with WM on and off and relogged each time.
Same here.
bump its bugged as of now 3.09 am pacific
I am also having this bug paid yesterday and now again today still no station. Maybe it time to quit with all these bugs.
This is still a bug… 2 weeks later after this thread was started.
I am also unable to see the Charging Station. Even after paying the parts and cell.
Even tried some other suggestions to fix it. (Turning War Mode On, etc.) Nothing has worked.
It simply is just not visible or usable.
Would LOVE a fix for this…
ProTip: if you don’t see a charging station (either ready to be built or already built), DON’T PAY TO USE IT. BECAUSE THERE’S NOTHING TO USE. And your paying for it doesn’t force it to appear. That’s just wishful thinking.
Last hotfix, Blizz said they shortened the respawn period, but that doesn’t change one thing: it despawns and then has to respawn. So wait for it.
bugged for two weeks, blizzard. when shall I be able to charge my cells? Or are you too busy announcing you don’t support free speech.
It’s been like it for 2 weeks now when are you going to fix it cannot complete quest for rep please fix asap thank you
I’m in the same boat, its been taken 3 times for me as well, with no charging station showing up. It’s really frustrating