Come on Blizzard! Get with the program and fix this already!?!?!?
I just spent the resources to start the quest… and I should’ve known it was bugged when I wasn’t seeing the charging station!
Come on Blizzard! Get with the program and fix this already!?!?!?
I just spent the resources to start the quest… and I should’ve known it was bugged when I wasn’t seeing the charging station!
I’ve been checking on the charging station since 8am server time on Hyjal server and after 4hrs and no station I came here.
Someone suggested war mode on so i tried that and the charging station was up! I managed to get 70 batteries charged with 8 deaths because the alliance were camping it.
Keep in mind the charging station is only up for 15 min after it is built and can be destroyed by trogs so you really have to hang around for a bit to see if it’s bugged which it ABSOLUTELY IS on some realms.
BTW, I also saw people running to where the station should be and phasing out and then back. I messaged them asking if the station was up for them and they all said it was not. Not sure what is up w/ the funky phasing but it’s definitely broken.
same deal on my rogue. 500 spare parts and nothing.
Same issue here. I have been sitting here for about an hour waiting on the charging station to spawn. I have done the quest “Wanna Charge? Gotta Pay!” spending the 250 spare parts and 1 energy cell. I have the 2-hour buff and when I click on Flux she says that I have access to it, but it is still not there. It seems as though it is like this for many people as there are people speaking of this issue in chat also.
Also, I did not notice the character I was posting this under, but my 120 is Philosophy - Stormrage US.
I paid my Spare Parts and Energy Cell this morning. No Charging Station appeared. I had the 2 hour buff and she just told me “It’s right there!”. It wasn’t. I submitted a Bug Report, because Blizzard has now made it impossible to actually submit a ticket. I logged and came back later. Flux had the turn in again. Me, being the gullible fool that I must be, thought “Oh yes! They fixed it!”. I gave her another Energy Cell and 250 more Spare Parts. Nope, nadda, nothing. Now, I only have one Charged Cell left, not enough to make what I needed and 80 Empty Cells, hoping for a charge, sometime this year. Come on Blizzard, fix this and give my items back. I have played since Launch and this gets a bit frustrating. I need a real life, I suppose.
After reading other responses here, I read the post by Marza. Thank you so much, that worked beautifully. War Mode on, got back out there, it was up. No deaths, 80 charges. Good luck everyone!
Thank you for this post. It worked as you said.
Changing war mode / safety mode did not work for me. Charging station still invisible.
I am having this problem, first time I’m having this problem. Apparently it’s bugged for the whole realm. Changing to warmode did not help at all.
Seems that it decided to appear for Muradin today so did up 120 batteries
Just because you see people phasing out doesn’t mean the charging station is actually up.
I spoke to several people I saw phasing out and they all said it wasn’t up. It could very well be that the charging station was up but got destroyed and is in that unknown “respawn” period. Best way to know for sure is asking in general chat to see if anyone has seen the charging station that day.
Yeah, I did. I asked in general. 2 people also confirmed the same thing - gave materials, FLUX says charging station is there, and it isn’t there. I also had a person say it was there for them. They went on to suggest that my buff was left over from the last time it was up, they then suggested that the quest wasn’t active (even though they just used the charging station), and then ultimately called me dumb for not being able to see it… a typical “it works for me so it isn’t bugged” response.
Yeah but the little gnome is standing there with the quest to pay for it and use it. Someone on general told me it hasn’t spawned all day.
Same issue with me. cant see it. logged in and out. changed war mode on off. doesnt matter. I need it for rep. Just 65 points of rep to get my flying mount completed. One quest left and this happens. grrrrrrrr
Same problem for days on multiple toons. I sent in a bug report via game. Would be nice if blizzard would at least say something about it. Even just saying they are looking into it would be greatly appreciate.
Also I’m fairly certain it’s not spawning period. Not for anyone. People phase in and out where it should be but it looks like they are looking for it not using it. It’s also been a complaint in multiple forums and chats for a bit now. Hopefully it gets a fix.
(Just make it permanent already. lol)
Same problem here. Please fix blizzard…
Just got to mechagon. Cannot continue without completing this quest and I’ve turned it in twice and nothing happens.
Still broken. Need them batteries charged!
I was one of those having troubles with it, but the recent patch did it’s job. I was able to use it yesterday.