I have same issue. Wasted cells already.
Same, same, 1st time though, every other time that quest came up I didn’t have an issue, just this morning for some reason. Wasted mats.
I submitted a ticket over a week ago on this problem, was told it was being referred to the devs and there would be a resolution “soon”. Of course, that is the last I heard about it, still out 250 spare parts. If there has been a blue response to these posts, I have not seen it.
Same issue.
Blizz needs to disable this quest and refund all the lost supplies. Then they need to take Customer out of Customer Support.
Have we even had a blue post about this? We’ve had a load of people who have complained about this problem. Where is Blizzard? Do they even give a shist about us any more? Or is it only the PvPers and Vanilla players who get any attention? This is getting really frustrating.
same here… paid twice and I thought I was doing something wrong until reserching this issue I realize that THERE IS a tower that you can see (When you speak to flux he/she says the power station is the tower next to me and I was like: WHICH F&*& TOWER!!!) anyway, OBVIOUSLY I want my batteries back and my 500 spare parts.
Same issue. I opened a ticket and got a generic response saying they’re looking into it, repair, delete cache, etc etc. I reopened the ticket saying people know, it’s definitely a bug. They responded saying they’re sorry for the inconvenience, they’re working on it, and they won’t be returning anyone’s lost parts or charged cells. Super helpful…
Just want to chime in again… this is worse than just a few lost cells… some people (myself included) rely on these energy cells for ring/trinket upgrades… and now I can not upgrade because I am being locked behind a bugged time gate. This is delaying gearing substantially. On the order of days… at… a… time…
Not fun. Please fix asap.
Same problem ,3 days and nothing .
I see others disappear where the charging station is at, but nothing is there for me .
its been almost a week and no fix Blizz what are you doing we are paying for this content fix it
It’s been 84 years…
Still an issue.
Still an issue.²
How many complaints are needed to they do something?
Same issue, I haven’t been able to access the station for 5 days now
It’s still an issue.
same problem … it likes that will be no solved… that flox steal my spare parts … again
same issue, i cannot belive this is still a problem…i wanna make the 420 rings but gues what, i have over 60 empty cells in my bag and i cant use any of them!
everyone that say its bugged (mine was bugged too) …
go turn off your warmode , the charging station will be there once you comeback in passive mode
having issues too. paid two days worth of parts and energy cell to get no charging station. its pissing me off
I could not see it after paying, WM was off. Went to SW, turned WM on, back to Mech, charging station was visible and usable.