Characters deleveled - Khadgar

I don’t have any characters on Khadgar, and never have. However, since this is such an important issue to track down, and it’s still unknown what is and isn’t a symptom of this bug, I want to provide my odd occurrence to the list.

I logged onto my account, just to ensure that nothing was fishy. My main server was fine, so went to the realm list. The realm list assessed that I had one character on Muradin, and one character on Frostmane. I have never had a character on either of those realms. I logged into both realms, and was taken to the character creation screen right away. Leaving the creation screen, there was no character in my list. Checking the realm list again, the character indicator was no long there.

I do not know if this is a part of the same issue, or if it is a separate weird happening coincidentally at this time. But I’ve never encountered anything like this before.

Feel free to remove this post if it turns out it is not connected to the main problem.

From what I can see, Thadreon, the character on Muradin was a level 60 Draenei Death Knight. Created September of 2009 deleted late October of 2009. Froistmane was a level 56 Gnome Death Knight created May of 2009 and deleted August the same year. You seem to have a number of Death Knights created on various realms, often deleted a few days or a few months later. Odds are you, or perhaps someone that had access to the account created them. If you did, it is likely you forgot, it has been 11 years after all. :slight_smile:


In the morning yesterday it affected 3 of my 120s leaving one old (toon made pre 2014) at 120
By the end of the day that too also delevled. I also noticed MY GUILD AND ALL ITS BANK CONTENTS also rolled back to the way I had it when I left after wrath. I had 5 characters delevled and a guild distroyed basically. I don’t even dare level the toon I was working on. It really has soured my desire to play. I just came back 3 months ago and busted my butt to lvl up 5 120s to have it all poof and it’s all gone.


I have no characters on Khadgar, however, I was excited for new blood from the Alleria/Khadgar connections tomorrow. Will the realm connections be delayed because of this bug, or are there no updates on that at this time?

Thanks for the update Vrakthris and for listening to us having these issues with our toons.

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I don’t think the main thread in General Discussion has been updated yet, but we have updated our Breaking New. Only the Oceanic realm connections are still scheduled for now.


So I don’t have characters on khadgar but I’ve been following this all day. I noticed recently on the login screen that the breaking news no longer includes the khadgar realm connection.

Thank you Vrakthris!


Some of the characters names, races and levels are incorrect.

Current list.

Oornko: Tauren Paladin, 120
Windystorms: Tauren Shaman 115
Seventhup: Blood elf Rogue 120
Sevenhunt: Nightborne Hunter
SeventhWindy: Zandalari Druid 120
Sevenwinds: Void Elf Monk 60
SevenMage: NightBorne mage 120
Xaric: Tauren Death knight 110 (Neglected)
SeventhWar: High Mountain Tauren 120
Seventhwinds: Tauren Druid 120
SevenPal: Light born Dreani paladin 120
DemonSeven: blood elf Demon hunter 120
SevenMonk: Pandarian monk 120
Sevarnia: Tauren Priest 120
Warlock missing on Armory: KaelThraz 100-120 blood elf.
Level in game shows level 85. pretty sure he was 100-120
Hendra: Maghar Orc hunter 120
Xioth: Pandarian priest 90 (Unsure if that’s right)
rest of the characters look fine.
not sure what happened to all of my screenshots as I had some of my character screen. still looking.

Rest of the characters on other realms seam fine, I never played them much.

Edit: Found a screenshot yes Kaelthras was at least level 110 but could have been higher, I can’t find any newer pictures.

how do I post a picture of my character login screen that I found with Kaelthras character in question being deleveled to 85 from 110?
pretty sure he was 120 though.

Edit: armory is not showing nearly all of my characters and some odd reason I have a lot more characters on Khadgar then allowed or at least use to be allowed back in December of 2019.

Edit: SeventhWar was at least 110 not 90 and not a panda.

Edit: I can’t post pics, I tried to upload a support ticket with a picture to one of the conversations about this that I had last night and the cs told me my memory is faulty and deleted the entire conversation on me.

I even have the text of the conversation saved to my messenger as several friends are also having the same issue.

There are over 200 US realms right? this is impacting 1 low population realm. So about .01% of the players? Obviously they’re trying to get it resolved but you really need to just take a step back and relax.


Madseason did a vid about it. pretty funny.
Hope its not weeks my main is level 90 now and doesnt look like I’ll be getting any progress on keys done :frowning:

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I understand this but I also understand the frustration. Some people only play one realm, and they’ve paid to play that one realm so stretching weeks (if that’s the case, we have no idea yet at this point) surely will upset some people.

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They’re giving the worse case scenario!!! obviously that’s not what they want and they’ll try not to let that happen but being realistic would really help.


Yes. Actually more like 3 weeks ago. And yes, I have created a new character everyday to reset the character select screen.

I appreciate the perspective, Jasonhourne, I absolutely do but I definitely want to point out while the overall issue only seems to be impacting a single realm we are very much committed in getting folks back on their characters. Any situation where folks are unable to play tends to be a pretty high priority.

Weeks really is worse case at this point and based on a lot of the back and forth I’ve been seeing we hope to have this resolved fairly soon.

Your issue is related, but a bit different as far as I know, Quill. I don’t know if your issue was caused in the same manner so I’m not sure it will have the same solution. I wish I had more positive news for you but they are working to resolve those as soon as they can as well.


Pretty crazy glitch. Must be some sort of Database data bug/glitch that has occurred. I think it is pretty amazing there is still backups that old and perfectly intact.

Good luck to Blizz on figuring this out. I know it’s frustrating for everyone involved.


Your ticket should show up here.

Direct Question: if my subscription expires will I still have my character restored?

Yes, of course.