Character Not found

Still receiving the Character Not Found issue for the second night in a row.

Are my characters safe?

You would think a multi-BILLION dollar company could afford enough servers and devs to allow us a smooth patch. Or maybe, just MAYBE they could get better at it over the years?


This gonna be a daily occurrence for the next week just wondering? That way i know to log into one character and just stay there.

Stormrage issues as well - same exact thing as last night.

Nope, seems like server error is deleting characters. What a nightmare

Love that we pay a monthly sub for this…


same here, it’s the exact same issue as last night, and is likely due on their part to the massive amounts of traffic. The game worked fine early in the morning and late at night. this is peak time and presumably that’s the issue

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Same here. No Characters listed, pick my server and they are there. Try to log in with one, and after a load screen says character not found.

How is it that a multi-billion dollar company still can’t get this right, EVERY GAME, it’s pathetic at this point


US- Draka server, no characters found. It was a low pop server that went thru a merge a few weeks ago, with the return of players again, it might be messing it up.

Although, same issues with my toons on other servers as well. Great job Blizz. :roll_eyes:

Same issue here. I played this morning and everything was fine then.

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Servers do not show the number of characters I have. When I choose my server my characters show up but says character not found when I try to log in to any of them.

Same thing as last night, they fixed it last night after a few hours…here we go again!

Same problem here:

Realm Select shows all my characters gone, and if I brute force my way into my server I end up with my character list, but “Character not found” over top of my character avatar -_-

Trying to Enter World results in the bar freezing at about 80% then kicking me back to select with “Character Not Found”

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Omg yet another crap release of a pre-patch to game where the company is in freaking shambles. This is what happens Blizzard Activision when you screw your devs…let the do what they know how to do and go back to your penny pinching and bean counters.


i was just on like 10 mins ago, logged off to eat then back on and it said character not found so i logged out and back on then i couldnt find my realm which is Durotan , then i finaly found it .clicked on it and i get almost a full blank screen

Same issue on Stormrage (A), Thrall (H), and Anetheron (H).

Edit: Just to add, can’t create allied races, just core races. Was curious, thought I’d try on a random server.

characters will pop up if i wait a while. but trying to log in throws me back with the character not found issue as well. Area-52.

same issue here. all toons

I’m in the same boat. No servers showing number of characters, and my main server when I do get my characters to show up, tries to load and gets the Character Not Found error.