Hello, I last logged onto ERA 7 months ago. After my brief hiatus I returned the Azeroth to find my characters name had been given to someone else. I have had that character name on Whitemane since release day and carried it through ERA until very recently. I don’t understand why my characters name would be flagged and given to someone else in such a short time. I assume maybe it was a mistake. Can this be rectified? Appreciate your help.
Are you sure about the timing? Names are able to be stolen if you haven’t logged in for two expansions.
While Trancezero is correct in the vein of Retail name releases, it’s not the same for either of the Classic iterations to date. (Unless that has changed and I missed that announcement?)
Depending on what the name was, if you had been reported for it and the name flagged - and then someone else stepped in to name a character that same inappropriate name? That could have happened, unfortunately.
Just to set expectations, I believe the resolution you’re after is a near-zero chance.
As has been stated, the only time your names are released for others to use is after four years of absence, barring a brief window of inappropriate name activity.
Positive about the timing. I was last logged in on June 19th of 2024. I logged on yesterday to my name being numbers and me having to change it. I read how naming rules work for mergers and expansions and such and it doesn’t seem to apply to my situation.
Names aren’t ‘stolen’. After about two expansion cycles, they are released, freeing them up to be used by other players.
I appreciate your response. Does this mean there is absolutely nothing blizzard can/will do to assist?
When was the previous time before June 19th 2024? Is the name “questionable”?
Nah, I like “stolen” better, but thank you.
How would someone have reported my name in the current system to flag it for use if I wasn’t online?
Was there anything about the name that could have been considered inappropriate for the game? If you were sure it wasn’t in any way inappropriate, did you try to reclaim the name? Essentially, ‘changing’ it to the original name?
What do you mean when was the previous time before June 19th 2024? I was always active in whitemane classic and the era server until june 18th 2024. The name isn’t by any means inappropriate and to my knowledge was never reported.
You’re welcome to your opinion, even if it’s inaccurate.
yes I did try and it said the name was unavailable. it is the same name as my name here.
If it’s same as this name , then I can see it being flagged as inappropriate sorry. Maybe consider self reporting this character as well to avoid further penalties. For use of inappropriate names.
What about it is inappropriate? It’s an actual fictional Character from Adventure time.
Did you let your subscription lapse during this time? As far as I know Blizz only frees up names of people who are unsubscribed.
Did any server merges happen in that time OP was gone?
Did you, by chance, try to enter the same name? I’ve done that before.
Or perhaps any character transfers that were forgotten, same vein.