Character hasnt been weekly reset

My character appears not to have had the world events or anything reset after maintenance. I opened my first weekly cache and there was no loot or key. The kobald who has the two weekly quests, one for wax the other for the machine, does not have the quests available to me. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?


Same issue on DH, no theater weekly, wax globs, 20 waves, or crafting orders.

there are a ton of players going on week 2 with no acknowledgement of a problem from MicroBlizz. CS just says we don’t touch bugs, submit a report. maybe my main will get to play in season 2…

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Same thing happened on my druid. Super annoying because not being able to get all the weekly profession knowledge really puts me behind compared to people who don’t have this issue.

But the most aggravating part is that I can’t even submit a ticket for this because the in-game support tool is so useless.

Happened to me last week. Made a petition there new AI automated responce told me to deal with it. Had to go week one without weeklys… Pretty sure I won’t be resubbing and thats fine…

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Same issue on my 80 priest. I think it was because i logged in as the server was coming up. None of the weekly quests came back and the caches act like i already opened 4 of them.

Pretty sure it was the exact same thing for me. My one character affected was the one I used to log in right after the servers came back up, and now it’s borked. :confused:

so… first log in with an alt from now on? gotcha

Lol, it’s not AI. It’s just an automated response. Like having an out of office reply on your emails. That’s not new technology.

It does suck though. The assumption I’ve seen suggested is that it’s to filter out the nonsense tickets. The idea being that someone with a legitimate, persisting problem will follow the steps to keep their ticket alive. There should be an option in your ticket like, “I still have a problem” I think. If you use that you will essentially resubmit your ticket. But this time it will go to an actual person. It’s an appalling customer service experience.

Happened to me last week. Spoiler alert, blizzard never got back to me on a it never got fixed. lost all weeklies last week

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same issues here. not holding my breath about it being fixed anytime soon.

Also having that issue here, this is not right, Blizzard needs to fix this


Bump for blue post, no awakening or theater troupe reset, weekly boxes also not giving keys.

Yeah, this happened to me last week, it’s annoying.

Same issue, no crafting, no world quest resets, no caches. Was able to open the vault though.

Might be worth adding your posts to the Bug Report forum.

lots of post on this topic and blizzard has YET to comment on/in any of them ignoring everyone

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why? so they can be ignored over there too?

Just offering a suggestion.

But if you want to be a negative nancy who only wants to complain, all the power to you.

Have a nice day.