Character Customization wish list

I’d love to see new styles of ears for the Elf races (Night, Blood, Void, and Fancy). Stuff like having tips that curl, or notched or maybe missing a chunk of one.


body sliders or the option for more androgynous body types.


I do believe the moniker for Nightborne in this case would be, Wine Elves. Not Fancy Elves.


Dwarven women should be able to have beards. This is long overdue.


Every race and gender should be able to have a totally bald head. Just 'cause, y’know, it’d be no effort and add more variety.

And on the topic of “fussing over eyebrows”, I want to have a Lightforged male with normal eyebrows, not the elf ones. The females don’t have them, draenei males don’t have them, what’s up Lightforged get those things under control


Drunk Elves.

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I know the core races have waited longer… but there are very few customization options for the Nightborne… please more hair styles, colors and tattoos? I’m fine with my slutty elf dance…

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I would like to be able to adjust height and weight. Since they’re essentially giving us Wildhammer Dwarves through new customization, maybe we’ll be able to make Forest Trolls?


Access to the staggering animation for all characters.

And the wall-leaning pose, and the pose resting a polearm or staff on the ground, and the one holding a weapon and shield.

Yes, it will clip horribly most of the time. The other 25% of the time is worth it.


I know it won’t happen, but I’d really like a cosmetic version of Entropic Embrace for void elves to use, so that they can look like void-form Alleria. Void elves already lack flavor as a race, and giving them a nifty trick like that to play with would make them more interesting. I’d rather see that than normal skin tones for void elves, since I feel like that would defeat the purpose of creating the void elves from scratch in the first place.

I would really like to make a night elf male with silver eyes, too, and see night elf male faces with eyes that aren’t as squinty, so that the Night Warrior eyes looked better.


I want blue eyes for belfs! :smirk:


Man, that’s up there with “Yrel is a fascist now” in terms of mean-spirited, bad-faith additions to the game.


It recently occurred to me that this would be a great opportunity to include Night Elf forms for Worgen. I feel as though it would be far better than trying to make an AR out of the concept.


An actually-finished goblin update.

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That’s how you know Blizzard will 100% do it.


Need broken for the horde too


At least one more stern or intense facial expression for blood elf males similar to some of the art. Also just more customization period, it’s 2019. Most MMOs are kicking WoWs butt in customization.


There is no MMO with worse customization. It’s been a while, but I believe even EQ had it beat before WoW even launched.

This will never happen, but I’d love race-specific slow walk animations that were complex and very specific. Examples:

A real choppy/ “glitchy” movement style for mechagnomes

A haughty strut for Belves

Maybe nuanced head movements and glances in a slow, purposeful walk for Nelves

Goblins tossing a coin and shrugging at NPCs



I’d like a few body type options.

Even if creating fully new types is too much, I think a choice of '5% smaller than normal, ‘current normal’, and ‘5% larger than normal’ would be doable.

And I wonder how much can be done on current skeletons just by tweaking the shading. Could increasing shadows/contours make a character look more gaunt? Or could decreasing shadows/contours make a character looks more filled out?

And I want players to get access to the new BFA animations: staggering, leaning against a wall, holding shield and spear/staff, etc - sure, some might clip, but it’s not like we’re not used to working around clipping issues already.