So we got to see a lot of new customization options at Blizzcon:
And they look pretty great!
Beyond what has already been shown, what do you want to see? What sort of characters have you always wanted to make but been unable to given the options available?
My biggest priority would be better faces and hair for Night Elf males, a race which I like a lot but which is burdened by really bad options. And Nightborne by extension, which took the already sorta ugly NE males to a whole new level.
For Miko I’d like some facial hair options that aren’t so weird–some full beards would be great. And I really like the Lightforged head crests that take more of a horn shape, it’d be cool to get some like that for old school draenei.
Body options probably aren’t gonna happen but they would be great to have. Note this Satyr thing and how it is a male character using the female draenei animations with a slender physique–maybe that is something that could be made into a thin option for Draenei males
I’m curious to see what they’ll do with gnomes. The obvious option is giving them mechanical limbs, but they kind of already made an entire race out of that concept. I’d like gnomes to be able to have just one mechanical limb unlike the mechagnomes, who are stuck with all four, but that probably isn’t happening.
I’m just so happy about the dark skin colours and the fact that Undead can look like they aren’t falling apart.
Wishlist, in no particular order:
Allied races getting the same options vanilla races do (at some point).
Separate customization between human and worgen, and humanoid and Druid shapes.
Pose option for male trolls, and undead of both genders.
I would like to see natural accessories (like leaves, flowers, little sticks, little butterflies/moths that settle and fly around from time to time, ect) as a separate option in the barber/beauty shop. The night elf with the leaves ect in her hair looks great so at least the in game night elves can have that option.
I would also like multi color hair options, more braided styles, more bun options. You see where I’m going.
They’ve also indicated that some mog restrictions are gonna go away, and you’ll be able to mog legendaries like Thunderfury in Shadowlands.
Any mog ideas? Personally I want 2h -> 1h for fury warriors so we’re not the clipping catastrophe spec, and a “hide while sheathed” option would be great for staff using who don’t want a stick glued on their back (this is an option that existed in WoD with a specific staff model but was removed)
An “upright” toggle for Forsaken, like orcs have.
Facial hair options for Forsaken.
The option for “elf” model undead, such as dark rangers (high elves and night elves)—though I think this may be unlikely.
Revising headgear such as hoods, hats, etc. to allow hair to be shown (like we have with the Kul Tiran and forthcoming Worgen heritage armor). I also see this as unlikely, but I would use so many hats and hoods if only they didn’t make my character look bald.
I’d love it if they added more scars, and made them independent of specific faces. Kul Tirans & worgen have a few options, and that’s nice & all, but I want more.
And, if I’m wishing here, voice options. Like being able to use the non-worgenised Gilnean voice on a human character or, ideally, being able to choose from a couple preset personalities/tones.
This is one where I wish they’d just let players decide what degree of clipping is tolerable. Changing all hats to fit all hairs won’t happen, but if I could just manually toggle my hair on or off and decide for myself if it is clipping too much, that’d be great. Certain hairstyles work just fine with a variety of headgear as it is.
Yeah I might actually play a human if I didn’t have to listen to the male’s terrible voice lines. Maybe there could even be a Draenei male voice option with a laugh not designed to pierce the eardrums of everyone around
Loosen transmog restrictions on weapons. I want to be able to transmog a staff if I choose, a wand, or a sword, even if they don’t match the weapon type.
And gosh darn it let me use artifacts across specs!
Also mandatory request for more nightborne customization. C’mon, gimme ash grey skin!
I have faith that the customization for the core races are going to be great. For allied races such as Nightborne, they need more skin tones and blood elf and maybe night elven hair colors too. Obviously better faces too. Given they have white and black colors I feel like the spectrum can really be anything.
Other cosmetic options:
Choosing cast and such animations. Even if it’s just opening everyone else’s up for the choice.
I want sliding scales for bodies and specifically for undead a slider for MORE BONES so I can slam that button FOR MAXIMUM BONEAGE
I’m already very happy with what they have shown for Forsaken (and everyone else) but I hope we get MORE! Especially some of the extra features, like give me some big Frankenstein head bolts or some more stitch patterns across my face and body!
Also give me back my skull face!
I’m very thrilled we’re getting more customization, I hope this is something Blizz keeps shelling out over time. I’m also glad it’s not locked as a store feature because you know they could have easily done it and I would have caved in.
Otherwise, what most people have already said but please more faces for Night Elves, both male and female. Female I think suffer from same face syndrome but they’re all pretty faces. They had a pretty good one with the original models that actually looked ANGRY and I could be the ANGRY amazon goddess I always dream of stepping on me but with the model updates they lost that.
I’d also love for more options for Draenei, again, I’d like a nice beard and maybe some cooler horns. I read/heard somewhere possibility of having jewelry attached to horns??? WHICH IS GREAT! I hope male Draenei get that too because Juspion demands to be covered in crystal bling. If he existed as a person in the real world everything of his would be covered in rhinestone and he’d be some big disco cowboy space man and probably work as an Elvis impersonator doing weddings in Vegas.
I’m still salty the QA question was wasted on legendaries I DON’T CARE IF YOU HAVE ATIESH but I really do hope they lift transmog restrictions.
I said this already in another thread but it would be great if they lifted gear and maybe tier restrictions. You still have to collect it on the characters that can equip it but once that character has it, all your characters have it.
There’s so many good cloth pants and if I could mog those with something that isn’t a robe I could finally show them off especially since I’ll have knees to do it!!
Because the Argussian Reach Broken models use the draenei skin…
I want to see Broken faces and triple-tails. Immediate. XD
The other one’s already happening in one way. The ability to have a less rotten Forsaken whose bones don’t show through every piece of armour. But I’d also like to see the opposite - MORE rotten, more skeletal Forsaken.
I also want to be able to make a Forest Troll - I’ve always wanted to RP a Revantusk.