"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Ziryus is just going down with the ship.

You know, I respect someone who can simply say, “I want to skip leveling in Azeroth. Give me a boost” and leave it at that. What possible retort is there? I could say I think they’re missing out on the joy of the journey, but if they hold no value in that who am I to say they should? There’s really no response.

But on the WoW forums most posters (like Ziryus) aren’t comfortable or confident enough to make that simple statement. So they have to concoct these ridiculous justifications for boosts as to why they’re not impactful, have no effect, or whatever other nonsense they can muster. I find that a riot.

And if people had taken your advice and just left it at “you do you and boost if you want but I personally won’t” there wouldn’t be anything to talk about.

But instead you’ve created these massive fear mongering justifications for why boosting is bad that simply don’t hold up and insulted anyone who thinks boosting is fine.


If Blizz created an optional boost-free TBC server you’d never hear me say a word on the subject again. You for that?

Sure, it would be quite enlightening to see how many people genuinely care about boosting to the point they’ll leave behind their existing characters guilds and friends over it.

If you’ve paid any attention to the massive movement for fresh servers you’d already have your answer.

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Yes I’m sure there’s a lot of people who would play on a fresh server, who knows how much retention it would have. Fresh servers are not a permanent solution to any of the problems people are trying to run from, including boosting. After the initial leveling craze you’d see those same people once again asking for a new fresh server.

Now a seasonal server that you could transfer off before it resets, that would be interesting.

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I probably spent 30-40% of my time leveling (while not in a dungeon, that is) in a party. It’s not anywhere near “almost entirely solo.” It’s a very social experience.

Yep a year ago it was.

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No, I mean literally just now on my hunter.

Yep in your time machine.

No, I literally just leveled a hunter 1-60 this month.

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This is the hunter, and here are some random screenshots I took along the way, showing me in a group of people (not in a dungeon).

Waiting for upload to finish on my potato internet. imgur. com/a/MiXmFnz

Farnese you go girl

I would leave a level 60 char that I poured hours of time into to get away from it if it was an option.


Does anyone remember when, back in 2005, Google promised they would never show banner ads with search results?


Just thought I might throw that out there, for folks who actually believe what they’re being told by these corporate folks.

I agree with the no boost community, please don’t add this bliz and devalue the game


The “fresh” people all seem to be pirate server trash who don’t deserve any kind of acknowledgment from Blizzard. I honestly hope they quit the game over this.


I didn’t realize TBC Classic removes the old world.


I think blizzard is doing this for a money grab they know how much money they will get and they want the money. The don’t care about the classic community at all. They won’t invest in the classic community. All they care about is themselves … shame


It doesn’t, you are still free to enjoy it :slight_smile: