"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Your server doesn’t have a looking for group world channel?

Also don’t forget all the rep they won’t have. They can’t even get into naxx without farming honored, and even then it is a couple hundred go,d in mats that they won’t have.

I’ve ran almost every dungeon in the game normally several times from launch until now. Getting a dungeon group nowadays feels about the same as it did back when I started playing in originally tbc. You can find a dungeon group, it just takes time and effort, probably 45min to an hour to get one, depending on your roll. If you’re a tank or healer it’s obviously gonna be faster. It feels normal to me, and it shouldn’t be messed with because you don’t want to take the time to go to a city and look for one.

Who is going to Naxx? and Idk about a world lfg channel. Like I said, I see it as a QoL change. I dont care if it gets added either way.

To the same point, it doesnt feel normal to me. I dont think I should have to go to a city and look for a group for 45 mins. See how that works? I already told you I dont care either way. If it was in the game, I would do dungeons. If its not in the game, I wont do dungeons.

Almost every server I have heard of has a world LFG channel you can join that enables recruitment everywhere in the world. This is currently in the game.

Whats the big damn deal? Nobody is leveling anyway, Its all WTB boosts. The same people crying about a pay blizzard boost are probably the same ones buying mara one pulls with their chinese farmed gold. Lord forbid you give the people who made and run the damn game some money.

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How do you join this “LFG channel” you speak of? Asking for a friend. OFC Im not a noob like him…

Haha it’s likely to be server dependent.

You type /join (name of channel). If your server has one you should be able to ask in town for someone to tell you.

Same for any channel people made. Our guild has healer ones, loot council ones, class ones, etc.

Nope… Nope. I am leveling without boots. I dont have any gold for that. Doing it the old fashioned way. Apparently the best way ever if you ask some of these guys. Personally I have more money than time and would rather just buy the boost but its whatever. Ill do what I have to.

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He must have skipped over that part in the wow handbook. Ill pass that info along.

Yes and your experience will vary wildly depending on server. Even on pagle it’s not super easy to find groups(other than boosts) for low level dungeons before you out level them. DM’s occasionally, stockades sometimes, BFD forget about it, SM sometimes, Ulda man and ST almost never. Not until you get into BRD/Strat/Scholo/BRS will you see dungeon runs with any real regularity.

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While true, spamming LFG in a channel is a fraction of the communication needed to get anything done in this game.

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I didn’t say that they would be able to find runs, can’t find what doesn’t exist. They were talking about having to go back to town to try and find groups. I was just helping with that.

the boost doesn’t cost gold

Boosts are for retail tourist and a new legion of bots at the expense of classic players. Keep your boosts in retail please!


I was referring to the post I was replying too. They said no one was leveling and it was all “WTB boosts”. I was saying I am having to level because I dont have the gold for boosts. But yes, if there was a paid boost, I would have one.

Not everyone is a retail tourist. Even then, how would that effect anyone? Legion of bots, sure you might have a case there. But if they are a tourist, they will come and go. Why would that matter? (honest question btw, I really dont understand)

Classic TBC are for people who want to recreate the classic TBC experience or try it out for the first time. If you want exploit the game by putting paid boosts into player’s head and anything else, change the name. It’s false advertising. Paid boosts weren’t in TBC.


And? They will be in TBC classic.


I think we found out that “recreating” wasnt all that possible. Also, paid boosts are by no means an exploit. It is a paid service that you do not agree with. Its like people that pay for the fast pass at theme parks. Probably dont like those either huh? If I want to try out TBC for the first time, why do I have to go through classic to get there? Is that where the mage boosting meta comes from?

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