"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Okay? But they can do that without the boost. And the honor system goes away in TBC anyways.

I think it’s far far less significant than people are making it out to be.

How’s it trolling to say that adding lfg to the game will worsen the community aspect of WoW because btw if you add lfg you’re literally removing the communication of players who would otherwise have to talk to each other to form a group, work together during the dungeon, and then help someone and not kick them because they don’t want to go back to the city again for another 30min looking for a replacement. If you wanna see lfgs effects, go play retail my friend. There’s no trollin here. At least not in this post.

Dude I’m not saying the honor system is a problem in TBc im showing how degenerate people can get, and you are giving them a easy win to do worse lol.

If you honestly thought I was saying the PvP system was going to have issues idk whats wrong with you.

sure hope you are right

LFD/LFR have some bad impacts on the game, the LFG Tool on the other had would be a great addition since it’s basically just a much better version of chat.

There is already an LFG tool in TBC.

I’ve never played a version of wow with that in it, or if I have, I don’t remember it, so I can’t speak to its effects. It doesn’t sounds bad, and I wouldn’t mind seeing it tested out, but as long as it’s tested in a ptr or something, not in classic, until it’s proven it won’t harm the game.

https: // web. archive. org /web/20090807221227 /http:// www. worldofwarcraft .com/burningcrusade /townhall/lookingforgroup .html

I had to add a lot of spaces. Here is your LFG from TBC. We hardly used it. In hindsight I can see this making a comeback in classic TBC for Pugs atleast.

Yes a bad one, they should just add the current one which works quite well. And can be used for all grouping not just dungeons.

You really are out of touch with people who play classic.

We dont want LFD dude.

This would work similar to the Premade Group tab. No groups are made for you, and no one is teleporting in and out of dungeons. Also no cross server.

You really need to learn to read I specifically said the LFG Tool not LFD/LFR.

I read that just fine. We dont need a tool that doesnt work with classic. We dont have a gear score, and we dont need a cross server tool.

There isnt much of a need for one in classic either way. I’m saying the old one will work just fine. The new one has additional features that would need to be removed and thats more work for basically recreating something that is already there.

There’s nothing about the LFG tool that forces it to be cross realm, since you obviously can’t form cross realms groups in classic it would be same realm only.

And there’s a ton of need for it, it simply is much better for forming groups than trade chat especially for things that don’t get run often and otherwise get lost in the chat spam. At this point I doubt they’ll dop anything for classic but TBC classic would be a perfect place to add it.

The devs did say that the TBC “Dungeon finder tool” will be returning to TBC classic and said that they’ll be making easier to use.

This was said in their roundtable discussion.

Yep fortunately blizzard seems to be ignoring the #nochanges people a lot more this time.


When I was leveling paladin I took it to the next level and followed that legendaries forum post on paladin leveling.

Anything I can do with one hand isn’t an accomplishment

This is maybe the dumbest thing I have read today. You do not get t6 gear, instant 70 with a boost.
You get a level 58, that is 2 levels below whats CURRENTLY in the game, and TBC hasn’t even released yet.
You still have to level the last 2 levels, and get gear, and grind out your character to even get into a Classic raid, thats been out for 2 years, let alone be 70 and stealing someone else’s gear that may have not boosted.

You obviously didn’t understand my post. I made up a hypothetical situation to make a point. Never once did I think the boost gives someone a level 70 with t6 or even just a level 70 at all. I’ll come out here and try to argue my points on why boosts are bad for the game, but you gotta actually read and understand what I’m saying first.

All I am saying is, a lot of the people you are trying to get in the group are out questing. They arent in the city. Im just saying it would be nice to have a function in game that helped me get a group. I havent set foot in a dungeon because I am never in the city. Imho, QoL features are nice. I dont care if they add it or not, but I wouldnt be mad if they did.

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if people can’t understand the point you’re making, its not a good point.

simply put, a character with a max level of 70, starting at 1 or 58 does NOTHING to alter. YOU may think it does but you are in a very small minority of people who do.

Oh, they’ll keep crying. Incessantly.