"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Boosting just makes this worse.


Yes they will. Lfg makes it to where you don’t have to go to major cities and ask for a group for an hour, and when you actually do have to do that, you are more likely to not kick someone out when they make mistakes. The devs themselves have talked about the affects lfg has on the game, and the affects of boosting and heirlooms are obvious if you have played WoW with them before.

Why does that matter?! What lol? That’s the game man. People play WoW because they want to get the cool rewards, the mounts, the gear, the gold, and the prestige from doing well in pvp and pve. It’s all about getting the rewards and actually playing the game and putting the time and effort in to make those rewards valuable. From my own personal experience, I know that there’s a problem with retail when it feels better for me to get a new piece of white gear in a classic wow starting zone than it does to get a full epic set from the nazjatar patch. You know why getting rewards in retail sucks so much? It’s because they aren’t hard to get! That’s why it matters… I mean I almost think you’re trolling asking questions like that.

Idk what else to tell you man. I mean people have broken down, including myself, the features that led to retails demise, and it’s all these convenience features that kill off the community aspect of the game and the reward system. Convenience features ruined retail, and that’s why that game has dramatically declined over the last decade. You can deny that all you want, but that’s the truth.

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Ok now I know you are trollin…

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The reality is at the launch of an expansion there’s a huge boom of people in the open world of whatever is current content. For vanilla that’s 1-60. For TBC that’s outlands. Other content is dead.

Blizzard has tried forcing people into old content and it has never worked. Hence the boost to get people into content where they can actually play with others.

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Personally as long as they keep out their garbage class design ideas from Retail and the even worse scaling ideas out of the classic stuff I’m sold.

Only reason I resubbed was to play the better game designs from BC-MOP. Not sure we’ll see a MOP classic *if so that would be were I’d stop going up, but as long as we get LK, I’ll be mostly happy. *Honestly I’m having more fun with Classic than I did with BFA.

in short, yes

Xanthak has a point. If they made raiding much harder to compensate for the use of 1.12 patch, by buff boss damage/HP, then people would just fold. If we make leveling hell, then none bothers. Provide an easy boost option then TBC will get more new players in.

I want TBC to succeed, I want to see 10 mil subs for TBC. Allowing a catch-up boost is the best. They also put restrictions in to mitigate any abuse.

What Xanthak doesn’t understand is that WoW has never been about hard content. The players and this goes back 15 years by and large don’t want super hard content. WoW literally billed itself as the easy mode MMO that was for everyone. It’s fine having the occasional encounter but most people don’t want the entire game to be some super massive grind.


Honestly one of the reason I came to WOW in the first place it’s was a bit more solo friendly and not quite as grind-y as EQ was at the time. *Ahh sitting at the same camp for 20+ hours killing the same mob’s over and over again, for a sliver of XP that you would lose+ on death.

**some of the trains to zones were epic though…

***Side note the idea for the name of this toon came from the Gravity Flux spell in EQ :joy:.

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I guess we’ll agree to disagree. Because Naxx was really telling. People can’t last 3 weeks let alone over a 1-2 months.

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The population of classic was dropping long before Naxx. BWL saw less participation than MC, AQ40 saw less than BWL etc…

That was due to the juxtaposition of naxx vs everything that had come before. If classic had started hard, then maybe it wouldn’t have been so jarring.

That’s assuming of course that classic’s player decline was due to naxx progression. I’d say that’s false. I’d say classic’s player decline was the quite normal decreasing interest over time. The hype dies and people move on. Nothing more crazy than that.

The biggest problem with Naxx is the excessive amounts of trash. Most of the the fight are not particularly hard.

no, naxx is not hard in comparison to wow expansion raids at all but it was hard in comparison to previous 3 tiers so many terrible guilds that had gotten used to smashing classic raids were shocked a bit and some guilds disbanded fast.

It creates a new meta for how to be the most time efficient and competitive player for starters.

Metas are a powerful thing my dude. Why would I ever level again when I can simply start a new account with no box price and purchase a boost? Only poor people dont boost!

There is a multitude of other reasons as well. The entire idea that this helps people catch up is absurd btw, y’all are going to be left in the dust on those 60% mounts with no professions/no gold in an economy with high inflation. Just another reason the boost is a bad idea.

Technically the best meta is to have a level 60 in maxxed out Naxx gear ready to go when TBC launches.

and then to make new accounts and take advantage of alts that dont require 7-10 days of /played.

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Okay? so they’ll have a few more profession cool downs, that is nothing in the grand scheme of TBC.

ahahaha… a few…It’s ok dude. I wasnt aware how far people go in this game either.

Just to clarify by example. I’ve watched people multibox 2 dozen+ accounts of level 1s in order to boost PvP honor pools.

If you think by adding this boost, to skip major time investment, there isnt going to be in game implications in a game that heavily rewards time investment you are in for a rude awakening of how shameless people can get. It’s going to be interesting to see what whacky way people are going to abuse this one.


If anyone is bored and looking for a fun time killing game. Read through this thread and try to find 10 non-retail avatars replying in favor of the boost. Will keep you occupied for hours.