"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

boosts are a pass for anyone who wants to participate to join in. the people who join in still need to prove they’re actually worthy of a trophy (raid clear)

you’re acting like being able to play on the team is a trophy in and of itself

At this point, blizzard is treating TBC Classic as its own game. With that being said, to play TBC Classic as they intend, you have to be at least level 58 to experience the content. Can we all just not be selfish about this? I understand the frustration of people against boosts but Blizzards obvious intent behind this is that they want everyone to be able to immediately be able to jump in and experience the content that they want to experience which is “The Burning Crusade” expansion.

All of the frustrated people, I just hope you can just put your pride to the side and just accept that this isnt going to be how it was when the game first came out because of the simple fact that IT ALREADY HAS IN THE PAST.

So lets just settle all of this unnecessary debating over a 58 boost that pretty soon people will eventually even forget about because it wont change anything about any single one person’s gaming experience.

If you think bots will be an issue because of this, then you are really delusional. If bots do continue to exist I doubt boosts can help them in any way because no matter what if they exist, then they will without a doubt continue to exist.

People want to experience the Burning Crusade content which is level 58 content. This is a completely new game and isn’t designed to necessarily follow the original WoW classic like it did follow vanilla all those years ago.

Debating over this is just so pointless. Blizzard has already announced that they plan on carrying it out and even if you sign a petition… It really doesn’t matter. So you can choose to get over it, or continue to rant and get worked up over something that ultimately you cannot control.


Cause it devalues the rewards of people who put the time in, it gives bots who get banned another account to then bot on almost immediately, it provides an unfair advantage over the players who don’t want to boost because the players who do boost have a profession alt, so it’s pay to win, it shrinks the open world for people who level because people who buy boosts will skip the content, and because of that, it encourages other players to do the same to keep up which further shrinks the world and the integrity of the game. Ya I think that sums it up.


I mean it is a participation trophy… based off your own words the fact that they don’t win if they don’t get to raid is them getting their participation trophy to at least hit max. If people want to play tbc they should spend their time getting a character to lvl 60. You guys act like that’s impossible. Just level a character if you want to play. It’s not hard


which they shouldn’t because it isn’t a new game. Hell it isn’t even a game. It’s an already released DLC to an old iteration of a nearly 2 decade old game.

No because belfs and draenei exist. They are TBC content. Jewelcrafting is TBC content, that can be done levelling up. There is new stuff to do, and they make the levelling faster too. They just can’t see ALL the content until even 70. (raids etc…) not even just 58… hell using your logic it seems we now need the boost to be level 70 instead otherwise those poor busy people won’t get to see the content!

We understand the intent, we disagree with the intent.

sounding like a true victim

only unnecessary because you don’t see anything needs changing. I’m sure if blizz announced the boost was being redacted tomorrow from classic TBC, all of you pro-boosters would be up in arms and the conversation would magically become ‘‘very necessary’’.

good argument… not

no, TBC content is all of the game. The whole game is TBC. not 58-70, not 1-20 on belf, the whole damned thing.


if the boost was redacted I honestly wouldn’t care at all, because it doesn’t affect me not one bit.

People like you however find reasons to debate something that is beyond your control. Its like a neverending crying therapy session because of a ONE TIME level 58 boost that doesn’t affect anything about your experience should you choose not to utilize it.

It just seems like you’ve run out of things to complain about so you found something to nitpick with. People like you who think they know what will be healthier for THEIR game should just file an application for a job there. You obviously know whats better for their game than they do. LMAO.

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Oh noooo my reward…anyway.

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So if someone powerful does something bad in the real world, everyone should just lie over and take it? Gotcha…


in some ways that makes it worse and in others better than an infinitely usable boost

it’s the only thing I’ve complained about on the forums about TBC release besides the OTHER paid BS service, the cloning.

yes because getting a job at blizzard means you can do exactly what you want with the game right? Grow up man…

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Comparing this to real life is such a bad comparison. Its laughable. Blizzard isn’t a democracy. They decide what to do with their game… Lol…

Why is the comparison not valid. Your reason for why we should not be pushing back on a decision of blizzard’s we don’t like is because we are powerless to do anything so why would that logic not extend to ANY decision being made by anyone in a position of power that is relevant to the topic at hand. One may be less important than the other but that doesn’t mean that the same logic doesn’t apply. The purpose of the comparison is to show the faults in that logic, your logic.

Your low effort response is laughable

So that makes their decisions 100% perfect and not worthy of rejection? Damn, all countries in the world best become dictatorships then huh?

That’s merely an argument in defence of blizz’ rights which no1 is disputing, but it is not a defence of the morality and user-friendliness of their decisions.

What you fail to understand is that even if it came down to a poll in the first place, majority vote would be in favor of the boost.

So sure, continue your incessant rants. Reject what you must.

I remember when I started playing WoW for the first time and it was when TBC released and I don’t remember getting a boost then. So why should it be any different now? Those that are already at 60 likely stick with their main toon and keep going through TBC. When I started a new toon back then I could not just go and start at lvl58 but from Level 1.
Boosts were introduced with WoD once you get to that point, if you do, then bring in them Boosts.


What you fail to understand is that even if it came down to a poll in the first place, majority vote would be against the boost.

Hey look I can make baseless claims too.

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Or you could just be delusional… Oh wait…

that’s not a trophy, that’s having the ability to play in the first place

“if you want to play the game you actually want you have to play the game you don’t want first it’s the rules”

I know this is a done deal, and I’ve accepted that. But people who are not happy about it voicing their opinion serves an important purpose. It might make Blizzard think twice when they try to implement the next thing along these lines, like WoW token, unlimited max level boosts, cash shop, etc.

And I say when, because it’s probably only a matter of time. I’m just hoping we can at least get through TBC before Blizzard ruins the game completely.


I for one thank you for these boosts. I know people that didn’t want to play classic and were waiting on TBC, so thank you, now friends can join us pretty quickly and easily and enjoy TBC.


This may surprise you but now isn’t 15 years ago. I know my mind was blown to by that at first.

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well for starters, we didn’t have Vanilla only servers that opened at the same time as TBC’s launch 15 years ago, so there was no other way for players who wanted to experience the old leveling to be able to do so without starting a new alt

Definitely coming, and I believe they will be here sometime in t5.

Totally agree with you there. These folks making the decisions now are not the geniuses that created it back then. They are only hoping to use their old talents to milk cash out of us by now using the great content that was made by Morhaime, Metzen, Greg Street, etc.

And I’ll play it. I love TBC. It was the epitome of mmorpg in my opinion. I just hope that activision/blizz doesn’t derp it up too bad to the point that I can’t enjoy the experience.