"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

I have 48 toons in retail and 20 in Classic and still, nary an Orc among them.

Who cares, if they didn’t bother to lvl in classic they’ll just quit before getting invested in TBC as well.


What makes you think that?

It depends on playstyle. I know many people who just like to level alts. In Classic, I’m not raiding, although I did raid when Vanilla was live.

I’m not in this to re-experience WoW’s progression. I am happy to have the world frozen as I liked it originally.


CM for classic wow are for fun imo

If Classic taught us anything, it’s that “tedious” and “work” don’t jive with the community. That’s is obviousy.

So asking people - especially new comers to spend X of time leveling just to play with their friends or whatever, I’d argue is bad for the game because they just wouldn’t play. Bringing in an influx of new players due to boosts, is nothing but good for the game.

So, since people are so worried about the game for the game itself (irony), you tell me why boosts are bad, without mentioning anything that would benefit yourself. So far, the only one thing, and given, that is personal, is “achievements”, etc. Which, ok if you want to feel proud of playing a 15 year old game via a walkthrough guide, fine. But don’t pretend you want TBC for the sake of TBC. I’d venture, very few people want authentic OVERALL tbc.

This is more a rhetorical question, but I wonder how many people who are anti-boost are also anti-rep grind. Because the people who fit into that category are hypocrites.


No vanilla taught us that. Vanilla was literally billed as the easy mode less grindy MMO than other MMO’s and it was massively popular because of that.

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what a terrible assumption. this almost insinuates you believe classic and tbc to be close to the same “game.” incorrect you are. more people played tbc than classic, because they changed, and added things to make the game better for more people. just like they are doing now with tbc classic.


Completely agreed. And Classic took it to a whole new level that was 10 times worse.

It goes against the character and reason for classic. A boost skips content, skips leveling, skips the challenge.

Even if the majority were for boosts, which I don’t think is the case, I would say they are wrong. That is retail.

This is classic. Boosts cheapen the accomplishment.


There is no accomplishment. This is an easy version of retail. If you wanted to get your feeling of “accomplishment” from wow and not irl (for God knows what reason) you’d be pushing world 1st and mythic+ +30 world first. Hard content not “I drink after two mobs /flex.” Literally no one cares. Even downing lfr feels like more of an accomplishment than anything in classic. This is a dead end. Eventually wrath classic will happen and thats it. No one cares about world 1st in classic as it happened over 10+ years on retail when it was objectively harder. You can never progress Kaelthas for the first time again, etc. Classic is what people think of millennials as. The participation trophy generation.

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It is not easy. Retail is easy mode.

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You’ve never played retail if you think it’s easy mode compared to classic. You probably quit retail over lfr in cata and have no idea what retail is like today. :laughing:

Or unless you’re one of those “leveling 4844746644 times is end game” people. Rofl


I played the newest expansion for 45 minutes. Cant even make it past level 10 without falling asleep!

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So back when TBC came out you had to start at lvl 1, cause I got to start at lvl 60.


Seems it was so hard you quit.


To you and your warped world view about a video game.

whats the difference?

I got friends who are level 60 doing raids right now, can you give me free entry level raid gear and a fresh level 60 so I can join them?

It makes ZERO sense. Should NOT be added. The point of classic is to MAKE friends while leveling. You are actively taking that away.

When I played in Vanilla, and TBC came out, I didn’t get a “free level 58”. I continued with the characters I had and moved forward.

Realistically if people wanted to “play with their friends”, they’d already be doing it RIGHT now. This is a pretty poor excuse.

I wouldn’t change the fundamentals of a video game just because little jimmy didn’t want to play Classic WoW with us originally or didn’t care about the game at all but now the TBC is coming, now he’s “invested”.

This is a hand out.


Then you’ve admitted you have no clue what you’re talking about. Try end game. Any of it. If you’re like “lawl classic so hurd retail easy” without doing even lfr at end game. Then :rofl::rofl::rofl: