"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

there you people go, creating narratives again. the boost is to 58, not 70, stop with your tired failed arguments

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You stop with your failed arguments, mam. In fact, you have no arguments. Just derp, boosts good.

shh, the adults are speaking

Not sure how not leveling 1-58 in vanilla content leads you to say they dont wanna play TBC content.

I guess Westfall is absolutely vital to TBC

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It’s because they all stopped listening to anything past one word and then let YouTube and reddit fill them in.

I was going to link the source for them, but meh, they won’t watch it.

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oh so my other two accounts who only have gbanks and alliance spys still get two boosts! nice

Having the option to boost 1 character shouldn’t have been as big of an issue as it has been. Some people, such as myself, would love to play TBC and relive some of my favorite times playing wow.
Unlike back then though, some of us now have jobs and family and other things that take up big chunks of our time which means we don’t have the opportunity to play as much. This level 58 boost is a huge opportunity to help us experience endgame content and not be stuck spending a ton of time just on leveling.


I agree boosting is wrong, ban all mage boosters in classic

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If it’s bad and you can’t be bothered with it play warcraft after WoD.

Go play games that don’t require time investment or are just front loaded so you can play for 30 days, spend $40 on microtransactions and quit.

Classic involves leveling, and not just the 10-12 levels every xpac. From vanilla to WoD. Maybe when we get classic WoD you can boost to your garrison if you like.


Fixed that for ya. The boost isn’t picking an xpac it’s just saving you time you don’t want to spend by spending money instead regardlesss of where the leveling is. So if you had to level 1-70 in only outland content you would somehow do it? I bet you’d still pay for a boost. TBC is 1-70 because there was never a boost.


Of all the things that made retail bad, boosts is actually reall low on the list. There are probably at least 30 other things that were worse for the game than people buying boosts. “Oh no leveling is trivialized in a game where the bulk of the players are focused on max level content”

Just quit the game


I absolutely would, what makes you think I wouldn’t? I’m actually interested in TBC content. You’re so caught up on the idea of “ohhh boost bad and boosters worse!” that you apparently cannot comprehend the point I’m actually making


There were never Vanilla only servers back then either, in which you can go through the 1-60 experience to your heart’s content


Millions of players disagree with you about Vanilla.

“dumb it down more” it is. hang on, let me swap characters for authenticity


Me no like Vanilla. But me do like TBC, and boost give me choice to skip what me no like so me can play what me do like! Me sad doh cuz boost make you mad, when boost optional cuz leveling still dere. Dey even open new, Vanilla only servers if you really want hold on dat unnerfed exp experience! Why you be angry when you can be happy dere options for everyone? Why you try gatekeep people who just want play game dey like? Me like playing with more people, me dat kinda orc! Why you not dat kinda orc?

Cool, good thing 1-70 is in TBC. GL out there.

No it isn’t. 1-57 requires Vanilla, TBC starts at 58

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I must have missed that option when I played actual TBC unlike you.

When you started in WotLK did you start at 68 btw?


you’re right, I missed the “Classic” qualifier. My bad


So when I make a new character it will just be on my list at level 58? Or will that be an added service to cater to chumps like you?


if you choose to use the boost on it, yep. I mean, if every character started at 58 then “chumps like you” would complain even more that the experience is being ruined. aren’t you happy Blizzard is giving you an option instead of just hanging you out to dry?