"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

no, that was classic and this is classic: TBC


Unless you wanted to min/max and it’s far more effective and thus heavily encouraged to do so.

Hey, I’m not saying the sky is falling, nor plan on quitting over it, but if you have played through the last 18months or so of classic you can see how this is going to be abused and cause issues for us all.

Just saying I’d really prefer they walk this one back. However much flaming in this hell hole that causes.

I’m curious, if Burning Crusade Classic begins at level 58, then why isn’t the boost being given to Draenei and Blood Elves? Since they are, after all, part of Burning Crusade Classic.


No boost is NEEDED in TBC either and, in my opinion, nor is it appropriate. Anyone is able to get a level 58 in time for TBC launch, but a loud minority are simply unwilling to.

This is undoubtedly false. TBC begins at level 1 because when you make a character in TBC, that’s the level you start at. TBC isn’t a game, it’s an expansion to a game called world of warcraft. This intention is quite clearly displayed through the starting levels of the 2 additional races (which are factually TBC content) which is level ONE. Or how about TBC professions, you need to do 1-300 first, or what about weapon skills (1-300) or getting your epic mount. All of these exist in classic wow, but still need to be done on any character made in TBC as well. With this being said, your statement is fundamentally and unequivocally untrue.

The best way to avoid the minimizing of the accomplishments of existing players is to not add the boost. It’s really that simple. It’d be like trying to clean a pond of litter but saying ‘well we want to throw some bottles into this pond, but we also want to clean the pond so we’ll try to throw as little amount of bottles into the pond as possible’ whilst you’re thinking ‘why don’t you just not throw any bottles in the pond, there’s no need to do it?’

Or for bots who want to quickly make money, or for hardcore players to quickly get an extra professions cooldown, or for banned players to get straight back into the action or for lazy people who just want to act as tourists, see the content, and then bounce, contributing to long term server population problems. thumbs up


It’s like offering a helicopter to the top of a mountain and saying,

“Don’t worry! We’re painting the helicopter hot pink in order to avoid minimizing the accomplishments of those who actually took the time and effort to climb the mountain.”

Their stated goal to “avoid minimizing the accomplishments of existing players or skipping any new content at launch” runs in direct opposition to boosting in general.

It doesn’t make any sense because the two ideas are mutually exclusive.


I’m sure some people will try to abuse it, those people would just find others ways to cause problems anyways.

I think it will be used for the exact reason blizzard stated plenty though and that’s good.

You don’t just ignore something because there is a work around though.

Thieves figure out how to crack locks before they are ever installed on a door. I just feel like there are more itteraions of a type of boost they can implement besides just charging for a template.

Sure. I want to see TBC succeed and this might help, but I can see clearly how it could backfire too.

creating a handful of servers u can boost on and isolating them from everybody else,

that’ll do just nicely



If it was separate it would be a clean slate. The fact alone that my character is progressing into it screams expansion.

I get your point there will be separated vanilla only servers, but if it was a new game the past 18 months of players progression wouldn’t be carried into it.

I mean, almost everything can backfire. To argue we cant do something because something bad might happen irregardless of benefits is pretty stupid. You can make that claim and it just drives stagnation.

Its just a cost benefit analysis. I personally think that having more people playing the game, more people being able to re-roll from their current classes easier will keep more people playing the game, it will drive down the costs of transmutes/crafting etc.

Might it be abused? Sure, but I personally think the benefits outweigh the costs, might I be wrong? Sure.

Its a personal evaluation of cost/benefit based on subjective criteria. Trying to argue that there is an objective truth is arrogant.


That would defeat the purpose of helping people get up to speed to play with their friends.

their friends can boost on those realms and play with them if you like.

You can’t please everybody in every scenario and circumstance

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Not everyone wants to play vanilla even if they made a few changes to it in tbc. Some just want to play tbc.
I understand you think that everyone should have to level to 58 if you did but:

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I don’t agree with the premise that 1-58 is vanilla and 58-70 is TBC. 1-70 is all part of TBC. If you haven’t levelled a character yet, you have to start at level 1.

But of course I’m going to argue for people like me to be pleased just as you are defending a decision that pleases people like you. But the point is, if some don’t like it and some do, then that doesn’t make it a definitively good change for the game, it only makes it a definitively good change for blizzard (more money). And because classic is meant to be a recreational endeavour, any change that is added should be met with almost unanimous approval from the player base in order for it to be considered worthy of addition.


This is true. And, for anyone who doesn’t remember, there were a bunch of new quests added to Azeroth following the release of the expansion. For instance, the Shady Rest Inn quest chain in Dustwallow Marsh was given a conclusion in Patch 2.30.


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Well if Blizzard says TBC starts at 58 it starts at 58 if you agree or not it’s confirmed by a blue.

Which is good for the company and is a huge reason boosts will happen even with all the arguing.

Yeah, there were a few changes to vanilla content in tbc but its still vanilla content. If people want to see and do that they can feel free to make a Blood Elf or Draenai I guess because they cant be boosted.

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Or for that matter they can just not boost… no one is forced to take a boost…


2021 blizzard is stating an opinion about what constitutes as what for a product made in 2007 by 2007 blizzard. Blizzard has said and done many questionable things, and this one of them.

but that shouldn’t matter to players!?!?

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I for one, support the boosts as they have been laid out so far.

Thank you, Blizzard, for caring for ALL your community and not just the noisy ones.

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The main reason they gave for boosts I 100% support. It’s up to the community to not abuse it which… you know they will, but I still support it cause I know alot of people who didnt enjoy classic because they werent a fan of vanilla but are looking forward to TBC.

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