"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Oh I didn’t realize Blood Elves and Draenei started at level 58. I didn’t realize all the new quest hubs posted throughout Azeroth were for level 58+. I didn’t realize you had to be level 58 before starting jewelcrafting.


You’re clearly the type of guy who wants to be pissed off about something. So… you do you.

I’ll see you in Outlands.

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I’m some “type” of guy just because I made a valid argument to your wrong statement? You were wrong… you know that right?

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No one is stopping you from playing TBC. There is an entire 1-58 before outland that is also a part of TBC. No where in the history of TBC did you magically start the game at level 58 and head directly into outland.

We ARE its people like you asking for this boost that’s raining on our classic parade. We LIKE that it take a considerable amount of time to level. We LIKE not skipping most of the game just to play the current end game like the patch cycles they have on retail.

We dont want boosts in our version of the game. I like retail, but dont want it’s features in classic. This is why we are being vocal and saying it.


Unless you know, you bought TBC and installed WoW for the 1st time. Kind of similar to people who didnt play vanilla, but came to play tbc…hmmmmm…

What are you talking about?


No, you like that. Plenty of other people were disgusted with vanilla and the thought of slogging through the leveling content and easy raids. Now that TbC is coming the boost is amazing for so many people. If anything there should be more then one boost.

Please stay on your vanilla server.

I really don’t understand this victim’s mindset that letting a player have ONE character start at level 58 with zero gold, no professions, and mediocre gear is somehow negatively impacting your experience.


Gate keeping classic zealots not playing TbC? Sounds like a win for everyone.

Its gate keeping. Its much easier in classic to stop people from doing things. Toss in some legendary loot that takes a while to get and they stand out easier. Thats all this is.

not eligible for boosts

new hubs for the same quests. they streamlined the experience but it’s still overall the same thing. taking the knots out of a length of rope doesn’t suddenly make it new rope, let’s stop pretending this is a Cataclysm-level revamp

this is just splitting hairs. don’t even pretend a new profession is a totally new leveling experience

yep, and it will be perfectly intact for you in the Vanilla Classic servers. Enjoy!


Yep exactly this.

Its simple but I’ll spell it out for you.

Say its years ago. TBC is getting ready to launch. You tried vanilla. Didnt really like it to much, stopped around the mid 30s and unsubbed. Now your friends are asking you if you are going to play TBC with them. You go out, buy the game, resub your old account and start leveling again! Hoozah!

Know what never happened? You never got a free 58 because you didn’t like vanilla, but want to play tbc…kind of similar to this crowd of people who didn’t like classic vanilla, but want to play classic TBC.


You know what also never happened? They didn’t launch Vanilla servers at the same time, so the only way to truly experience that leveling was to just make alts on what was then retail

It’s also there in TBC, and you shouldnt be incentivized to skip it just to play the current patch (aka outland)

This is the same mind set that made retail have a forget the old patch we got new patch approach.

go ahead and continue to tell Blizzard that they’re wrong about the game they’re creating

They arent doing this buddy. What you are talking about is fresh. What we are getting is a place for the people who never wanted to progress into TBC.

Kind of like what you should be doing with a main instead of boosting it because you didnt want to play vanilla. :smiley:

oh so you’re just changing the narrative to suit your argument then, ok. good to know I can just stop trying to argue with a brick wall