"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

I am actually shocked to see this in blue print, since it’s completely wrong. It’s such a Retail mindset where the leveling experience is rendered utterly obsolete. When you made a character back in TBC you weren’t magically level 58. You started at level 1. 1-58 was just as much a part of the experience as 58-70. I really thought this boost nonsense was forced on the devs by the high-up suit types. But I assume Kaivax is speaking for the devs, therefore they actually believe this. Which is very disappointing.

I remember at the Blizzcon where they announced Classic Ion talking about the importance of community building and authenticity. What happened to that? It’s nice Blizz wants players to be able to play with their friends right away, but…they can be leveling in Classic right now. How many players aren’t doing that, and just waiting for their boost?

Besides that…community building doesn’t start in the last 10 levels. It’s a long process. Or at least it was. I played WoW with real life friends, but I made MANY more friends from people I met and played with in the game. WoW has completely lost that in Retail as other players have essentially been turned into nameless strangers and erased the vital leveling experience component. And now Blizz is doing the same thing with Classic TBC. Creating communities is essential to an mmo. How do the devs not understand that? You’ve got the clearest example what happens to an mmo when you destroy that social building structure staring you right in the face.

I’m not feeling angry anymore. I’m just flabbergasted that Blizzard has apparently learned nothing from the failures of Retail WoW. They don’t understand what made this game so special and why it was so successful, and they’ll rip out the game’s heart and soul for a second time in the name of ‘convenience’ or ‘balance’. Listening to the same entitled crowd that paved the path of destruction the first time. And yet again the silent masses who just want a very social experience with a great community get tossed to the wayside.

Or maybe those people are just gone and didn’t come back for Classic. Maybe that’s the lesson Blizzard has learned. They have the data, not me. I give the devs credit in the authenticity in keeping with Classic, but clearly they’re taking a different approach with Classic TBC. Classic was made for Vanilla fans, and TBC Classic seems to be aimed at the Retail crowd. Since I never expected anything beyond Classic I suppose there’s no expectation that they’d follow the same guiding principles.

Anyway, I know no one cares to read any of this…but it’s at least a little cathartic to clear my mind. For me personally TBC is DOA. My only hope remains in a fresh Classic server with no transfers to or from. Even if it’s just one server. I feel like there’s enough of us to populate a single fresh server that remains 1-60 forever. Beyond that there’s no other form of WoW that holds any interest for me.


I’m sorry new content on top of old content is still old content to you. Take care.

Very much true. Sorry 1-58 is the old patch guys, just play on the new patch from now on. Unless you make a new character, then of course just pay us to bypass that old patch.


it’s not “new”, it’s removing unnecessary parts and streamlining what’s left. nothing at all was “added”

laughs in new quests, and new quest hubs


OH BOY they removed a quest in Redridge to collect 20 bear asses in the Wetlands, and added a totally new original quest in Redridge to collect 10 spider legs in Redridge, WOW

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Ya just ignore the fact you are objectively wrong lol, there is even a new town in dustwallow. Take care you little troll you.



“Someone gets a 58 in greens with 0 money and a bad horse and it makes the entire expansion INVALID!”

lol, I have never met so many “The Sky is Falling” people in my life. What kind craziness is this world becoming. IN 30 days after TBC launched no one is going to care who was boosted, who wasn’t, who had 50k gold, who didnt - well all be killing Gruul and having fun together.

So much woe is me.

ah yes and there’s that childish “you’re a troll” excuse

regardless of either of our opinions, blizzard has already said way back at the start of this topic that TBC starts at level 58. you’re free to tell the creators of their own game that they’re wrong, and for people like you Vanilla Classic servers are being created. enjoy


I’m making an excuse FOR YOU as to why you are this dense.

If I was mistaken I mean, guess you are just being dogmatic for the sake of argument? Maybe you cant help yourself. Facts are facts. There was a multitude of things added to the 1-58 part of leveling in TBC. When you made a new character you were never magically level 58.

I will be in TBC, and I will also voice my opinion that the level boost is a cash grab. They are using fools like you as a scapegoat. Enjoy.

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For those of us that didn’t want to play or level in classic but would want to try out TBC, you could have given us a free 58 boost. Or you could have given us a new mega-server that wasn’t going to disrupt the existing classic servers and just given that server boosts as an option exclusively for that server.

This decision actually hurts all players on both sides of the equation. You’re trying to sell a decision that’s all about raising a bunch of money on top of your existing subs as doing what’s best for players, but that’s just a bunch of BS.

Oh well, if D2R is out at the same time I’ll just play that and ignore TBC entirely.

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i care! <3


holy cow i didnt think id find one of you non-Classic players that was anti-boost. very well met!

I love the “Kavlax could never disagree with ME! He’s always on MY side!” attitude. The account is probably run by multiple people. Dude’s effectively a bot, stop simping for him.


Just admit the company you work for is spineless and greedy.

Everyone I know said they’re completely uninterested because of the boost announcement. Btw it was really awesome to see you guys not even mention WC3Reforged at Blizzcon and actively censor it! You guys are doing great! Keep up the awesome work and abandon ideas if it becomes too hard to justify financially!


The things themselves are harmful, but even more so it’s the cumulative effect of changing the atmosphere of the game. What players value, why they play, what they focus on, etc. That shift has happened in Retail, and it is what it is. I was hoping they wouldn’t go down that same road in Classic versions of the game, but apparently the damage has been done and Blizz feels the playerbase isn’t worth saving/fixing. So…might as well exploit it.

In any event, I’m not dwelling on it. They can do whatever they want with TBC and beyond. I just want my fresh Classic.

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May be the dumbest lie I’ve seen on here


It is optional. Play it the normal way if players want experience and community building.

If returning/new players buy the boost, then they decided to skip what they dont want. Why forcing ppl to suffer through the journey they don’t want?

Boost brings more people into the game, giving them accessibility

Some of us didn’t like classic but liked BC. We liked the BC content not classic content… This is a BC thing not a classic thing. Its not a “pay to win” Just because you enjoyed spending 100++ hours level to 60 doesn’t mean a lot of people did. I personally only wanna play BC to relive my Kara raids. And then probably not raid again… Not worth spending 100++ hours going from 1-60 I’d rather go 58-70 spend some time raiding and then move back to Shadowlands. Just because you have no life and can do it doesn’t mean everyone can or even finds it fun. Stop raining on peoples parades and enjoy YOUR game. Stop worrying about other people…



I think it might be helpful to note that what we’re now calling WoW Classic Era realms start at Level 1, and we feel the same as we did two years ago: no Boost would ever be needed (or appropriate) there. When we originally laid out our principles for WoW Classic, the 1-60 experience was the only thing to which we could refer.

Burning Crusade Classic begins at level 58, and we’re configuring this new Boost service to avoid minimizing the accomplishments of existing players or skipping any new content at launch. It’s for players who want a way to quickly join their friends in Outland.

I’m sorry but are you new to this game? TBC does NOT begin at level 58.


Yes it did. You went to Outlands at 58.