"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

That makes the Draenei and blood elves the relevant content, not the old world.

Draenie and Belf’s can’t be boosted, they will play through their starting areas.

then why cant blood elves pay to skip between the ghostlands and outland?

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They mostly can in dungeons. Everyone in my guild is gonna get it for free.

But if you consider being AFK in dungeons relevant content then there is nothing much left to talk about.

Any serious guild will be leveling their mains to 70 fast, then sending them back to power level however many shaman/pallies they want for their raid team.

And they will not be contributing to the general community any more than a boosted character would.

A boost to 58 is THE only way I will even bother with TBC. I’ve done it all once, back in BC when I started, and I don’t care to do it again. Starting at 58 with basic items and even a slow ride speed mount would not be a bad thing. It allows mr to pick right up with BC and play it with out the drag or 1-60 questing. I don’t care if it’s 33% faster… I frankly don’t have the time to waste on old content. I know there are tons like me out there too because there are a bunch in my guild who feel similar.

Thanks for your testimony. Petty people don’t believe players like you are looking forward to play TBC and the boost is a reason/motivation.

Well they will be in during pre-patch so no reason to wait until Outland is available.

We are gonna try and get them in for at least 1-2 raid world tours that we are planning to enjoy the new talent trees as well as try and get our re-rollers some gear hopefully.

LOL. You think clearing Naxx in Vanilla was the same accomplishment as doing it at 70 in TBC?

No? How did you even get that from what I said?

Unless I’m mis-reading, it would imply that doing Naxx at 70 is not a watered down achievement compared to doing it at 60 no?

It is a watered down achievement

What I’m saying is that someone else doing it at 70 does not invalidate the effort and accomplishment of you doing it at 60

Oh ok. I got it. I got a splitting headache.

Well, it does and it doesn’t. If you’re going for an " ePeen look at what I did" than it does because than no one would know if you did it at 60 or 70.

There are some who achieve for achievements sake and others who do it partially or more so, so they can show off.

eh, I personally just don’t see why anyone cares all that much about such a big epeen

imo if it really matters that much, just take a screenshot as proof, lol

Ah but they will now. You will forever be able to have your character on a classic realm that’s locked at 60 and you can prove without a doubt you got it as a 60 in a group of 60’s.

It’s obvious why they’re doing this. they make way more money from every paying for character copies and character boosts.

This is fine, just give us at least 1-3 fresh servers with no boosts, copies or transfers

These servers with instant level 58 boosts and players running around with gold cap is going to feel absolutely busted.

Why would a new player be interested in playing a game where everyone is running around with T3, legendaries and bank alts full of trade goods for tbc.
all while you’re running around with a green sword and 50gold to your name.


You do realize that TBC has a complete gear reset?


I’m confused, please explain

he’s saying the super high end raid gear the sweaties tried so hard for in Vanilla is completely invalidated by quest greens in HFP

What confuses you? The boosted player in greens will be getting Naxx gear or better while leveling very quickly in TBC.