"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Why would they? Theoretically, if the trend continues, they would move on to Cataclysm Classic servers, just as current Classic characters are moving to TBC

And when they finally catch up to retail? Your not getting a World of Warcraft+.

then they’ll be caught up to retail. what about it?

by that point retail will either be several expansions ahead, or have been retired and we’ll just have different game clients for each expansion while actual development moves to a new game entirely. I really fail to grasp what point you’re trying to make

At that point the fact is, you’ll of allowed a section of people to go back and do Classic, and port to Retail; but also told the remainder of your player base to go stiff themselves. Not smart if you ever want to run anything successful beyond World of Warcraft.

This is the kind of crap a lot of people are sick of.

again, what’s your point? as in, I legitimately do not comprehend what you’re trying to complain about. you can’t transfer Classic characters to Retail

You can reread what my point is. The point is, players should be invested in BC on a BC server. They should not be allowed to do Classic Content at 70, because it cheapens the classic servers and that experience.

Hence I say block and disallow Classic Raids on these BC servers. Because otherwise if you allow Transfers for one group, you have to offer them to all groups; or it’s pure hypocrisy.

Except your character will be cloned on a BC server. So you keep your progress.

Nope. I’m just using your own inane logic against you now, because that was the stupid and self-centered argument that Classic people made on why people should not be able to clone their classic characters on the Retail Servers.

Sure, draw what ever false conclusions you need to. I decided to avoid Classic because I knew there would be hypocrisy and double standards like this. Any excuse, as long as your will prevails, even at the detriment of everyone else.

Really it’s the same as when players who opened AQ’s gates on my first server got cheated out of the Black Qiraji mount ages ago, by self proclaimed “professionals” from one of the less prominent raiding guilds on that server.

Frankly, I don’t give two craps what any of you people do on these servers. I mean let’s face it. The servers only came about because you had to engage in IP theft and threaten Blizzard into giving them to you, lest you released the source codes for WoW.

What I do absolutely care about is good faith vs. bad faith. Blizzard made a firm statement that it would not do any transfers from a Classic Server to ANY new server.

Their logic was: “Because it would cheapen the prestige of Classic Items”. Guess that didn’t matter when the cash started to dry up, seeing as they have decided to go back on their word simply to enrich their bottom line.

Still, it’s a mighty nice way of telling the retail players who supported this game for 17 years, and who might well like to play Classic, to piss off. I say that only because evidently it is completely unreasonable, and out of the question; if a player wants to move their Classic character to Retail instead of the new BC Servers.

Yet the other side is accommodated completely, and is even allowed to keep their Classic character so they can keep playing classic? That’s not even sad, it’s completely pathetic. Small wonder I don’t play like I used to.

I’m done here. I’ve said my piece. Poor form on Blizzard’s part though.

Of course I am. Are you just willfully ignorant? I said I was done posting further arguments on why it was messed up. However that doesn’t mean I won’t add to my last post or respond in that post, especially when you seem to be unable to get enough of it.

No they are not, you will not be able to transfer anything from classic to TBC classic.

Why not? No it doesn’t. If you accomplished something at level 60 that accomplishment isn’t watered down by someone doing the same at 70, and you’re being childish if you think otherwise

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Only up the the progress you had at the time of prepatch.

Yes which is exactly how servers have always worked when moving to a new expansion.

Not sure why that confuses you.

Honestly this just sounds like a kid throwing a fit on the playground because another kid has the same toy as them

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Not even the same toy, throwing a fit on the playground because another kid got a ride to the playground instead of walking.

This thread is about boosts (liking them or not liking them), not about transferring to a Retail server. Start your own thread for that. Have a nice day. :smiley:


Are you mad because warriors is useless in TBC? It’s okay buddy you can reroll hunter and still be useful!

“I’m done here” then continues to edit their last post instead of just making a new one because they’re that salty that they have to say something but don’t want to look desperate

You realize it notifies us even when you add in a quote to an edit, right, genius?

I can’t tell if you’re just really confused or not very smart.

Cause some people dont wanna play classic, they wanna play TBC

Even worse is that what will happen with Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Pretty much everything that we dislike about retail will be there.

/shrug let’s be honest. We all picked WoW in vanilla because it was the easy mode MMO RPG.

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No, everything about vanilla is harder. compared to current. If you are talking about back then when it first released, I’ve heard that WoW was easier compared to others like Everquest. But not sure what your point is. This thread is about upcoming TBC classic and the corruption of it that is character boost

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