"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

You just really don’t seem to understand what’s actually happening.

The fact that they’re separating the servers preserves your accomplishments if you’ve cleared Naxx at 60. You will forever have the accomplishment on a server where everyone knows you had to get it at 60. Which is actually better than it was originally.

Sure. Ok. Whatever you say. Keep dodging the issue.


I mean it’s literally what’s happening.

Your 60 in Naxx gear can sit for all eternity on a classic server preserving your accomplishment in all its glory.

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Then you deny that players on a BC Server cannot get said items, and it’ll be no easier?

Because I think a person will have a easier time as a 70 in 60 content, than they did at 60.

I’m saying getting your panties in a bunch because a level 70 can clear Naxx is even sillier now than it was originally since they’ll be one a completely separate game than your level 60 in naxx gear.

You will be forever able to log into classic and show off your 60 in Naxx gear proving you did it right.

" They reduce the exp required to level and questing gets VASTLY improved with TBC . There are more quests, they give more exp and better rewards. You can quest from 1-60 in TBC in a fraction of the time it takes in Vanilla, and its generally a more pleasant experience besides"

Bliz added some quest hubs in tbc.

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they sped the process up and streamlined it a bit. yep. that’s great, good for them, good for all the blood elves and draenei that want to get through it faster

it’s still literally the exact same process in the exact same world

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Yeah your still not getting it. It’s not that the character does not exist on the Classic Servers. It’s the fact that people were and still do, typically screech like harpies when someone asks if they can move their Classic Server characters to the Retail servers.

Yet now when exactly the same thing is going to happen with BC servers; you would argue that this is totally alright, all while conveniently ignoring the double standard being set?

See, this is why I believe Classic End Game needs to be completely disabled on BC Servers. You are playing on a BC Server, because you want to do “pristine BC”, as it was in 2006. That is the purpose of your play in this “season”


If it is, then why do you ‘need’ to go to Naxxramas or AQ40 on a BC Server? It’s the same argument so-called-elites make, when they say “Why do casuals ‘need’ raid gear”?

You don’t need to go to those dungeons and raids in BC. So really, the only reason you would ever go there, is for prestige items; but you would attain them without half the effort that people put into getting them on the Classic Servers.

That is my problem. Because inevitably people will do that, and inevitably people when they reach Wrath Servers in a few years will be demanding Blizzard allow it.

So really, lets just skip the rigmarole and nonsense here and move along. If a player earns X items on Classic or BC, they should be allowed to move the character to the Retail Servers for say $25.

Disallowing it, reeks of a double standard. Ironic since that would probably make Classic ‘and’ BC Servers far more interesting to players, while preserving the challenges required to attain said items or titles.

Or can we expect you to be completely silent and acceptant, when a level 80 player gets the “Hand of A’dal” title (because their cloned BC toon got it on a Wrath Server) X years from now? Because frankly speaking? I doubt you will be very pleased with that.

Not only are there new quest hubs, I believe they nerfed some of the harder elite quests. Its a different leveling experience.

That said I dont really care about the boost. Im not for it but it doesnt enrage me. Im taking my paladin with his epic mount right over into TBC.

Yes I don’t care.

Then you have no legitimate arguments to justify why a player who plays on a Classic, BC, or Wrath Server and who wants to move to retail; should not be able to do so at their own discretion.

I never made an argument otherwise. I just said earlier that it might be a technology issue.

Your fixated on the fact that people are “transferring” from classic to TBC. This is not how its working. The only transfer that is happening is classic character to classic only servers.

The people who want to go to TBC just need to remain on the server and blizzard applies a patch.

I don’t think blizzard could do the same thing to transfer TBC or Classic characters to retail. While the foundation of the game has been converted to a newer version of the engine I don’t know if it is the same version that retail is ran on. It would probably take a lot more work that Blizzard is willing to put into it. Might be an option a couple years down the road.

because that content no longer exists in retail

it still existed back then, and so still exists and will still exist on the related classic servers. it’s not complicated

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You seem to fundamentally still just not understand what is happening.

First people were able to go back and do old raids in TBC originally, there’s no reason to think that would go away. Noone will care about those prestige items on TBC servers precisely because they are so easy to get, which is once again completely consistent with how it worked originally. However now unlike originally you will still have the option to hop onto your classic character on a 1.12 locked server and prove you earned them the right way.

Second you won’t be able to get things that were removed. So just like how originally you couldn’t go back and get hand of a’dal unless you got it in TBC you won’t be able to when wrath classic eventually comes out. And as that relates to TBC classic, you won’t be able to get pvp honor titles in TBC classic beyond whatever you have when the prepatch cuts in.

Third there is no concept of moving anywhere. The entire server is being cloned, one will remain classic the other will become tbc classic. You can’t continue to work on something in classic then move it to tbc classic later. See pvp titles. Which is entirely consistent with blizzard keeping different version separate.

There are close to 1.5k comments in this thread. Even if you consider half in favor and half against the boost, Blizzard is still alienating a good portion of their classic community with the TBC boost.

Whether you want the boost or think its ok/no big deal because it’s jus one per account, Blizz is simply going back on their word.

Unless Blizz comes out and admits that paid boosts were a mistake and removes them, they have lost all goodwill regarding their classic intentions. At this point them proclaiming that it is gonna be only one account is pointless, because there is undeniable proof that their promises are empty.

Quite disheartening.


You’re confusing what they said about current Classic (“Vanilla”) and the coming TBC Classic

They’ve promised nothing about “intentions” relative to what they promised about Vanilla Classic. They haven’t “gone back on their word” because there’s no word yet to go back on, short of what they’ve already said when they revealed TBC Classic

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Lost all good will with a particular subset of the population.

It has zero impact on my impression and I know a lot of people who are appreciating all the changes made so far with the promise of more(like drums). I am grateful for the changes announced so far and it shows they are more concerned with the experience than maintaining a museum piece.

We also know anecdotally that lots of people are only playing because of the boosts and wouldn’t want to play otherwise.

So the only thing that matters to them is if their actions cause more people to quit than they gain. I am highly doubtful but I don’t have any numbers to support one way or another.

Burning Crusade content cannot be accessed at level one.

You need to be level 58 to go through the Dark Portal and start the quests/dungeons there.

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Yeah no. I don’t want some Retail person treating rank 14 gear like they doThunderfury. That thing they kept on saying. “Did someone say Thuderfury?” or something idiotic like that.

They should keep that gear completely separate.

What’s funny though and completely ironic, is that because of a Retail feature, Vanilla pvpers are able to differentiate themselves from the poser Rankers from Classic as well. When a GM told me inactive old accounts got corrupted in the achievement migration which apparently deleted all my stuff too, this was their idea.

This is exactly why most people who did Classic the first time around, have very, very little interest in doing it again. I expect that there would be a lot more people on those servers if it were possible to get the transmogs or other things that we were unable to get the 1st time around.

Of course the caveat to that, is that anyone seeking those ‘prestige items’ should have to put in the same time commitment others did for it to be fair to those who got them originally, much like the limited time nature of the Mage Tower in Legion.

Really that’s what interested me initially about the idea of Classic Servers. The fact that this is exactly what a Classic Pristine server provides for, a place you can do it exactly the same way someone else did it 17 years ago.

If you can achieve X, you should be able to get the same rewards and enjoy it.

The problem here, is this. The Blues and Developers at the time were against allowing people to transfer from Classic to Live; and their justification was that if this was allowed, it would cheapen the achievement of those who had gotten it under the old systems.

Yet now Blizzard is going to allow just that with BC Servers?

Sounds kind of hypocritical.

That is why I say: “Ok. You want Pristine BC Era Servers? Fine with me. But block people from being able to do Classic content on those new BC servers, because as with your original argument it will cheapen the achievement if someone does Naxxramas at Level 70.”

Then we have people like Ziryus who seem to think this is fine. It’s not. He and others can argue about it all they want but it doesn’t change that there “is” a definite double standard.

Thus, seeing such an outcome play out (assuming it does) tells me that it was a good thing that I didn’t waste my time with the classic servers now. I told people this would happen in due time, now it appears that it will.

I just better not hear the same people screaming when Wrath Servers get old and tiresome that they deserve to be able to transfer to retail servers. Because if one group is not allowed to do so, neither should any other collective. I say should not be allowed, but we all know the rules only apply to us “filthy retail players”.

I merely point out the double standard applied, to showcase the hypocrisy of this decision.

Nothing more.