"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

/shrug people seem to think that because I don’t consider vanilla a perfect game and think #nochanges is a sill joke I’m unhappy with classic.

I’ve enjoyed classic quite a lot and it seems like blizzard has also realized how silly #nochanges is and I’ll likely enjoy TBC classic even more, all the changes they’ve announced so far including boosting sound good :slight_smile:

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Stop trying to be a bargain basement forum troll. I want to know what Blizzard’s rationale is behind having a double standard. Because under the logic they are currently using, no one should be allowed to transfer to Wrath Servers; because Naxxramas moved then. You can’t have it both ways.

Noone is transferring with tbc classic…

it was more of a joke, not a troll, sorry. i dont really have an opinion on your problem.

I would assume its a technology issue. They have to apply a patch to convert our characters to TBC. Right before they do that they are snap shotting the servers and you have to chose whether you stay on the server you are on and progress to tbc or move your classic character to a classic only server. You can pay to make a copy of both. When that transfer happens its a classic character to a classic server.

Except they are. Did you miss the Announcement that classic characters would be able to be transferred to TBC Servers?

They aren’t being transferred. Your characters will be snapshotted when tbc classic goes live there will be no connection after that.

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There is still a forward transfer occurring.

No there isn’t, if you choose to go with classic as your choice and TBC later your TBC character will be as it was at prepatch launch.

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They probably just don’t want to cheapen feat of strength achievements by allowing people to get them in Classic.

You are either intentionally evading the problem because you know it destroys your argument, or you simply didn’t consider it. Which is it? The problem here is really straight forward, and it showcases a lot of the reasons a lot of people feel Classic has been given undue amounts of preference at the expense of the Retail Version of the game.

When Classic Launched, the hard and fixed promise was “No transfers to any new servers.” That means if you want a BC character, and Blizzard is serious about honoring their statements and commitments; the resolution goes down one of three ways.

A.) You buy a Boost to 58 and level to 70.
B.) You level from 1-70 as every single Blood Elf and Draenei character was forced to.
C.) You can transfer from a Classic to a BC Server. With one. Critical. Caveat.

The Much Required Caveat: On the BC Servers, all Classic era end-game raids are disabled. That means no Naxx, AQ, ZG, etc. After all, you want to play "Pure BC Content" right? So why would you ever go back to Classic on a BC Server? Why indeed when after all, you can still play Classic on Classic?

…Or maybe it wasn’t ever about that. Maybe that logic never meant anything more than a warm pitcher of spit when the Classic Crowd raised it the first time. Maybe it was about you hoping to get a easier ride by moving to BC Servers?


See the issue I and a lot of other people have, is that people are being given essentially 2 versions of their character. Pretty sure that’s an affordance no player on Retail has ever been given. Maybe I didn’t want to play BFA. Maybe I wanted to stay on Legion, because BFA blew goat turds. I’m being hypothetical but the point stands.

It’s also dancing around the real problem that Lucidia nailed.

Feats of Strength. Speaking of them further showcases the hypocrisy of these moves by Blizzard. I agree with him, the Feats of Strength like Atiesh, Corrupted Ashbringer etc. etc. All of these things should remain just that. Feats of Strength.

Alas, the problem here is that in BC, ALL of these things remained very much attainable. Hell most players who got said items that they now cling to as “relics of skill”?

They got them during BC. Not legitimately during Classic. Don’t lie to me. I was around back then, and I’ve played the same characters for 17 years. So I do actually know what the rarity of certain items is. I also know how the ownership of those items spiked up with tons of new owners when BC launched.

Do you know why? Because a Warlock or Priest in Voidheart or Avatar is going to perform at 70 far superior to a Level 60 player in Tier 2. That’s just a simple fact. So saying a Feat of Strength won’t be cheapened with this decision is pure bulls***. I was able to Solo Stratholme as a BC Paladin once I had a Hammer of the Naaru. A Priest doing Redemption and Anathema? Easy at 70. It was not so easy at 60.

So really Blizzard, if your going to let Classic characters trade up and move to a newer version of the game, it’ll be outright hypocrisy if you allow Classic to BC, but won’t allow a Classic character to move to retail. Your only logic, that being the protection of “Feats of Strength” is shot to hell the minute you allow people to enter Naxxramas at Level 70.

Anyone who can’t see the why, is being intellectually dishonest.

You are using fresh servers as hostage to get boost money. Degenerate chinese business tricks.


You are not transferring to a new server, you seem to not be understanding this so I’ll explain it yet again.

When the pre patch hits all the servers will be cloned. At that point one set of servers will remain classic servers indefinitely. And one set will get the TBC prepath and those will progress to TBC just like back in the day. For each character you will get to pick which version to play on with the option to play on the other version for a fee.

There is no transfer taking place, after the prepatch classic and TBC classic will be completely separate. You won’t even see TBC Classic servers in the same server list as classic servers as TBC Classic will be launched completely separately.

Once again there is no transfer of anything.

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Nah. BC has a different classic world with new quest hubs and a shorter leveling experience. BC begins at 1.

This is a money move by Blizzard. It is what it is.


Oh no, I understood it completely. You seem to be intentionally ignoring the issue again.

Lets use my original Classic Era Warrior as an example. They played Classic. But maybe for whatever reason I wasn’t good enough to get into Naxxramas 40 man Classic.

So if I wasn’t ‘leet’ enough, then… why in the hell should I be able to play my newly crafted clone to 70 on a BC server and then go back to Azeroth, and get the Corrupted Ashbringer

I should not be able to. Ever.

Thus I have to ask, does Blizzard not respect people’s achievements in Classic?

I ask that, only because the minute my Warrior becomes able to enter Naxx and loot Ashbringer at Level 70, the excuse on why a character (that was “Cloned” on a new BC Server) should not be able to be cloned (in the exact same way) on a Live Retail server becomes completely moot, and the logic total rubbish.

Well… aside from being another double standard created.

I want to protect players who do things the right (and hard) way, and who achieved their items legitimately. Not those who feel they can cheese the instances at level 70. That’s the real problem here.

Either disable all Classic Raids on BC Servers once they launch, or just relent and accept that there is no difference, because the game world did not change until Wrath when Naxxramas was moved to Northrend.

It is my position that if a player gets X Item on a Classic Server, then they have put in the same time commitment and effort as I did 17 years ago. But if they were able get the items or gear in BC, (and many will) it cheapens the entire Classic experience, and the time-investment of those who would continue play Classic.

no it doesn’t. the only thing different about the world pre-Outland is the Draenei and Blood Elf starting zones - and neither of those races can be boosted

Yes it does. There are new quest hubs. Its not the same land.

it’s literally the same land

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wait so where are we supposed to play draenei and blood elves in between 20-58 again?


It is called the Crossroads.