"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Most people had 60 they took into Outlands and Draenie Belfs can’t boost.

The only one throwing a temper tantrum and is getting bent out of shape is you. The mere fact that I’m questioning boosts is causing you to behave as if I killed your dog. Calling me “entitled” and “narrow-minded” when you are exhibiting that behavior, not me, is cute. You can keep twisting my words around all you want, but it won’t get you anywhere.

I have laid out, rationally, the reasons why boosting isn’t authentic to TBC and why it’s bad for the game in the long run. TBC introduced many new quests that sped up leveling, and xp rates were boosted as well. Why do you prefer boosts over that, or say, RAF? Not everyone was level 60 at launch. There were lots of people who were still leveling too.


But they didn’t have boosted 60’s. Big difference. Plus, lots of people were still leveling up. Friendships and communities existed because they formed organically through the leveling/dungeoning process.

No, draenei and belfs can’t boost, but who’s to say Blizzard won’t allow that at some point too after making lots of money on regular 58 boosts? In my opinion it’s setting a bad precedent. If you give people an inch, they’ll take a mile.


The pro-boosters, for the most part, have been rather civil until confronted with insults and aggression

You’ve been aggressive out the gate, whether you notice it or not. Your “rational” reasons have been telling pro-boosters to go back to retail, telling them you don’t want them here, how they’re ruining the classic game just by existing

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And noone is debating that boosting was or was not in the original TBC.

It’s in TBC Classic and blizzard is thankfully paying less attention to #nochange whiners like you less in TBC Classic.



You might want to scroll up and re-read your aggressive, manipulative posts. And you may also want to ask yourself why you want Retail features in a Classic game so much.


Some of are capable of more nuanced opinions than #nochanges and can decide for ourselves on a case by case basis what we liked about original WoW


Actually, no, Blizzard has catered to people like you who were whining that leveling the conventional way is too much work, too much suffering. In a Classic game.


You are welcome to go find any post where I asked for boosts or claimed leveling was too hard.

My opinion has always been boosts are fine I never asked for them or whined about them existing, unlike you… Indeed part of why I’m fine with boosts is because of mindless and easy leveling actually is.

Nothing nuanced about wanting an inst-boost to 58 to bypass a lot of content, which all existed in TBC, btw. You haven’t explained how that would be good for the game in the long run, and how that would be good for the realm’s community as a whole.


Outlands and TBC End game is the long run of TBC. Encouraging people to get there rather than turning them away initially is good for the long run of the game.

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Of course we all want to experience TBC content. That’s why we want TBC Classic. We both agree here. I am excited about the zones, the talent trees, the gameplay, the pvp in Hellfire Peninsula, the raids, etc.

Where we disagree is where you believe 1-58 doesn’t exist, and I believe it does. And those levels meant something back in 2007 when TBC was released. I didn’t play Vanilla. I was a lowbie when I first started WoW in TBC. I met some pretty cool people who leveled with me to 60, and we were excited to cross that portal for the first time together. Insta-boosts just cheapen the whole experience IMO.

And another thing is this, TBC was pretty time-consuming as a whole. All of these QOL features from Retail didn’t exist then. If people don’t have time to level, do they really have time to slog it out, grinding rep, mats, soul shards, etc? I mained a lock back then, and let me tell you, farming soul shards for raids sucked, with each soul shard taking up a bag slot…

My point is, TBC had its flaws, but it would nice to experience the game as it was back then, flaws and all. That’s what made it great and memorable.


You are already going to be at a disadvantage if you don’t have numerous alts already leveled up. The boosts are not changing that and its no one elses fault but your own. You have plenty of time to prepare for all this before TBC comes out.

There has been enough insults slung around from both sides. No one is innocent here.

Oh I’m not denying that, and of course two wrongs don’t make a right

But, if the lesser of two evils has to be pointed out, it’s not the people who have been throwing poop the moment they entered the room

who says i dont? >:) lol jk i really dont. but im doing just fine on Classic right now despite that so I’d rather not roll the dice and multiply it by 100k. You telling me to prepare for this is like me telling a person who is going start in TBC and boost, to just level now, and they have nobody to blame but themselves. So are you wrong or am I wrong? It can’t be both but it can’t be neither. Honestly I’m not sure who is.

yep, and im guilty of it. trying to change my ways to have proper discussions with people like you instead of her.

Sure but what we saw with classic is that the experience will not be the same regardless of how closely the actual game is. Given that I’m totally fine with changes that improve the experience we will get.

Here’s what I’d love to hear the rationale behind. Character Transfers to BC Servers. How is this in any fashion different from what happened the first time with our characters when BC launched?

Moreover if you are going to allow that, what remaining reason or logic remains beside setting up a double standard that unfairely detriments anyone who plays the most up-to-date version of WoW? Kind of sad to see you will allow transfers from Classic to BC, but you likely will not allow Classic Characters to move to Live Servers?

Oh don’t get me wrong. I get it. You don’t want someone to curbstomp Old Naxxramas or other dungeons. You don’t want them cheesed. Problem is, that is going to happen on the BC Servers with a raid of level 70 players unless you make those instances unavailable. Heck it has already happened, just like it did the first time.

The mechanics of Classic are simple by comparison to today’s stuff.

Ultimate point I am making is, there are plenty of players like me that would of been interested in Classic, but only if we could use it as a vehicle to get things that we either deleted or that were lost over time, or we can’t use due to arcane transmog rules. (case and Point my Paladin got Alanna’s Embrace to heal with. Yet can I mog it? Nope.)

This “No Transfers” rule was always completely malleable. It wasn’t a hardware issue, and it’s not a server issue; so my question becomes this. Can we please remove the bandage completely and finally allow one way transfers of Classic Server Characters from the Classic Server to the actual Live Game?

That is what you are permitting by allowing any sort of transfer.

I have 0 issue raiding or leveling from 1-60 in the old style. But if I’m going to do all of that again, I want that character and their achievements to be able to benefit me on the live version of the game, in the same way a player who will transition from Classic to BC Servers would.

Lets be honest, there’s already a sunset in effect for this whole venture. Wrath will be the end of it, because if you make Cataclysm Era Servers… well that’s basically two versions of the same game then.

If someone is willing to level to max in Classic, and they achieve the same things as I did 17 years ago; I see no reason they should not be permitted to play the live and most current version of the game with those trophies. But allowing Classic Era toons to transfer to new BC Era toons?

Maybe you guys forgot, but you have a lot of Shadowlands retail players who should be given the same opportunities. If players have things they can shoot for, they will do the work for them. If they don’t that’s on them.

theyll count in Classic WotLK :slight_smile:

Ziryus. You lost Classic war. But it sure heck seems like you’re winning this one lol.

The Retail army is in full swing now onto the TBC forums. It’s glorious.
