"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

glad somebody made this point. not to mention he said he wasnt gonna argue and then argued lol.

id heart this if i had any hearts left to give, you took a lot of them already lmao


I just wanted to point out that most people will not be doing classic content anymore so low level profession mats will be rarer on the AH and more expensive.

Farming old world mats is going to be very painful on a 60% mount speed as well. Its not going to be all rainbows and sunshine boom level 375 profession. They are still going to have to put in a lot of work.

Didn’t play back in the day did you? The price of linen cloth does not go thru the roof once the portal opens. HOWEVER extremely expensive items now will hit rock bottom as they become basically irrelevant. I lived thru this on every profession from launch of the game. Also, if you plan to level your prof by doing the lazy AH drive-by for all your mats - I don’t even have words for such ridiculous entitlement. If you want a max-level alchemist then go pick flowers. Immerse yourself in the game. Get out there and playit.

same thing when the pro boosting side argues it. there’s definitely flaws on both sides.

this has already been debunked over and over again

good one

cannot count the number of posts in reddit / here / youtube / in game that have said “im just gonna boost a pally / druid / alt for farming gold / profession alt. i dont like the boost but might as well use it or i’m gonna be behind.”

nobody does unless blizzard does, and even then i doubt they’ve put that much effort into it. see? another opinion from me because that’s pretty much all anyone has.

thats called a bannable offense and should be banned every single time. whether or not they do is blizzards responsibility. if blizzard said “real money trading and account buying/selling is not a ban anymore” how would you feel?

“A yes because one profession alt for hundreds of thousands if not millions of those folks is going to change the game economy.” fixed it for ya.

not false. but both sides keep acting like you are not allowed so /shrug. reminds me of the current political landscape.

exactly. if you dont have time, you dont have time. no big deal man just dont play. if retail allows you to play enough to fit your schedule, its got a new patch coming out soon! enjoy! Classic was supposed to be made for the players who wanted to play Vanilla. Classic TBC should be made for people who wanted to play TBC. With all of its glory and all of its faults. Minor changes to fix broken systems in the game are fine with overwhelming player support, this aint one of those. If you hate leveling 1-58 now or even with the nerf from pre-patch, i promise you’re gonna hate TBC and attunements and rep grinds (if they dont remove everything that takes even a little bit of effort).

didn’t play back in the day did you? they opened fresh servers on TBC release and had a continual amount of new players coming into the game even though there were no boosts besides recruit a friend (if you want this added back in, im all for it) because it was a new game that people wanted to try out and actually play all of the content.

Here’s proof I played back in the day:

Your turn.

Well, I don’t personally plan to do that. I’ve got several bank alts full of 1-300 leveling kits for every profession.

Ignoring that… Entitlement? How is planning to spend gold to level professions in TBC “entitlement?”

Sounds like a strong argument against boosts.

So we can play TBC, boosts do nothing to change that.

The people who will boost are people who don’t care about leveling 1-58 anyways, this isn’t hard to understand.

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imagine telling someone they’re entitled immediately after complaining that people should have to suffer content they don’t like just so that you’ll have a body to fill your party :thinking:


Well, yes. BC was the first and only expansion and the playerbase exploded all the way thru wrath. What do we have 8 expansions? Lost count. In addition, there was nothing like wow anywhere. It was new and unique. People waited in line wrapped around blocks to buy BC. I did. This is a new day. BC will be popular but is not some social phenomenon like the warcraft juggernaut back in the day. 58 boost will get a few more subs into an ancient game that many people still do enjoy. Will the average dork level 1-58 and buy a new sub to hang with his friends now? No. Will his friend handhold him 1-58 before the friend walks thru the portal? Maybe right now, though doubtful. When the portal opens, NO WAY.

You’ve got it backwards. You’re forcing people to have TBC-light instead of the fullness of TBC as it was in 2007. Sorry if playing the game as it was originally intended causes you so much suffering. Maybe Retail is the better game for you where you can boost characters to your heart’s content.


Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. I see plenty of posts from people who are happy with the boosts as well. Also there was a poll floating around here that had the community split mostly down the middle with a slight edge towards people in favor of boosts.

To be honest I don’t think I would really care that much. That stuff is already going on and doesn’t effect the way I play the game much. Just like boosts are not going to effect the way I play the game.

To such a minuscule effect as to be irrelevant but hey if you want to continue thinking it will be the great downfall of the wow economy keep on keeping on.

I did play back in the day and he is correct. It wasn’t uncommon for old world prof mats to be more expensive than current world mats.

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TBC-Light? What are you even babbling about? The boost will take you to level 58 the bare minimum to get into outlands, and based on the retail boosts you will have junk greens, no professions and no rep, and likely at best a slow mount. Draenie and Belfs can’t boost at all.

Boosts do not let you skip any of TBC or for that matter make anything about it easier.

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You’ve got it backwards. You’re forcing people to have to slog through Vanilla Classic instead of experience the actual TBC content as it was in 2007. Sorry if playing the actual game you’re here for instead of slogging through what will always exist in the Vanilla Classic servers they’re creating causes you so much suffering. Maybe Vanilla Classic is the better game for you where you have no boosts and can level 1-60 characters to your heart’s content.

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Nope. I started back in TBC and want TBC. Not TBC with boosts, which makes no sense, since insta-boosts didn’t exist back then. Levels 1 - 58 were very much a part of TBC. Did you not play back then?


So then play TBC, no one is going to stop you. Certainly not the boosters, they’ll be glad to play with anyone, you’re the one trying to gatekeep here. You are the entitled one

Levels 1-58 are Vanilla. The exception are Draenei and Blood Elves, which, oh yeah, aren’t eligible for boosting

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yeah but you dont have anything besides anecdotal evidence either. there have been numerous polls and they all have the similar result of 40% favor, 20% indifferent, and 40% against. if you think implenting a major change that 40% of the player base is against and only 40% favor is good for the game, I don’t know what to tell you.

that’s depressing but your opinion.

oh i think the economy will be plenty screwed up anyway, but fairly screwed up. i cannot / will not buy a boost, thus leaving me at a disadvantage in TBC content. Thanks blizzard.

i thought we weren’t using anecdotal evidence

It was also made at a different time. The game was exploding. There was no demand for anything like a boost because there was constantly growing hundreds of brand new people starting to play the game.

Outside of maybe the first few weeks of pre-patch there just aren’t going to be the numbers to keep Azeroth alive at a reliable level for people wanting to run dungeons.

Different population situations require different approaches. Blizzard has decided on boosts so that people can play with their friends from day one, so that people can play the content that they want to play. You may disagree but to act like this is doing to destroy the game is kinda sad.

No one I know has naturally leveled for at least 4-5 months at this point. Everyone gets boosts to 40ish at a minimum. If the old world is dead in classic, why would TBC be consistently any different? At least for TBC people will be running dungeons for badges and rep for a long time.

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So wanting an authentic version of TBC that doesn’t have Retail features like boosting makes ME entitled? Whatever, dude. Troll someone else’s thread.


An opinion you disagree with =/= troll. Not only are you entitled, you’re also narrow-minded, so evidently any kind of discussion is just going to be thrown to the floor and stomped over in your temper tantrum. Try to have a better day, dude

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