"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Okay, your attempts at trolling are fairly weak. See ya.

I am 100% FOR a lvl 58 boost. All the whiners who are morally offended by other folks wanting to bring their friends in and play the same night need to go hug a pillow in their safe place. Also, helping a dude level from 1 for days (also morally offends you?) or weeks while you put off ramparts til he’s ready is not fun. The 58 boost is for new players who want to be with their friends… more people in the world, more mats in bank, more money for bliz, more fun for all. Also, I love classic vanilla but some people don’t - but they loved outland. It’s a GAME that’s for fun and relaxation. Why should those people have to do a lot of time in a place they can’t stand just to experience BC again or for the first time? If you try to make them do it they will just buy a toon or play another game - just a fact. Not everyone wants a slog to max level while role-playing. Just like some people are happy in real life flipping burgers living in a trailer while others run you over on their way to wall street. Neither is wrong.

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It is not trolling. You are pulling all the information out of your headcanon. Come back to reality.

It doesn’t matter because it will still be in the game. Just because its forbidden doesn’t change anything but keep saying.

Again you can still buy accounts still in the game boosting or not. Again cheating has nothing to do with it. You can keep bringing that up all you want its still in the game.

Again no proof of this just your crystal ball.

Yeah the effect will be so small that it may as well not exist because these won’t be fresh servers and 99% of the player base will be starting out as 60s.

Again anyone who wants to do this will already have this done by the time TBC launches. A one time boost will not magically make a new player an auction house tycoon. Also if a new player wanted to do this the pathways for them to do this quickly already exist in the game the boost again changes nothing.

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Hate to break this to you but Karen’s won’t admit they are ever wrong they are right and every else is wrong . They have 2 rules rule 1) i am always right rule 2) if you think i wrong refer to rule 1.


At the end of the day this is all just opinion. Regardless of what the internet says you are allowed to have differing opinions

No one is offended by people wanting to bring their friends in, and this is a grossly disingenuous representation of the arguments put forth.

Your friends don’t need boosts to play. They can be brought in at any time. We welcome them with open arms.

What we take issue with is the boosts and the problems they will cause in the game, no matter how much people try to deny such problems exist. Affecting the game in a predictably negative way to POSSIBLY bring in new players that aren’t even guaranteed to keep playing is a poor decision at best.

It does matter, actually. The legality of it, for lack of a better word, increases its prevalence.

Theft is illegal, but theft still happens. By your logic, theft should be legal because it happens anyway.

To be clear, I’m not saying boosts are like theft, but arguing to legitimize the action because it happens despite the rules against it is ridiculous.

I am proof of this. I will personally be using my boosts – should they exist – to make profession alts that I would not otherwise have because I do not like leveling whatsoever.

The fact it is once per account means I will be buying subscriptions for 10 accounts and a boost for each of them just so I can make more Primal Mooncloth on cooldown.

I am the proof that what I’m saying will happen, will indeed happen.

No, they WON’T. For god’s sake, you do not seem to understand that the leveling currently acts as a deterrent to people having these things and the boost REMOVES that.

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why that is so difficult for you to grasp.

Agreed wholeheartedly.

You are. And your people are doing their best to ruin the chance of them getting back, catching up and going to Outlands, because you’re a self-entitled child that wants others to go on your way instead.

Blizzard owns the game. Blizzard is adding boost into the game. Not you. Not your people.

You literally did the comparison, which is cringe af. Did you learn what hearsay is?

You should also learn the meaning of “hypocrisy” word.

You will have to level 10 characters to level 70, pay 10 subscriptions, farm 10x mats to create 10 primal mooncloth, shadow cloth and spellfire cloth.

Whomever is doing it to make a huge amount of gold in the game, will be very rich. But since having this huge amount of gold in TBC does not matter, as we do not stack huge amount of consumables, it only tells me that you either don’t know what TBC is or you just have some sort of complexity for being rich in the game. Perhaps you want to be the the one that will buy the Sunwell BoEs/mats when the trash farm starts in last phase.

And here you again prove that you have no data to prove that boost will be any near the apocalypse you’ve been describing on this topic.


If you want to bring legality into it There is a lot of silly laws that make things illegal that shouldn’t be. Also unless you live in a dictatorship laws are often created by popular demand.

Good for you. You will already be hedged out by people who had everything prepared before TBC started.

No it doesn’t. These people will have everything prepared out before boosts are even introduced into the game. This isn’t some new thing that people have no idea what is going to happen. People have foresight into what the market is going to be and are preparing accordingly.

Most wholesome internet interaction ever!

Opinions are good but inflexible statements are not.

Sure, I agree with that.

So the question becomes, “Should people be allowed to pay real life money for an account?”

If you want to argue that some laws probably shouldn’t exist, fine. If you want to say that then means that this particular “law” shouldn’t because some other unrelated laws shouldn’t, then I’m going to call out the fallaciousness of that.

Well, at least where I live, laws are created by people we elect to represent our interests.

We have no such ability with WoW. I can’t vote for a different Lead Game Designer at Blizzard.

God, if we could, though…


So I have definitive proof this will happen, and you acknowledge that it happening WILL have an impact, albeit a minor one.

So we’ve basically just come to you inadvertently admitting I’m right. Now just extrapolate that to tens of thousands of people doing the same thing.

Ugh. I’m trying to be very clear because apparently I’m doing a poor job of it so far.

The people who are NOT prepared will get boosts. People who would not have profession alts will have profession alts.

Maybe an MMORPG game isn’t for you then. Many people, including myself, love leveling and normal dungeon runs and the friendships gained from those “time consuming” experiences.


Okay? So don’t use the boost, this isn’t rocket science.


If tens of thousands of people are going to be doing the same thing. Who is going to farm all the low level mats for you to level up your professions?

No you are being incredibly clear. I just think the people that haven’t already put the time in to do this sort of thing are going to have a rude awakening when they buy all those boosts and find out leveling those professions are going to cost a lot of gold/time

I’m still trying to figure out where Ironchain gets the idea that the average player is willing to pay $150 a month for 10 accounts, in addition to the probably $500+ to boost 10 characters, just for “easy” profession alts


thats what i’m worried about.

1 more dead servers
2 more faction imbalance
3 blizzard getting paid off for making a horrible cash grab decision and their willingness to do so in the future because of it


I’m not sure I follow where you’re going with this.

Presumably they would farming those mats for themselves, or buying the mats on the AH.

Oh, for sure. It’ll cost a lot for the ill-prepared, but it’s inevitably going to result in more of the cooldown profession materials being pumped into the economy regardless of that fact.

I don’t have enough crayons to explain to you why boosts are bad for the game’s communities or for the longevity of the game. If people are taking the path of least resistance and boosting their characters, that leaves a deficit of players to level with/do dungeons with, which is essential for a healthy, long-lasting realm community. Bypassing that experience entirely does create long-lasting problems, which we know botters will exploit as well. If you don’t have the time to level, you won’t have time to farm soul shards or do any other time-consuming prep work for raids.

You and the other pro-boosters in this thread reek of entitlement, demanding that TBC be more more like Retail, which is what many people do NOT want. You want TBC content with boosts? It’s available on Retail, right now!

Why are we having Classic TBC created in the first place? So we can experience the game again as it was, not as YOU demand it should be! Boosts weren’t in the game back in 2007, and they don’t belong in Classic TBC in 2021. Let Retail things stay in Retail.


you arent part of the classic community, who would’ve guessed?

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That’s really weird…

Who was it that was pointing out a lot of the people supporting boosts were monks? They were onto something.

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