"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Gotta do something while waiting for windows installs and updates to finish at work :stuck_out_tongue:

It will be.

That only adds to the argument that bots will abuse the boost. If they get banned quickly, STARTING at level 58 and farming the content that actually gives them lots of gold to pay back the cost is going to make it worth it for them.

Sort of. There’s some obvious differences, though. Surely you understand how powerleveling paid for by gold doesn’t even remotely compare to an instant 58 boost paid for with real life money that gives you a mount, training, and full set of gear, right?

Yes, but… the people who WOULDN’T have those profession alts because they didn’t level them up already WILL now that boosts are added. Use your brain for a second.

Because they make more gold botting at level 58 than at level 1. With literally zero downtime, saving actual DAYS of /played not having to level up to reach the profitable stuff is hugely beneficial to a bot.


Got any data to back that up? No didn’t think so.

That is not how that works if most of their bots get banned before they can farm enough gold to be profitable they will not be buying boosts. Again neither of us have any data on this to support our arguments so we can agree to disagree.

You know you can just buy fully leveled up accounts with epic gear, mounts, and 300 level professions right now right? This stuff is already in the game.

A yes because one profession alt is for those folks is going to change the game economy compared to the hundreds of profession alts that people already have leveled up in preparation for the release of TBC.

I have been using my head. Maybe you should use yours everything you keep saying boosts will add to the game is already in the game.

I understand that when I see a level 58 player in game it doesn’t matter how they got there. Boosted from blizzard, paid for dungeon runs, solo leveled, was the most social player ever leveling in the open world, doesn’t matter.



Maybe don’t argue in bad faith like that. Think about it logically instead of demanding I prove the future.

So you can make arguments with zero data to back it up but I can’t? Good talk.

You are the one arguing in bad faith against people that are not going to affect you negatively in any way (unless hurting your feelings counts towards to affecting you)


You literally just did that to me. Hypocrite, much?


But yeah, nice strawman. I never said you can’t make an argument without any data; I said to not argue in bad faith and to just think about what I’m saying logically instead of asking me to provide data for something that the data could not possibly exist for.

I just said we can agree to disagree saying neither of us have anything to go off of. But hey if you want to latch on to that instead of trying to disprove my other points more power too you. Nice shifting of the goalposts.

It will affect me, actually. Please read what I’ve said previously said:

If you wish to argue the merits of these arguments, feel free, but pretending they don’t exist and simply asserting that I will not be affected when I have clearly expressed how I will be affected is as bad faith as it can get.

That’s called cheating, and isn’t permissible. Even in that case, however, it was all earned in-game, even if the end result was then sold for real life money.

Not condoning it, by any means, but it’s different than an INSTANT boost that Blizzard provides you.

Yes, because one profession alt to EVERYONE will obviously affect the economy. How could you possibly think that tens of thousands of players per realm all being given immediate access to a level 58 is not going to have an impact on the economy.

How could you possibly think that wouldn’t affect anyone?

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Your almost there, he is either the gold seller or the booster, that is where this hate and anger comes from

I keep seeing the same hilarious contradiction over and over.“Lots are against boosts and wont use them or will quit” at the same time “Everyone boosting will ruin everything”
Pick a lane.

Well actually no, that’s not an issue with boosts. That’s an issue with blizzard refusing to deal with bots. Which will be the case regardless of boosts.

I never argued either of those points. Maybe don’t strawman me, bud.

You don’t have any proof of it.
You don’t have any data to back it up your point.

This is worse than a hunch. This is someone desperate when things aren’t going the way they want.

Boooooooooooo blizzard. There were no boosts back then. Why add them no? Xp rates are already increased. Plus you dropping a pre patch before. No reason to not have a level 60 char by launch. The botters are going to be loving this. No more multiboxing 8 characters to level. Get banned, open another account and buy another boost.


Doesn’t matter if its cheating everything you keep bringing up is already in the game right now at this very moment. Unless Blizzard somehow miraculously finds away to stop all RMT the boost will change nothing.

Yes the one time 58 boost is going to have such a miniscule effect on the economy its not worth considering. Why? Because everyone that has any stake in the game will have numerous alts/accounts already set up to take advantage of that.

Edit: Not sure why that replied to you instead of Ironchain wow forums are fun!

I don’t think you know what that word means.

I don’t have any proof that people boosting will add level 58 profession alts to the economy? You sure about that?

It does matter, actually. One is expressly forbidden and punishable with a ban. The other is legitimate and encouraged by Blizzard.

No, it isn’t.

An I N S T A N T 58 boost with a free mount, free training, a full set of gear, is different than days spent powerleveling a character after days spent farming gold to afford it, followed by 1000 gold removed from the economy to obtain the mount, and hundreds of gold in training to learn spells removed from the economy, and days/weeks spent obtaining a full set of gear.

Even if that account is sold, the two are obviously different, and that’s not accounting for the OBVIOUS difference that one is CHEATING and the other is legitimized.

No, it’s the complete opposite. Until Blizzard finds a way to stop all the RMT, the boost should not exist because it will change quite a lot.

Okay, so you admit that this statement:

… is wrong. Thank you. The downplaying is fine, I’m sure we’d place different levels of significance and meaning on different issues, but you at least acknowledge the boosts WILL affect me.

Sure, everyone who has stake in the game will already have things set up to take advantage of the boosts.

And then the boosts come out and people who DIDN’T have things set up will still take advantage, giving people profession alts they wouldn’t have otherwise.

If you don’t know what it means, go learn it.

No, you don’t have it.

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