"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Absolutely disagree. Literally tons of people started from scratch with BC. How else could there have been so much growth during that time?

My wife started with BC, and I created a new character to level with her. We still did plenty of end-game raiding. There is no need for a character boost.

This is nothing more than a reach for additional money (so-called micro-transactions).


Simple solution to all of this is to just blacklist anybody you find out paid for the boost? I mean, you don’t have to invite them to your guild or groups. Just find out where they spawn when they first log-in and make a list of everybody you see. Then find out what gear they get when they pay for the boost and add anybody that has that gear. If you have enough time to argue with players on the forums about this, you should have time to compile a pretty extensive database.

And then proceed to find out that most people actually playing don’t care in the slightest about boosts :stuck_out_tongue:

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Grow up lol, this games aged but the player base clearly hasn’t.

  Lets blacklist all the players that use addons that didn't exist in vanilla too, lets blacklist the people abusing dungeon soloing mechanics that they didn't do in vanilla too, or engineering strats nobody used in vanilla, blacklist all of those people too. Oh and anyone that used a site that didn't exist in original Vanilla, or discord for that matter or good internet or a good pc. U big stronk man u. Just stay in classic when BC is released where you clearly belong and desire to be
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Did you take my post seriously? xD

Yeah, the anti-boosters are childish enough to genuinely think like that, of course I did. Just more vocal minorities screeching and pooping their diapers over a non-issue


I forget sometimes that sarcasm doesn’t translate well online.

idk tho, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, if they make a big enough deal about this Blizz might change it

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Just time travel your lazy butt back to TBC in Retail and play the content there. When TBC was released originally, there were NO BOOSTS. Would you have cried like you are doing then? No, you probably wouldn’t have played because you’re too lazy to ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME. Games are meant to be played.


Exactly, people who boost want to be playing TBC not leveling 1-58.


Too bad for those who want to play TBC, but do not want to play the other 90% of the content to get there. My point is you HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO START AT LEVEL 1 when TBC was originally released…and since this is a “CLASSIC” version of TBC, then it should BE THE SAME PRINCIPLE. If the majority wanted “TBC +” with all these retail like influences and changes to the game, then the majority would have voted for such in the Polls Blizzard sent out. But the MAJORITY want the CLASSIC version of TBC. Do you understand what I am trying to say, at all?


CAPITALIZING random words IN YOUR statement makes YOU look quite CHILDISH, tbh

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shhhhh the adults are having a discussion


And this isn’t the original TBC :stuck_out_tongue: It’s TBC Classic and blizzard seems to have learned from their mistakes and is catering to the #nochanges cry babies like you a little less :slight_smile:


How certain are you of this? Because chances are that blizzard has made the decisions based on the results of the survey they did regarding how to approach TBC last year.

Please no weird capitalization. Makes it hard to take you seriously.

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he emphasized two clarifying words and used a common shortening of The Burning Crusade, what’s wrong with that?

And there was no paid 58 boost on the survey lol


Us “#NoChanges Cry Babies” are the only reason WoW Classic and now TBC Classic exists. Because, unlike retail bots like yourself, WE actually play Classic and love the game. You probably tried it for a month or two, got to level 20 and bailed back to retail, just like how you will do once again once TBC Classic comes out. You are NOT the Player Base for these classic games. Admit it and let the people who do enjoy the “CLASSIC” versions of these games continue to play them the way they were intended.


Well congratulations, since you hate boosts so much you can continue playing classic where you won’t be bothered by boosts in the slightest :slight_smile:


What lol? You’d have a huge head start to potential getting a massive advantage in everything at the game. You’ll have months to grind whatever you need whether it be gold gear or a mount while that person is still tryin to get to max