"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Somebody who uses the boost has 0 effect on someone who chooses to not boost. You boosting on my server would be unrecognizeable to me. I would not know you even did it unless I noticed your boost gear prior to you replacing them. It has 0 impact.

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There is no copying of characters. After the prepatch TBC classic and vanilla classic are separate.

It’s not a copy

When the server goes down for Prepatch they are snapshotting your characters and having a snapshot of each on both the prog servers and classic era servers, you choose which to activate, or pay to activate both. But no matter what the characters that exist there must be there at the time of prepatch, nothing after.

I could be wrong about this but I think the payed transfer for both is made when you have to make the choice to transfer characters over to TBC or stay in classic. I don’t think its going to be an ongoing option.

I do not think that option would be there to do it. The snapshot will likely occur prior to the boosts being offerred so your boosted character wouldnt exist at the time of the snapshot to clone it

They said during the qna that you can pay later on.

But the way it works is.

If you have a 55 character on server A now, it will be snapshotted and copied to Server A TBC and Server A Classic Era. When you log on after prepatch is released you have the option to activate either one, you choose Classic Era and over time level to 60 and decide you want to play on TBC. You pay to access that TBC copy, but it’s going to be 55 because that’s where you were at the time of the snapshot.

false, ive explained why. if you dont want to scroll a tiny bit to find why thats fine, but dont present the same base for the argument that ive already argued is false. move on.

itll be an ongoing option for orginal characters who never logged in to choose in the first place.

Are you 100% on it? because they said that at a later date you could pay to “clone” a TBC character to classic(The exact specifics were unclear other than it’d be a paid service)

None of those explain how a boosted character has any advantage over a character leveled from 1-58. And certainly not over someone taking a level 60 into TBC. Especially given the almost certainly bad gear, no rep, no professions etc… the boosted character will have.

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They worded it poorly. What’s happening is blizzard is cloning the realms at prepatch time, one set will stay classic the other will patch into TBC Classic. You will get to pick which version you want your character to activate on. Then you can choose to activate that pre patch clone on the other version for a fee.

There’s no post TBC classic roll out copying happening.

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This is peak weasel-word BS, lol.


Can you tell me how you will be able to distinguish between a boosted and non boosted character?

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I’m a Classic level 60 character. I would start level 60 at the same time as the 58’s in TBC Classic. Still clearly haven’t read my previous argument because I was arguing the advantage of boosting over new TBC Classic players who didn’t/couldn’t afford to boost.

Which won’t be any different than someone who started playing from level 1 in TBC a week or two after someone else. Once again you are making a mountain out a non existent mole hill.

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What percentage of people supporting boosts do you think have spent at least $100 on flying sparkleponies? 50%? More?


Having disposable income in fun :slight_smile:

id guess close to 100%.

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thank you! can’t wait to use my boost on an alt to farm things with!



I was not clear, and honestly not sure how I did it, but it was after BC, but this was a few years ago. I know I boosted two chars when it was allowed, then I switched four chars factions. One was to be a BE pally.

The point I was stumbling with is that I’ve done vanilla…twice now. I’m behind the curve, trying to get at least one char to level, but if I can’t, boosting is the answer that will allow me to catch up and play early content with the mass of players, to hit it in those first few months.

To me, that is every bit a part of the nostalgia that people are talking about, not lagging behind, getting into groups with face rollers farming one thing or another. New release, to me, is a big part of the experience that was and is Wow.