"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Its for this reason I plan on boosting an alt.

if its so massively nerfed, why not just let the people level through it like was the original intention? especially during prepatch when all the draenei and blood elves will be leveling? seems like a great community event for everybody who wants to level during that time even if they dont want to level a B Elf or Draenei.

And what about the advantages you’re gonna have over a new player who doesn’t want to boost their character?


What advantages would those be?

at least 24 hours of gameplay

Which a moot point considering 95% of the player base for TBC will be starting from 60. Do you care about those advantages?

its an earned advantage. unlike using money to poof to 58. anybody can start leveling right this second and be 60 by prepatch unless they’re the dude who barely plays the game anyway.

edit: and if you think the 95% number is correct, than the boosts will be almost zero monetary benefit to blizzard, which is another argument out the door for the pro boost community.


Are they all earned advantages? I keep hearing about all this gold buying epidemic that is happening right now. Sounds oddly similar.

the thing is you think everybody in classic buys gold. its just false lol. yes theres a problem with it, just like bots in Classic and Retail. but does even 10% of the player base do it? i dont think so. not a single person in my guild did even though i had like 2 friends who did. its a very very small portion. and guess what? the answer is banning those people who do RMT and bot. its really simple.

I don’t think everyone buys gold. I do think the numbers are higher than what you think but that is not something either of us can prove. The fact of the matter is that it does happen and Blizzard can’t stop it. If they could they would have done so by now.

The fact also remains that you are arguing about player boosts having an advantage over new players that choose not to boost which is also irrelevant because as I stated most players will be starting out at 60. New players in TBC are always going to be at a disadvantage with or without boosts. Its a dumb argument.

Now if you wanted to make the argument that boosts are against the spirit of classic I would agree with that honestly. However, we are not going to get an authentic TBC experience. Just like we didn’t get an authentic Classic experience. That ship has sailed back when the game originally released.

i dont think blizzard even tries to stop it tbh. they rely on player reporting to do most of their banning, as i report every bot i find and usually get a note in the mail. but as you say neither of us can prove it so its not really worth arguing.

yes new players will be at a disadvantage at the start of TBC with or without boosts, as it was in original TBC. I agree. But with boosts, then it hurts the new players who dont buy boosts even worse.

I do want to make that argument. I also agree we are not going to get a 100% authentic experience, but I want it to be as close to possible.

I mean with the info that has been given out so far the only advantage is not having to quest through vanilla content. Anyone who does level through it comes out significantly ahead in gold, bags, gear and basically everything else compared to a boosted character. These “advantages” you guys are claiming to be there are illusions.

at least 24 hours of gameplay, which if started at 58 results in a vastly greater amount of gold, bags, gear, and basically everything else compared to the start at 1 character.

It’s never been about any actual in game issue.

The issue for some people has always been some weird “I leveled uphill through the snow both ways so you should have to too” BS.

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Im gonna say and this is just a guess but youll start off with:

Low quality gear
4 6 slot bags
50 gold
No azeroth flight paths outside of wherever they choose you to start at
Prolly the ugliest model slow mount your race offers
No rep
No pets
No guild
No pvp gear or rewards
No vanilla zones explores
No professions

Quite advantageous if you ask me

50 gold may be a generous guess too tho

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24+ hours of gameplay post 58 used to get greater amounts of gold/rep/gear/etc

I see both sides of having legitimate reasons actually. Actually one person, on the “against boost” side actually went out and said.

They said " i don’t want my hard earned work and accomplishments diminished.". This is in part true to some degree as TBC power creep is real. I was personally was NOT happy in TBC when my Tier gear became obsolete - almost all of it by T4 (I think). Granted, Classic was an easy mode version of Vanilla, and really, there is no “achievement” there. but still. It’s still a valid reason.

The other side, well has a lot more reasons such as a more vibrant community, more levelers to group with, longevity of the game etc. Frankly which is the camp I’m a part of. But, I’m also not ashamed to say that if I do choose to play TBC, depending on how authentic it is, it’s because out of my sheer laziness that I want boosts. It’s out of my own personal selfish reason of wanting a stupid catch up mechanic that doesn’t belong in this game.

Sure, people may have legit reasons such as friends, etc. But let’s not pretend that we all have real, factual, and genuine reasons why boosts should or shouldn’t be in this game. I’d wager the overwhelming majority of them are selfish and it is NOT in the best interest of the game for the game itself. But for the person themselves.

But man, this thread is juicy.

Can you elaborate on what youre even saying here? It sounds like youre saying the 24+ hours theyd have spent leveling in vanilla would go to 24+ hours of getting the greater gold and stuff in BC instead, am i correct on that?

read it again or read the previous posts where i explained it in detail

Question though, what stops people from buying a 58 boost and then just copying it over to classic? They could boost a new toon on a new server and pay for the clone to be ported to classic, what stops these people from basically just boosting in classic with extra steps?