"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

IF this kind of thing keeps happening. Where there is paid stuff like this. I and thousands of others will not play video games anymore. Or we will make a company who actually makes money by pleasing both sides of the coin. Making servers with boost and making servers without boosts along with fresh servers would please everyone. You do not need a dozen or so new fresh servers. Just 2. One PVE and One PVP. Total

Just out of curiosity since you want to bring real life into this

If you had more than 1 job in your life, everytime you got a new one did you first have to go back to the first one you had before your new employer gave you the position?

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Imagine bragging about real life accomplishments on a video game forum, where no one know who you are or can even verify what you said is true. You must be very insecure, I think your guild name fits you perfect :joy::joy:.

The majority of us agree with this logical decision.

Thank you.

It’s hilarious that people are against this. People are so desperate to gatekeep that they’re willing to hurt the success of something they enjoy in order to do it.


Dude, get a grip and a hobby (maybe a cat).

You’re feeling SICK over this? I mean, what? Here’s the appropriate reaction to boosts:

  1. Wow, boosts, that’s stupid I don’t like them. I won’t use it. Then, never think about it again.

  2. Wow, boosts, that’s a good idea, I might use it. Then, never think about it again.

Those are your options.

Get a grip.


If the situation dictates, insults can be reused.


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i bet this guy only uses mod that were in vanilla too

So paying to skip 4-8 days of in game work isn’t an advantage over someone who didn’t? Do we really need to go over the meaning of advantage now because people are actually arguing it isn’t pay to win? Whatever helps you sleep at night.


No, it really doesn’t give you an advantage unless through your 4 days of leveling you somehow managed to get crappier gear than the boost provides. Didn’t manage to save up enough gold for your ground mount, etc. Outside of skipping the vanilla slog theres really only disadvantages to the boost lol

Heck, you’re prolly only getting 6 slot bags on the boosted character too


I really think you have to be part of the same crowd that plays mobile gacha games and has a warped definition of in game advantages to even try to defend them.


I dont play any mobile games for one.

Not sure what advantages you’re thinking the boost really gives because the only thing its giving you is the advantage of skipping through irrelevant content.

Boosting advantages -
Skip vanilla content

Boosting disadvantages -
Less gold
Less gear
Less bag slots
No professions
Have to re-discover all the vanilla flight paths
Have to do all the low level quests for gear that you may want for RP purposes

I know Im missing lots but you get the gist. You may like vanilla content and thats your prerogative, however you’re flawed in thinking the boost gives any advantage other than skipping content you’ve already done the last 2 years if you’re not a new player or a strictly TBC returning player.

ETA: Any person who leveled from 1-58 will be far far FAR better off in terms of every aspect of the game aside from time spent than a person who just boosted. You guys are professional overreactors.

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Not necessarily, i haven’t heard them speak on Flight paths so far, but boosting in retail gives you at least some flight paths.

Initially they didn’t give all the flight paths but Im assuming theyre not gonna do that for classic, its a guess and I could be wrong on that one part of it but the rest holds true.

Just like at one point if you boosted at a certain level you got a prior expansion max level professions out of it.

Only if you leveled them to a specific point, forget what though.

But me, I never level professions anyway :rofl:

Yeah i think it was like level 80 and profession level of 150 or somethin like that, I dunno was years ago

Let’s be brutally honest here
 unless you give away all boosts for TBC this is just for Blizzard to make a quick buck.

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I completely agree with you.

Can confirm. Cat’s are awesome.

Especially when they curl up and go to sleep to the right of your monitor at raid time. Great company.

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aaaahhhh hahahahahaha

takes deep breath
