"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

You forgot the number one point of Video games.


If someone isn’t going to play TBC because classic zones and leveling suck (they do) and are not fun, they are fixing that so those people can have fun.


Boy do I have alot to say about that, but I will leave it at this, you don’t deserve to play tbc if you aren’t willing to level 1-60 just as I dont deserve to kill mythic Denathrius if I am not willing to put in the time, effort, teamwork, and dedication it requires to do so (which I am not). This applies to all aspects of life and not just video games.


This isn’t a job, there’s nothing about “deserve”.

They’re increasing the playerbase by doing this, and that’s good for everyone.


They obviously already leveled to 60. A one time boost does not stop you from leveling your other alts through vanilla content or take away from the fact you already went through 2 years of vanilla content. Outside of bots its really a non issue.


And why would a bot need to waste stolen money on a boost anyway lol, they can just bot their way up to 70

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Agreed. With or without boosts the bot operation is gonna remain largely the same.

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No. Actually I was tryin to make a point that even if something existed in classic that would be viewed as a widely negative aspect of wow such as zero population, then it still wouldn’t change my opinion of classic compared to retail. I was not tryin to state my opinion as fact because I’m aware that other people can and do have different opinions than I do, and that’s okay. If anyone says something is better than something else, then it goes without saying that that is their own opinion.

Thank you blizzard for the boost option :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Beats having to pay a mage to skip the tedious and extremely boring vanilla questing experience.

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Yeah, it’s not a job, why not just allow them to skip the whole game then, I should just be able to pay to click a button and have it kill Illidan for me, collect my sick gear, blizzard sponsored gladiator, just click a button and buy gladiator (why not)?

Your argument is illogical. It is not a job, it is a video game. A multi-player one at that, you should not be able to use real life money to buy in game advantages over other people who may not have access to the same economic resources you do, earn it the exact same way everyone else did.

Wanting an easy path through anything is a child’s mentality. Earn your rewards instead of buying them. Being level 2 is a reward for having gone through level 1, being level 60 is a reward for having gone through levels 1-59. Being gladiator is a reward for spending dozens of hours learning the mechanics of the game, having sick raid gear is a reward for being a part of a team (or farming alot of gold).


I agree with the single and 1 time 1 toon per 1 account boost to 58.

While I understand and agree with no boosts in Classic, in TBC:Classic the dynamic is simply different than it was in 2006. Already in WoW: Classic lvling dungeon groups are becoming more and more scarce and Tanks are becoming harder and harder to find; why level a warrior -for example- when basically all the endgame raids are done with and WoW: Classic guilds are already starting to become less and less active?

I would be concerned if the boost was for unlimited toons, or even if it was still a single toon per account to 70, but it is NOT.

The boost is to level 58 which is the absolute bare-minimum to start on TBC content.

Furthermore, it excludes the 2 new races which will prevent an overabundance of Alliance Shaman and Horde Pallys overrunning Outland.

There are players in retail who have no interest in WoW:Classic but will totally play TBC: Classic. This single 1 time boost per account to lvl 58 will entice more players to play TBC: Classic which overall will be a benefit to the TBC community therein.

Blizzard has made a very good and calculated choice on this matter.


If someone wants to boost, I just don’t care. Just like I don’t care if someone wants to buy gold from china or bot. Doesn’t bother me in the least.

I have multiple 60s and am leveling 2 more before prepatch, and another after and will buy a boost as well.

This is a great move business wise from them, they will lose very few people over it and gain many who were waiting for TBC.

In my guild alone there’s about 5-6 people who wouldn’t have bothered with TBC without the boost.


Case and point. Thank you.

(Specifically the last line).

I will never argue it isn’t a great business move, it obviously is, but it is not in the spirit of a fair or competitive game at any level. Even if that level is boring tedium.


You don’t deserve to be level 58 if you aren’t willing to level 1-58.


Nothing about life or gaming is “fair”.

I work from home, I have as many hours to play the game as I feel like, that is not fair to someone who works 40-60 hours a week and can only play 1-2 hours a day.


Thankfully Blizzard doesn’t listen to idiots like you.


I don’t deserve to play the content I’m actually interested in and compete at a level where there is actual skill and challenge involved, because I don’t want to go through a slog of leveling that only costs time and nothing else?

that’s silly. you’re silly


The level 58 boost doesn’t give you any advantage. You boosting a character to 58 does not give you any advantage over me, nor does it impact my gameplay at all. If not for the visual evidence of the gear youd be wearing immediately after boosting the chances of me even recognizing you’re on a boosted character is slim to none…

Its literally that petty.


Community colleges are seen as less academically rigorous and do not carry as much prestige.

So a student starts out there, gets their A.A., goes to a university and gets a B.S., then decides to continue and get their Masters Degree.

They have a Masters Degree, think anyone will care what they did in the beginning?

So what is the difference here?

A player gets to bypass a ton of content (That they have more than likely already experienced the first time around over a decade ago) to join the rest of us.

Whats the problem? They still have to do their homework and know their stuff to get into a raid or be worth anything in PvP.

The great thing about the endgame challenges of TBC -unlike Classic to a great extent- is that it is a major catch all.

10 man and 25 man raids are much more critical on player skill. Its no longer about 40 of your guild mates going to town to kill Nafarian. Some people will be told that they suck and must be cut for progression to be made, plain and simple.

PvP should be self explanatory.

So in the end[game], which is what mainly everyone here is worried about, tell me and everyone else here, especially since it is only a 1 toon 1 time per 1 account boost to 58:

WHAT is the difference between boosting and not?

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Can’t flag this post for trolling, can anyone help ?

This comment is a joke and is not. I appreciated people like Kaivax who work hard to read the forums. This being said, that post is so out of touch.


Mentailty A: work for sht and earn sht.

Mentality B: Demand someone else give me sht because I’m lazy and don’t want to do X, Y, or Z.

I already know which mentality will get you further in life, but you enjoy that 9-5 from home bud while I’m already retired in my 20’s.

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