"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Keep the boost please. 1 boost per account for TBC is a good idea. Without it, you’re fracturing the playerbase into Classic and TBC eras.

I don’t have the time I had 15 years ago. So if there’s no boost, there’s a much higher chance I just won’t play, and with the current state of retail, that’s a lost sub. Up to you guys to figure out if I’m mainstream or not or if it’s worth or not. Plenty of video games out there that still fit my freetime.

This is easily the most melodramatic thing I have ever read on the forums and I’ve been playing since TBC where a mage on my server got the DST from Gruul’s Lair and decided to post on the realm forum about it.

open his post history and take a gander. XD

very ignorant of the fact the player base has changed. literally everyone buying boosts. IF you and your 2 friends want to start new characters and level them together, you still can, no one is stopping you. Chances are you or one of your friends has bought an instance boost already on an alt. whats the difference.

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inb4 it’s different because you were logged in and afk and the gold you gave the mage totes wasn’t bought it from a gold seller.


No, literally everyone is not buying boosts. You are objectively wrong. I know that no one is stopping me from leveling, I never said that they were.

Oh my sweet summer child, are you really unable to tell the difference between someone playing the game and participating in an exchange of goods/services in game, and someone making a purchase on the Blizzard Store?

Do you really need someone to break this down for you? Shall I use crayons perhaps?

Before day 1 of classic release all of my friends were in agreement to play on the same realm. But due to 2+ hour que times they all parted and we each leveled on separate realms & never really reconnected in classic at all! Instead of offering character boosts, offer free transfers!

I wonder how many trolls will be added to the ignore list today! Yesterday it was 5 for me. Godspeed, friend.

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you are the one upset that 95% of the playerbase should cater to you

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No I’m not. I like how you didn’t answer the question. So, please do that.

Mind addressing this?

he totally said what i said he was gonna say. predictable.

Yeah I’m at around 5 lol, that’s the amount of people defending the money grab. It’s pretty funny.

Go log into a classic realm right now, go to a major city, and read LFG chat.
It’s all people spamming boosts for gold.
People will be boosting characters anyway.
Existing players will boost their new shaman/paladin alts for gold they have.
New players will buy gold from farmers to buy boosts from players, or pay boosting services to boost them.
More gold farmer sales equals more gold farming bots flooding servers to meet high demands.

It’s good for player population so everyone is at the same point in the game. New players and existing players from classic all leveling up and doing max level content in TBC together means more people to play with.

There will be a ton of people coming back to the game for BC that did not play classic. If we have to wait for half the server population to get through weeks of leveling up to current content, it will be less players available for making dungeon/raid groups and longer PvP queue times at max level.

I played through classic. I have two level 60 characters to move over, and I’m probably going to buy a boost too :slight_smile:

Why does anyone care about this anyway?


this statement screams “i have no problem with the current rmt meta of instance boosting”

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Do you realize that for most servers, like mine, it takes forever to find sub 60 dungeon groups to level in. Everyone is opting to get boosted or only do solo questing until they can afford a couple boosts. Mind you I’m talking about the mage dungeon boosts not instant paid boosts.


Hey man, either answer the question and participate in discussion, or I’m just going to block you right here and now.

All you’re doing is trolling. So unless you have anything to say that doesn’t boil down to insults and lies, just going to ignore ya bro.

If you’re having trouble finding a group on Herod I’m not sure what to say, that is one of the most populated server right now in NA. Mage boosting needs to be addressed as well, Blizzard should have done it 17 months ago but they didn’t.

I addressed you, you seem incapable of intelligent thought, so please block me

Actually mine more resembles barrens chat with the occasional somebody selling something, somebody asking for an Ony Head drop, and somebody asking if there’s any GDKPs tonight.

No, you didn’t lmfao. Not at all.

Those are literally the only things you’ve said. Good bye, troll! Try to avoid the sunlight, eh?