"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

See, the problem here is, Acti/Blizz doesn’t actually care.

Its an opportunity for Bobby K to get a bigger bonus, so its going in the game.

The only reason WoW Tokens aren’t directly in Classic yet is because they would see more churn than profit. And that is ultimately the only thing that matters.

Unless the boost is incredibly expensive, its going to be used to imbalance factions further for people easier to reroll, and for botters to instantly be picking/skinning/ dungeon grindnig, etc.


I just want you to be productive is all. As I said, I don’t want boosts to be a thing, but if they have to be then I don’t want them to be abused. Everyone has an opinion of course. However, if you imagine Blizzard at a small table in a stadium of thousands of people shouting and arguing with each other, rather than towards that small table, you’ll see how anti-productive all of this is.

I just want our voices to be heard and that won’t happen like this.


hey man, its all good. i leave the anti boost fight up to you, do me proud. keep telling all the anti boost posters that their points are irrelevant instead of coming up with an argument. thats how we’ll win!

My argument was posted above. You could also click on my profile and view it there. I won’t be reposting it 100x just because users like yourself skip straight to the bottom on forum threads.

Also, doing so would be anti-productive which is what I have obviously, if you didn’t notice by now, been trying to eliminate.

Lol, It’s phrases like this that lead to literally nobody taking you seriously. It’s both hilarious and worrying. “Absolutely sickening?” Whoa, my friend. Get an actual grip. This is a video game. Not just a video game, but an old one being brought back. It was never going to be the same experience as it was back then.

Boosts are coming and they’ll be usable exactly ONCE by any single legitimate player. Not gamebreaking in the slightest.


every time i’ve tried to look at other peoples post history theyre in like 15 different topics, not really worth my time. but i understand you not reposting it 100x, even though i read all of the thread in question, but hey, keep going off, you’ve done a great job so far. oooo not posting your argument is productive. got it. makes sense. youre a smart feller.

Maybe boosting benefits you after all.

You missed my post, so this is a lie. Good try though. You could have spent the time to type this out scrolling up and reading it, but you didn’t so you remain ignorant.

If everyone reposted their initial posts of the subject then that would allow 0 new discussions to be seen. So yeah. It is productive.

Blizzard lied to our faces, very badly so, when they made Classic. Why the surprise?


this is literally the only smart thing you’ve said all night. lol. whoa flagged as i was responding. didn’t flag it though fyi.

I’m a lil ADD, boosting is kinda the opposite of that for me.

you’re right i could’ve but i just dont really give a crap anymore lol

whisper your cheer in a crowded football stadium full of fans, it’ll get through!

Then stop participating in the discussion. It’s simple lol

I’m glad you understand why I’m trying to get people like you to be productive. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.

Anyways, this will be my last reply to you. You obviously are here to cause chaos and I won’t be a part of it anymore. I got baited, sure, whatever I guess. However, hopefully more posts will be seen now.

Best of luck to you!

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you keep replying and insulting me lmao but true you’re right, i’ll just slap the ole ignore on.

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What are your symptoms since you are LITERALLY sick?

Do you get tired of reacting so extremely to something that doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things? It’s blizzard’s game, unsub if you don’t like it. This overreacting just makes you hard to take seriously.


I’ll give you a hint, what hurts already has a crack running right down the middle.


yeah cause instead of doing all the BC stuff you are gonna wait and slowly level with a new player right lol

now mages, future paladins aoe farmers malding because they cant rmt the gold they make from boosts


I 100% believe you’re not a real person, and you’re in fact a bot or someone posting using google translate and a script. That’s like the fourth time you’ve said that exact same thing.

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You can do both, you know?

And yes, I would much rather level with a new friend than go to tbc and start leveling there. I can do that much more quickly and it’s not nearly as important as getting a friend up to speed.

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This is easily the most melodramatic thing I have ever read on the forums and I’ve been playing since vanilla where a hunter on my server got the CTS from BWL and decided to post on the realm forum about it.


It’s really not, and it makes me sick to hear that Blizzard has fallen so far (I thought they were already near rock bottom lmao) and are completely destroying the spirit of what made Classic WoW era classic, simply in order to make a few bucks.

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