"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Dude, you have no clue about classic. I am guessing you played it for maybe a month or two in the beginning, and gave up and went right back to playing your level 60 Tauren Monk in retail. I have played nothing BUT Classic since launch day, and have loved the community and have no clue why you are crying about “Toxicity”.

And if you are going to call something “Classic”, then it should be “Classic”, which again, TBC DID NOT HAVE BOOSTS! PERIOD


I’d recommend blocking him, tbh. The guy’s been stalking everything I post since last night just because I disagreed with him, I think he has issues

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if you have 58 boosts in a “classic” game, it is not the “classic” game.
pretty straightforward.


would you not argue the most important character you level to max is your first? if theres any importance in leveling at all, which i like to think theres a tiny bit of, it would be for your first character. do you really trust people to know mechanics without being told and still then maybe screwing them up? thats boost or not, im just wondering lol. its 1 boost for potentially millions of accounts, kinda a big deal.

Literally useless until TBC content.

Agreed. But saying you’re playing an entirely new expansion by casting a few spells is beyond ridiculous.

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except i’ve played classic the entire time. and am currently making plans with my wife and friend about tbc classic. i’ve played both the entire time. and for quite a bit of it i played more classic than retail. many hours a day.

almost the entire time. i did quit for a bit.

thats not the point

not at all, its still new content

so why is draenei and b elf excluded then? only like the first what, 20? levels are in new zones. they should be able to be boosted whenever they want to 58 so they can skip that boring azeroth crap.

when asked what you should level in GD you get told to level hunter or warlock first, because it’s easier. then later it also included ret. then dk. then dh. so depending on when you started the “first” character you level is just whatever was easiest for whatever era you happened to start in. if we’re going by the “first character you leveled being the most meaningful” then only those classes are meaningful, for most people. lol

I was initially against boosting as it undermines the spirit of the classic project. However, the more I think about it, I’m okay with it. I can spin up 10+ accounts and pay for boosts because Im rich AF IRL. Then powerlevel tailoring/alchemy for transmutes. Really, boosting will help me get rich AF in game as well. #hyped

I mean it is. Having a “new” profession before it becomes relevant makes it…irrelevant. Crazy. I know.

Casting new spells and different passives is not the content that pertains to boosting. You know it. It’s irrelevant to discussion.

These zones are not in outland. They’re on Azeroth. In fact, if you log in on classic you can see Eversong Forest in the game and on the map. If you get close in the game you’ll see a bunch of hostile blood elves in front of a fallen tree. As for the races? I’m not on Blizzard’s payroll, but I think it’s an understandable restriction because everyone would just boost a paladin or shaman.

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Did you miss the part where they said there would be changes?
Classic wow wasn’t the vanilla game either. Like with the layering etc.

I personally welcome the paid boost. I have a 60 Shammy and Lock and am working on leveling a Priest and Mage. I’ll be honest I friggin hate it. Finding groups to get some dungeon quests done is a pita. I don’t have gold to buy dungeon boosts. I’ll get these two characters leveled to 60 and then start working on making as much gold as I can before BC comes out. I will use the boost on a hunter, a class I’ve mained since back in Vanilla and miss playing. If I had to level the hunter through classic I’d more than likely just skip doing it.


I’m happy about the boost, it will get my Son out of retail to dual level with me. I think some of the gripes come from the Ones who spam literally HUNDREDS of “gold Boosting” dungeon runs we see in every freaking zone. It’s a prosperous business! Unless you have friends, your not going to get a run. I’m slogging to 60.

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just returning the favor from your twinsy monk. i just wanted to make sure you knew what a sarcastic, elitist, insult was! with examples!

(shes also been posting this entire time along with her stalker monk pal, so im not the only one with a problem)

So? Classic has never meant #nochanges. It didn’t in vanilla classic and it won’t in TBC Classic.

Fortunately blizzard is paying even less attention to #nochanges for TBC Classic.

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I find groups literally all the time.

BTW - leveling as a duo is actually slower than solo

See what I mean? He’s even convinced himself of some conspiracy that I’ve teamed up with some other monk he’s apparently stalking

Got a thing against monks?

There’s a huge variance based on realm. I’m on alliance pagle which is high pop alliance and leveling alts I’ve out leveled dungeons before seeing a non boost group forming for them.

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brb switching factions/classes :expressionless: