"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

I don’t understand what your statement means, I hit 60 in phase 1, go look at my logs if you care so much. I just think the outrage over a one-time boost is overblown in general. That being said, I’d prefer people to level since it lets you learn a lot about your class but if you’re a fast learner then I don’t see the problem. As long as you perform in arena or in raids, it doesn’t matter to me personally.

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TLDR 1000+ posts, but I want to put my opinion in here.

Selling boosts is not bad. It allows people to play TBC without forcing them to play vanilla. I want to use a boost to skip the leveling process, which I’ve grown quite tired of over the course of many years playing this game.

but also

Selling boosts is BAD. It’s the first step to selling game progress, as discussed in numerous posts and forums, the issue with leveling up in the game being boring is a problem created by the system, and selling a solution to a problem you created is horrible and unethical and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing it.

The short version: I have no qualms with skipping content, but it’s unethical and should not be accepted that the problem of ‘leveling being boring’ is also being solved via a paid service by the very people who made leveling boring to begin with.

This is called “TBC CLASSIC”. Notice how they put Classic in the title, to represent it will (or should) be the CLASSIC VERSION OF TBC!? Well in the case you do not know this, TBC did not have any level 58 character boosts.


Oh i understand. I also understand that


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your side has been doing the same thing for 12 hours, forgive me if i dont give a crap what you think lol. that doesnt mean they’re correct at all, it means it took them 8 months to hit 60 and their opinion is irrelevant. not that i actually think he was that slow, i was just getting in a jab.

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see? i didnt doubt that at all. it does make the point irrelevant however you slice it though.

the problem is blizzard is adding the RETAIL vision to TBC…
the excuse of people not being able to play in outland with their friends after 2 weeks of prepatch leveling… XP squish from 20-60… mount at level 30… AND new quest hubs and overhauls that remove the dry spots from vanilla quest zones that required players to “grind” experience.

this is all an excuse and it will take 1/2 the time to hit 60 in tbc than it was in classic wow. on top of having the option of players and guild members running you through dungeons as well!

instant 58 boosts is a clear and cut cash grab, similar method to when a new expansion releases on Retail.
it is not in keeping with how the game was back then and never will be.

also blizzard has done TONs of changes to classic which made the game worse than it was from original vanilla wow. even private servers did a better job in keeping in line with the spirit of vanilla wow. the reason the #nochanges crowd gave up is because they didn’t trust blizzard to modernize the previous version of the game without changing the feel of the game.

perfect example is Diablo 2 ressurrected deep dive vs TBC deep dive during blizzconline. one group is trying to improve the old game to modern standards without changing how it feels and plays. the other is trying to turn it into another game, which is doing quite poorly in regards to being a modern game (retail).

I highly doubt blizzard will do TBC right and it will be another disaster like classic was with poor foresight.

~AV bots didnt get banned until 6months later after people were screwed over in ranking.
~bots and gold sellers run rampant still
~GMs are nonexistent, its all automated hands off.


Firstly, I’m on the no boost side. Feel free to verify that in my comment history to “jab” me. I just understand that personal attacks do nothing for discussion. Secondly, if you’ve been on the forums for the past 12 hours you have more problems than the upcoming boost. Lastly, if you really want to persuade Blizzard and other members of the player base I would recommend actual discussion and productive comments.

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congrats on being the first person on these forums with a both sides opinion and willing to say it. too bad indifferent only helps their side. i commend you though.

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I make a new account in tbc classic. At level 5 I pick up jewelcrafting, a profession added in tbc. At level 10 I have talents not added until tbc and do quests in azeroth not added until tbc. Yet until I’m level 58 I’m actually playing vanilla wow.

you would think so, but its just Kinda TBC ft. Retail unless they change something.

Not really since the whole importance on leveling 1 to cap is one that is brought up for “MUH NOSTALGIA”. It makes no difference to me if somebody leveled to cap or if they started at 58, just that they know how to stand on beam for netherspite and not to move during flame wreath week 1. Again, this a 1 time boost for an account, not the retail version where you can boost to your heart’s desire.

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5 days would be a very fast pace unless you no-lifed the game (or got boosted)

However I played extremely casually at the start of Vanilla taking breaks to play other games and didn’t do anything crazy like take time off work or neglect other real world responsibilities (I know shocking right)

I would just log on a few times a way and level for a few hours each day. Doing this I got to max level in about 2 months without even remotely killing myself to do so. So 3 months is plenty of time to get to max

Usable on 0 Classic pieces.

New spells/tuning numbers is not the content we are discussing and is a ridiculous reach.

You are. You are on Azeroth. You are literally blocked from going to Outland.

Your points are ridiculous and I recommend you provide actual productive points in your future comments.

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tbc classic isn’t the same as tbc retail. tbc retail didn’t have those things but they’ve existed in tbc classic since it was announced at blizzcon. so tbc classic has always existed with the boost. and according to blizz it’s a separate game. which is why you’ll have 1 retail 2 classic and 3 tbc classic clients to choose from. also this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for #nochanges making classic a wasteland of private server toxicity and running all the normal players off a few months in. hence #somechanges

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you think you are, but you’re not. haaaa see what i did there?

id argue they’re about equal, but you’re not completely off base.

who cares, all i keep hearing is it’s in the game, give up, move on, go back to classic lmao

Sure, but 3 months is just an arbitrary number he pulled out his :peach: We don’t actually know when TBC will launch and not everyone who intends to play TBC is going to start playing CLASSIC immediately.
And it still means playing through classic to access TBC which is something they’re clearly trying to alleviate to some degree.

well worded sir, glad to have you on our side.

That was a good one. :slight_smile:

All I’m saying is that starting arguments on the forums and being counter-productive isn’t going to get Blizzard’s attention. Outside of timing out or banning people of course.

You don’t just create jewels with jewelcrafting, and I would consider new spells etc a pretty big thing. Idk