"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

I’m at a loss for words. I’m just going to calmly explain this one last time, and then log off. It’s a Thursday morning and it’s pointless to continue reiterating this for hours on end when it doesn’t even have anything to do with the topic at this point.

DVS was providing a significant advantage. Blizzard recognized this and nerfed it after all the top guilds began race changing for that advantage. Though nobody managed to get the kill during that time, they could have as it made the fight much easier. At the very least, those who did race change got to see more of Phase 3 and plan ahead accordingly. This provided an advantage over other guilds who did not race change, even if Method did eventually race change back.

I’m done. Please read that slowly and rethink this entire conversation. If you assume I said anything else, please do not do that as I never argued anything but this.

i’ve literally explained to you what eventually happened more than once. and no one paid for an i win on a kill. and people got their money back and their original race back. the fact they “saw” a bit more is what you’re arguing is p2w? headdesk

No one got their money back. They paid again to race change back. And yes, it is an advantage. It’s exactly why there was controversy in Castle Nathria when guilds stopped streaming their attempts.

Aight now I’m done for real. Had to stay just to clarify any mistakes that would inevitably be made in interpreting my post.

multiple people on the forums said they got their money back and their race changed back to what it was previously. so they lied? for what purpose?

Oh my god, it makes so much sense now.

I legitimately think that those 4/5 posters are ACTUALLY AI.

No way. I’ve seen better posts from AI. Have you played aidungeon? It’s really fun, actually, and makes more sense.

I disagree. The original BC did not consider 58-70 some completely detached game from original vanilla. It sped up leveling in the old world to make 1-70 comparable to 1-60 in vanilla (if not a bit faster), the new profession also added lots of things for low levels, new quests were added to the old world, including an entire quest hub, Blood Elf and Draenei zones started at level 1, and they all got class quests when leveling. It’s crystal clear the original devs viewed BC as an expansion, not a separate game. the game you played in 2007 after BC launched was still World of Warcraft, and for the 4 million new players, or anyone leveling an alt (especially BEs/Draenei), 1-58 was just as much a part of BC as 58-70.

I know you are a CM and not a dev and thus have no control over any of this and are essentially relaying orders, and likely won’t even read this post, but I urge the devs to find a better solution, of which there have been several suggested in this chaotic mess that has erupted since Blizzcon. Whether from “start at 58 BC exclusive” realms similar to vanilla exclusive realms, or making the boost a limited offer during the prepatch to avoid it being abused and harming BC after the hype train dies down. The boost goes entirely against the spirit of classic, as it never existed in Burning Crusade, nor did it in vanilla, BC, Wrath, or even Cata (if not especially Cata due to questing being reworked).


Never considered this point.

Cataclysm revamped the entirely leveling process (so did TBC, though obviously not to the extent Cataclysm did). The game fundamentally changed on so many levels.

Yet, according to many of these flawed pro-boost arguments, the game would’ve started at level 80 in Hyjal, and all the 1-80 should be skipped via a paid service.

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lok’tar friend!

although i disagree with this cause thats just gonna make the server regression and faction imbalance worse.

I disagree with it and don’t like it, but having a 1-2 month period of boosts wrecking things is better than having it available for all of BC classic. It was more extending an olive branch.

a true alliance move. no olive branch for the enemy. only BLOOD.

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Appeal to authority.

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you’re the first person to recognize the use of a fallacy other than myself in this thread. that itself gets a like. a lot of us are using them knowing we are, and some have no idea.

No Burning Crusade is Level 1-70. It doesn’t start at 58. There was not a boost in original TBC. There does not need to be one here. I’m not even being snarky and just trying to speak plainly…many of your playerbase don’t want this. You didn’t listen years ago and we were told "you think you do, but you don’t’ …

well we don’t wan’t a boost. Some will…but clearly most don’t.

If I’m standing in Shattrath…at 70 with some arena gear on. people know I’ve been playing a while. Or…someone just ‘paid’ and they have been playing for 2 months. (In the case of boosting)

we don’t want transmog…we don’t want easy…we want the gear and accomplishment to mean something. don’t turn this into retail. Not even a little. That’s probably half the emotional and visceral reaction by your customers here…we don’t want retail. And this SMELLS OF RETAIL.


you assume that since you don’t want it that most don’t. which is false even if you just read the threads about it. people who would’ve originally been anti boost are now pro boost because of the nature of bots and buying gold to pay for boosts. etc. a lot of people do want it to level the playing field. its seen as the lesser of two evils because blizz has outright stated there will be no “fresh” tbc servers at launch.

lok’tar brother

I think this is an illusion. Anyone who is going to play TBC for the long haul is also willing to level their character the right way, come on Kaivax you know that. Will the ADHD fortnight kids who buy boosts be transformed into MMORPG players by providing them a pay-to-progress skip?

No they will not, but it will make Blizzard money which is the bottom line. When Wotlk comes out what is the next step in pay-to-progress? LvL 68 boosts ofc but why stop there? How about a WoW token to get your friends the gold they need to raid? Pay-to-progress is Anti-MMORPG because it breaks the contract. Which is I invest my time to progress not my wallet.


Respect, small enemy mage.


tbc, retail lite: confirmed. i am not even trolling. even original tbc was where all the things you seem to hate about retail started.