"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Where does intention come into this? If Jaina is significantly harder because of how long you’re CC’d, and reducing that CC lets you skip a mechanic, it’s pay-to-win to change your entire guild to that race and skip that mechanic. Even Blizzard agreed and nerfed it when they realized that was possible, because guilds who couldn’t afford to do that were at a major disadvantage.

alliance racials have been better for a long time. look at DID or mechagnome racials vs maghar or nightborne racials. the kt tanking racial is also the best one. it’s not the racials at all. it’s that everyone is comfortable on horde and have no reason to switch at this point.

That’s just an outright fabrication. Troll is the best race for almost half of the DPS classes right now for the haste buff alone.

I wasn’t going to get a boost, but now I’ve decided to replace my 60 troll hunter with a boosted 58 orc hunter. I’m really using it as more of a paid race change, because orc is BiS for TBC.

they also nerfed da voodoo shuffle and change the mechanic to match it in general. and then gave people refunds and change them back to their previous races.

P2P and P2W are NOT mutually exclusive.
P2P and F2P ARE mutually exclusive.

probably wasting my time and dont even know what mutually exclusive means…shoot.

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Intention has everything to do with something being a pay 2 win game. The whole point of the article you posted in regards to pay 2 win is that free to play games very intentionally set up situations that require people to pay to get ahead.

As you just stated blizzard nerfed said mechanic precisely because they didn’t want that situation.

except not. i’ve checked the icy veins for most. and a lot of them, such as warrior etc which is the last i checked, have gnome and mechagnome as the top. mechagnomes have the best racial for most classes. have you actually looked at tier lists at all?

This. Like these are all such simple concepts that it is surprising that people can fail to get it.

Also, Jatish because switching servers and everyone being all of a sudden able to play together are two different things? Like, why does that even need explanation?

They didn’t nerf Da Voodoo Shuffle, they nerfed the mechanic alone to make it short enough so everyone could get rid of the slow before the phase transition. DVS still lowered it, but Blizzard realized Trolls were at such a significant advantage that it needed to be addressed immediately.

P2P and P2W are NOT mutually exclusive.
P2P and F2P ARE mutually exclusive.

probably wasting my time and dont even know what mutually exclusive means…shoot.

This is exactly correct. Why it’s even possible to think otherwise I have absolutely no idea.

I think boosts are an attempt to entice new players to play the game or just make a quick buck. The amount of people who really “need” the boost are a lot fewer than most would think, but the more I think about it the less I like the idea.

I feel it is taking advantage of new players and the hype of TBC to get an extra fee out of them. I personally believe Blizzard still sees Classic as a transient MMO that people still actually don’t want. Something for people to play in between retail content updates you know?

https: //www. wowhead .com/news=290363/mythic-jaina-hotfix-troll-racial-no-longer-affects-chilling-touch

they did nerf it for that boss. even if you don’t open the link it explains that it didn’t stack. :slight_smile:


Icy-veins specifically splits Alliance and Horde best races. Gnome isn’t even listed as the best race, it’s good because of CC break, not because of a DPS advantage. Almost every spec that is reliant on Haste in some way is going to have Troll as their best race.

yeah it seems to me they took the options then weaseled a 5th option of progress all current servers to tbc with option of staying classic (which was one of the options) and added PAID 58 BOOST for a cash grab and the small percent of responses wanting to start TBC on new servers at 58. An abominable mash up of the original survey.

You’re arguing semantics now. When you say they nerfed the racial, it’s to be assumed you mean in general, not specifically removing its ability to affect that one debuff, while also bringing it in line with every other race.

Why are we even still arguing it? You literally just linked an article saying how Trolls had a significant racial advantage, and it had to be addressed. That’s exactly what I was saying, and has nothing to do with TBC boosts anyway.

here’s a link to a spec that’s best stat is haste and the troll racial isn’t tops.

https: //www. icy-veins. com/wow/demonology-warlock-pve-dps-simulations

it’s second because pet damage is stronger and orcs get a pet damage racial. but i doubt most specs are as dependent on haste as demo is, and orc is STILL better.

you’re the one arguing semantics. you didn’t understand i meant for that boss. and you also said it stacked and gave trolls an advantage. which is a very provable lie.

here’s a link to a spec that’s best stat is haste and the troll racial isn’t tops.

https: //www. icy-veins. com/wow/demonology-warlock-pve-dps-simulations

it’s second because pet damage is stronger and orcs get a pet damage racial. but i doubt most specs are as dependent on haste as demo is, and orc is STILL better.

So one specific spec that is obviously built around pet damage is going to be superior because of increased pet damage. Alright I guess? That’s such a niche scenario, and doesn’t even matter anyway because I never claimed every class does, only “almost half of the DPS classes.” Fire mage? Best in PVE. Marks Hunter? Best in PVE. PVP racials have almost no impact on PVE at all, so everyone is going to go for the racials that give you a stat boost.

you’re the one arguing semantics. you didn’t understand i meant for that boss. and you also said it stacked and gave trolls an advantage. which is a very provable lie.

The very fact that Blizzard had to nerf DVS shows it wasn’t a lie. The link you posted covers why.

The Passive Da Voodoo Shuffle reduces the duration of the Chilling Touch DoT from 20 seconds to 16 seconds! There are only two points where the reduced duration of Chilling Touch makes a huge impact.

The first relevant point is at the end of Phase 2, when the raid generally has ~9 stacks of Chilling Touch. Starting the Intermission lets the debuff reset. Being a Troll shortens the Chilling Touch DoT by multiple ticks, which is a lot of raid damage that is missing when comparing a raid of Trolls to a raid of not Trolls.

The second relevant point is at the end of the Phase 2 intermission. The raid generally gets one stack of Chilling Touch after defeating the wall.

  • After breaking out Nathanos, a Troll’s stacks will reset before the first tick of Chilling Touch in Phase 3 because of the shorter duration.
  • For non-Trolls, the Intermission stacks will carry over into Phase 3.
  • This means that the majority of Method went into the final phase with 1 less stack of Chilling Touch than non-Trolls.
  • One stack individually doesn’t sound like much, but one stack on the entire raid is a massive amount of healing in the last phase and shortens the amount of time they have to burn Jaina.

you said it still gave an advantage. which it didn’t. the very first part of the post explains you weren’t telling the truth.

Hotfix Changes

  • The Troll racial Da Voodoo Shuffle no longer reduces the duration of Chilling Touch duration on Mythic is now 16 seconds (was 20 seconds)

NO LONGER REDUCES. that means it was changed to not stack and they gave everyone the equivalent of what trolls had. which is exactly what i said.

here is it directly from the thing

With this hotfix, every player’s Chilling Touch debuff will be 16 seconds regardless of race, so guilds will no longer have to race change for this encounter. This means that the entire raid’s Chilling Touch can drop between the Phase 2.5 Intermission and Phase 3.

How could you possibly not understand that the entire reason that change went into effect was because it was a significant advantage in the first place? Am I arguing with an AI? Is English your first language? I’m not trying to attack you, I’m genuinely baffled how you could ever think this.

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He cant read Jatish! He’s already dead! Stop killing him!

it was an advantage and they changed it. and they gave people the money for race changes back and changed them to their previous race. that wasn’t pay to win as they lost the race change money TO troll and back FROM troll.