"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

dude obviously didn’t even read the link before he posted it. lol

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“In general a game is considered pay-to-win when a player can gain any gameplay advantage over their non-paying peers.”

I was told it is best practice to quote the whole thing.

Correct answer. Yes those things are completely P2W as well lmao. Thanks for proving our point.

Yep like the title, which clearly states that this is all within the context of free to play games. Or for that matter the very first sentence of the article which clearly states the types of mechanics they’re talking about.

None of which apply to boosts.

yes, but wow is a pay to play game not a free to play game. and nothing you get from the boost can you not get if you didn’t boost. so thanks for proving our point for us?

they’re now triple-ing and quadruple-ing down on being wrong. XD

It’s also grouped together with nagging and ease-of-access by children. Are those exclusive to free-to-play games? Not in the slightest. Seemingly every few months there’s an article about some kid buying thousands of dollars of FIFA characters.

Wikipedia has it merged with the F2P article because it isn’t significant enough to have an article for itself. If it were specifically talking about free-to-play situations, would it not mention free-to-play? I mean, it’s the article, you can find the word everywhere when being referenced on it. Why are we supposed to infer that this one specific instance is a mistake where they meant to include it but didn’t?

Oh got it so because WoW is a subcription based game it cannot have pay2win features by definition.

pay to win has also been explained to you. if i could buy a full set of cata launch level raid gear in tbc or vanilla classic that you couldn’t also access without paying, THAT would be p2w.

It could but it doesn’t.

So, what I asked and faction mergers you do realize are two different things right? And while there are always outliers, we are talking about a specific game here so constantly throwing outliers with different variables doesn’t really help your point. The vast majority of people in WoW can get gear relatively easy and the best of the best gear is still not able to be bought.

did that warrior ever post after we showed him that he was wrong?

remember how a few minutes ago he accused us of moving the goal posts? :slight_smile:

he did, but with silly snide comments about how everyone else was wrong etc. He just ignored the fact he was proven wrong, just like he puts everyone on ignore that dont agree with him.

come to think of it, he probably put whoever linked the proof to him on ignore

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oh no, i’m being ignored. :sob:

How on earth is it a completely different thing? Alliance are almost wholly unviable in competitive raiding because they have a significant disadvantage to Horde racials. And you completely glossed over the part where I said people are begging for racial rebalancing. Remember when everyone switched to Troll for Da Voodoo Shuffle on Jaina so the fight was way easier? Or when Belf tanks absolutely dominated M+ because of the silence on their racial before Blizzard nerfed it?

It’s an advantage you pay for, and people don’t like it. It’s pay-to-win to switch races for an advantage.

Pay to Win would mean blizzard is intentionally balancing things that way to force people to take those micro transactions.

I guess if your tin foil hat is that thick…

alliance racials have been better for a long time. look at DID or mechagnome racials vs maghar or nightborne racials. the kt tanking racial is also the best one. it’s not the racials at all. it’s that everyone is comfortable on horde and have no reason to switch at this point.

Yeah, I saw that. On the survey, I made sure to add that I didn’t want transfers, that I preferred that we get a one-time copy of our characters to TBC so people could enjoy both Classic and TBC and maintain healthy populations. So it’s nice they are offering that service.

About that level 58 boost though… I really would like to understand their reasoning behind that. Even though I’m old school, I’m really trying to see all the pros and cons here. Too bad we can’t see the survey results. But if we look at the bigger picture, it looks like they are trying to balance out authenticity (pre-nerf bosses, etc) with longevity of the game (giving pally seals to both factions to balance the factions).

I think all we can really do is to just give them our feedback and hope they make the best decisions for the game.

The blue post stated exactly what their reasoning is.

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