"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

omg I think we figured it out. They can’t read…

this is the first part. if you don’t believe me check it yourself. you are the one who linked it.

As someone who first started playing WoW back in TBC, I was excited when I initially received the TBC survey from Blizzard. I made my opinion known that I was against the level 58 boosts, as that would be detrimental to the game and against the spirit of Classic. Leveling in the early days was such a huge part of the game. I have never used any of my free boosts that came with the expansions, and they are still sitting on my account.

While I am not thrilled about their level 58 boost announcement, my opinion has shifted a little, and I am more on the fence now. The facts are that they are limiting the boost to 1 per account, they are requiring that you pay for it, and you can’t boost blood elves or draenei. We all know everyone and their grandma will be making blood elves on day 1 of launch. I actually have a few friends who played with me back in TBC (who started in Vanilla), who are coming back to the game now and will do the 1 time boost and level up some alts while they raid on their main character. They didn’t care for Vanilla then and don’t care for Classic now, but loved TBC and Wrath, and they all had multiple alts.

I sincerely hope they double down on their efforts to ban bots who would definitely exploit this. As long as Blizzard don’t start adding more paid boosts to the game and making it more like Retail, then I am OK with it, if it keeps people playing together with their friends. For all we know, maybe a sizable percentage of people answered on the survey that they’d stay on Classic realms, but wanted to also play TBC content, so they’d use the paid boost there.

i figured that out like 200 posts ago. yall some troopers.

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“Unlockable through gameplay” literally meant at minimum months worth of grinding. Getting gear doesn’t take nearly that long. Again, you are stretching here.

World first guilds also pay for race/faction changes. World first guilds used to pay to transfer servers for a variety of reasons. Are those methods now pay2win?

Admittedly I can’t find the proof on it, even though I was reading about it recently so I won’t say majority even though I would say that there is a large amount of players that don’t do anything with the token.

It’s either this or linear algebra…

This is a damn good bit of irony in this post.

it would be ironic if my suit were made of iron

if you have the ability to post links post the link dude posted. maybe he’ll believe it if he has the link he posted directly linked to him.

Not as ironic as the post you made.

destroyed with facts and logic
tip my fedora to u bro

You do you.

they’re being snarky about us not being able to read when you can clearly see it mentions “playing for free” in the link dude posted. like… lol?

i love this part because all the boosted babies wont even be able to play a portion of TBC content without LEVELING LOL. the only redeeming part about the boosts.

you do know theres a paid character copy service where you can keep your toon on Classic but also progress to TBC at the same time right?

imagine calling others babies when you’re having a literal meltdown on the forums because someone doesn’t have to level through content they’ve already quested through 9457934759347593845 times.


“Unlockable through gameplay” literally meant at minimum months worth of grinding. Getting gear doesn’t take nearly that long. Again, you are stretching here.

So I take it you didn’t play when Corruptions or Netherlight Crucible was a thing? Because one of my friends went almost an entire years without getting a Relic upgrade, and up until they added the vendor, my best corrupted piece was a Twilight Devastation 2. Just because you somehow manage to get all your gear with ease doesn’t mean others don’t struggle to get upgrades. Hence why Blizzard buffed loot drops just the other week.

World first guilds also pay for race/faction changes. World first guilds used to pay to transfer servers for a variety of reasons. Are those methods now pay2win?

Yes. Are you unaware of how many people are begging for factions to be able to raid together, or for racial rebalancing right now? It even came up at Blizzcon last week with Ion stating at the moment they don’t have plans to merge factions but are keeping an eye on things.

"In some games, players who are willing to pay for special items, downloadable content, or to skip cooldown timers may be able to gain an advantage over those playing for free who might otherwise hardly be able to access said items. "

still waiting for you to reply explaining how the link YOU posted doesn’t say what it actually says.

It does say Free to Play the title of the article you linked is literally,

[Free-to-play | Pay-to-win]

Free to play games almost inevitable have various mechanics that can be over come by paying and create an impossible or nearly impossible to overcome advantage over free players.

Boosts and for that matter none of the micro transactions in WoW come even close to that. Which is in large part because since WoW has a subscription it has no reason to create those kind of mechanics.

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