"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

if you could not get those loot boxes any other way that would be p2w. if they could be it was people paying for convenience. which isn’t the same thing. i don’t play EA games at all. but if it’s anything like the overwatch loot boxes you get 58793487593485 of them for free just doing things you’d be doing anyway. you could buy some with money but that wasn’t the only way.

Remember this right here when people throw out the, “Bringing up wild tangents” argument. Huge wild one spotted right there.

Not everyone starting TBC will boost to 58. Players who boost will have a huge advantage over the players who do not pay to boost their characters.

Might want to look into Battlefront 2 then considering EA eventually admitted it was too much of an advantage and unlocked all gameplay-altering content that was previously locked.

Like I said, they are very black and white. Any nuance or complexities get lost on them.

Whether a Pay2Win method is indirect, or needs further input from the consumer to take full advantage of the purchase is just corporate language to make you feel more comfortable with Pay2Win services.

It’s not a tangent just because you don’t like the argument. Saying it’s acceptable for Blizzard to do what literally every other company gets torn to shreds for is not a tangent. Quit making baseless accusations.

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pay to win would be being able to pay to do said boost, if it was all current content. Your whole point is about time, so ill use the same. It would be pay to win, if it put you ahead of someone else who didnt pay, in current content. Instead, its paying to catch-up (somewhat) in time to the rest of the playerbase.

So i’d say its pay-to-catchup.

“ITS NOT A TANGENT” proceeds to go off on tangent


Of course a lot of people won’t. Most people will have level 60’s they’re going to play which are going to be much better off than whatever a boosted character gets.

Now if we were getting fresh servers and you could boost on those that might be a valid point. Be we aren’t.

And this. Like this stuff isn’t complicated at all, it’s been explained multiple times and then they just ignore these simple things and we gotta rehash it.

Aight, strawmanning, cool. Good talking to you I guess.

You are free to say that, but I feel others will disagree. But that’s ok!

Because I called you out on something. I mean, should I also get in to how that isn’t straw manning at all. We’ve already seen definitions fail you once before lol.

it seems to annoy them that blizz is lessening the advantage that they have as people who leveled and raided in classic. and they’re using the “think of the new players” thing as an excuse.

every new player has the ability to buy a boost, none of them have the ability to go back in time and do every single raid classic offers as they were released and gear that way.

Ignoring an argument and focusing on something else completely is absolutely strawmanning. Prove to me how my argument is an unrelated tangent. How is it not related to the topic at hand to point out that several other companies have practiced exactly what he said, and were accused of being P2W.

explaining p2w to you over and over again because you refuse to accept what it actually means isn’t straw manning.

Do you think new players will be pressured to purchase a boost at the start of TBC? Do you think it is because of the level 60’s and no lifers that are already ahead of them, or do you think it will be out of fear that there wont be a “new wave” of people to level with? Yall want to define what Pay to win is. Then get upset when we use the definition to explain how it fits with the situation. I would rather them start toons of at 58 instead of having a paid boost for this reason. There is already going to be a divide between players starting at 60 and not, now there will be a second divide between players who boost and who do not.

i linked to a page that explains the most common logical fallacies earlier. if they didn’t read that, not our fault. lol

I linked the definition. The definition that states giving players an advantage, whether through saving time or providing a significant gameplay advantage, is P2W. Please enlighten me how paying money to boost 58 levels and immediately enter TBC where other players would have to dedicate 20+ hours on Classic leveling a character is not a significant time save or gameplay advantage.