"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

people who’ve played retail all along know what blizz speak blizz uses to string people along. and that the only way to try to force them to do what they said they do is to get a million people to unsub. lol. blizz lie? never. :rofl:

Burning crusade classic does not start at level 58. If that were so, then why are you starting Blood Elves and Draenei at level 1? Why are there starting areas for those races? This argument is inconsistent and I can’t believe it was approved by Blizzard management as an official blue post. Does Blizzard have QA for forum blue posts?


I can’t even with you guys. First you say to take Blue post’s words as gold, now you are saying don’t trust what blizz says?

Talk about having your cake and eating it too man. And for what? What are we even in disagreement about? Why are you guys so argumentative about every little thing? Holy heck my guys

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I told ya dude, they’re legit, full fledged 100% troll.

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I just think their power levels are too high man.

direct vs indirect things. if they say “this is true” then it is true. if they say “this may happen at some point but it’s not an immediate concern” it’s them lying. you can tell you haven’t played retail this whole time. :stuck_out_tongue:

the new world that TBC introduces starts at level 58. Two new races that TBC introduces start at level 1 yes, but those races cannot participate in the new content that TBC introduces until level 58.

Putting so much emphasis on this point is silly. its semantics.

Eh? All they said was they have no plans of fresh servers at this time and they are aware there is a demand for them. That is an ambiguous statement with no actual meaning, it’s not meant to be trusted or distrusted and certainly isn’t a promise that fresh servers will be coming soon.

Where did anyone say that they were promised or coming soon?

yep. i’ve had my wishful thinking used against me multiple times the past. now i know when they make ambiguous statements that they’re just not committing to a direct no so they don’t lose out on your sub. if you’re subbed and complaining about the forums about how long it’s taken them to do x thing you’re still subbed, and they’ve gotten your money.

I’m just warning you well more the other guy not to be overly optimistic about the chances of fresh server soon if ever.

gonna quietly ignore that proof provided to you that you were wrong about classic and tbc being separated in bnet?

Thank you, I appreciate it. My expectations are sufficiently checked.

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I don’t suppose it would be possible to Maybe get a pre patch release Date ?

Sense that is when this is coming out right?

At some point you should try not strawmanning what they say. The fake incredulous attitude when what they say is actually pretty simple isn’t really helping your case.

something you can go check on the retail forums right now… look up #pulltheripcord where ion said before expansion release that they could remove the spells you get for choosing a covenant. and then after people paid and played and were called out on it they said there was never any ripcord.


where they said before the expansion pre patch came out that the level squish wouldn’t prevent you from soloing old content. and then after the squish blizz said you’d have to just level up and get gear and that would fix it. then when people leveled up and it didn’t fix it he doubled down and said it was working as intended and wouldn’t change.

i am pro blizz all the way but you will see megathreads about both in retails GD that are current and are direct contradictions to other things they’ve said.

Nope, I am not doing that at all.

your laziness doesn’t mean that there isn’t ample CURRENT proof that blizz strings people along intentionally. if they will say things that aren’t true to retail players in the hope that they’ll just play and not make a fuss what makes you think they don’t do the same thing to classic players? especially considering that retail is the cash cow. like lol? they have far more to lose from people rage quitting retail than classic.

Or, they can follow conversations logically and not argue about the difference between fresh and F R E S H and then act like they know some secret knowledge about blizzard psychology and avoid the original topic entirely.