"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Would you not agree that my anecdote and bringing me, a player who could be a valuable raider to a guild, would be a GOOD reason for a boost?


all you’ve done is call others illogical and say their points aren’t valid because they are counter to yours. if you take people calling you at on your BS as insults… maybe have stronger arguments than just “because i say so” and people won’t point out your fallacies.


I think this is a good place for you to learn, “Just cause I say it. Doesn’t make it true.”

Keep that ego strong though. It is good for a laugh for the rest of us.


For me personally it hurts my leveling experience.

Less people out leveling is less people to meet, less people to give and or get help from. Less people to do a dungeon with. Less people to PvP against.

“It gets more people into the game though!” while at the same time basically destroying and making completely irrelevant a part of the game I, and many others enjoy.

This is why I advocate for fresh servers since it’ll allow all of us to get what we want while avoiding the things we don’t particularly enjoy.


So if Blizzard did a fresh server, would you be ok with boosts on other servers?

Boosts weren’t introduced until MoP and it should stay that way. Blizzard launched TBC tailoring the leveling experience to the new endgame expectations, that was the adjustments they thought necessary. Any further adjustments are in nothing but bad spirit.

If someone is too lazy to level 1-58 in exp-nerfed content filled with dungeon boosters then they’re too lazy to bother with the chores and daily tasks of TBC. Anyone with this argument is arguing in bad faith and don’t actually have interest in the product. And that’s fine, if you’re not interested, don’t play it, but don’t ruin the preservation its intended audience expects.


you have no time to raid or prepare for raid or attune for the raids, you would not be a valuable raider lmao


I would agree with that to an extent. I would put far less faith in such a player as they don’t even have what it takes to level up - either time, effort, dedication, whatever other metrics one might associate with the process of 1-70 - why would I want that person in my guild?

There are countless others who would be more fitting for a raid spot than someone who raid logs for 4 hours a week with a boosted character.

The positives of having one more raider does not outweigh the negatives of boosts.


How did they progress the community? From my seat, they stimulated a boosting meta-economy that is killing the liveness that is WoW leveling. Many people do not want to level in WoW right now because zones are dead and dungeon groups are non-existent.

If the game had compelling leveling content like it did at launch of classic, I’d see the other side of the boosting argument.


Stop replying if you’re just going to troll and try and flame the post.

thank you!

It’s no worse of an argument than your argument that people should be forced to level just to stroke your ego.


you completely missed my other post. Whether the time required to do 58-70 is the same or close to the time to do 1-58 isnt really the point. Well it is relevant, but the difference is that 58-70 will be done as current content, with everyone else (and friends). That can be fun.

doing it alone, in less than relevant content isnt fun. And i wouldnt expect anyone to do something they really dont enjoy for a significant period of time, just to be able to play with their friends.


No it doesn’t. That’s nonsense.

They will likely end up adding servers anyway because I suspect TBC Classic will be even more popular than Vanilla Classic.


I’m not going to give you an economics 101 of how exchange of goods and services stimulates the economie.

The leveling may not be riveting high octane fornite poggers action, but it’s very enjoyable overall, to me at least. Some servers are more lively than others.

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And more hypocrisy from you! I’ll tell you what. You actually post something of substance that isn’t hypocritical and I will happily debate it. But when all your posts are purely you whining and deciding what must be reality even if that isn’t at all the case, you can’t expect people to not call you out.


But why? I was a Raid leader for some of the TOP guilds on EQ Progression servers for YEARS. I taught more players to play EQ than almost anyone. I lead some of the strongest players to some of the biggest achievements in that game. I did ALL that on 10 hours a week of raiding.

WHY can that not be a thing in WoW? Are you saying that Raid logging isnt possible? because eveyr other post about classic WoW is how its dead cause so many just raid log, so are they all liars?

Most guilds on the server I play on raid for about 6 hours a week it seems. That gives me 4 hours to farm outside of raids…more than enough.


It’s so wildly preposterous to take the stance that boosts are necessary in one of the most successful expansions in history.


Right and other people preferences and experiences will differ from yours.

Expecting people to conform to what you consider the “right way to play” is a massive ego stroking moved.

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No? How did you possibly come to that conclusion based off of what I said??

Good for you and your EQ days.

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