"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

Also can we please stop pretending that, “But now the old world will be dead because people aren’t leveling” argument. I mean, why not just come out and say you didn’t actually play during TBC where despite it having no boosts that was literally already the case anyways. That’s been a WoW problem since forever.


So we have to keep reminding you…


Thus, just like everyone else they will have to gear up and get attuned to do end game content in TBC.



Your just saying that I couldn’t be a valuable player because I boosted…and im asking why?

Are you saying if I went to a 3rd party site and bought a 60 right now, I couldn’t join a guild and raid with them?

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It’s not the “Right” way to play.

It’s “the” way to play. There shouldn’t (and wasn’t) another alternative to leveling. You leveled. That’s how it was, and how it should be.

Again, it has nothing to do with “ego.” Stop trying so hard to be snide, it’s just sad dude.


#nochanges is a principle, not a dogma. Let’s not be fanatics. 58 boosts don’t meaningfully affect the TBC experience. They just let you skip the vanilla stuff.




except this is ALL ego man. You FEEL there is only 1 way to play WoW and that is the “RIGHT” way.

That is your ego talking man…100%

Would it hurt your feelings if you knew people bought and sold characters ALL the time when TBC was current content?


That’s not the case at all lmao. I never had any issues getting groups or doing stuff in vanilla/tbc. Even on a smaller server that was Kul Tiras.

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No it’s not the way to play. Just like how there are multiple ways to level not all of which conform with how you think someone should be playing now in TBC classic boosting is an equally legitimate way to get to 58.

If you don’t like boosting nothing is forcing you to do it, but it is also not in anyway hurting your experience.


No that’s not what I’m saying at all.

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Then don’t take the boost. You don’t have to take it and you’ve absolutely failed to demonstrate how the boosts will actually hurt the game using actual facts and not your personal feelings. You trying to extend your beliefs to all players and saying that this is the only way is an ego thing no matter how much you try to deny it. It is that simple.


the thing i find hilarious is it’s an anti retail thing and they’re trying to gate keep us by telling us we’re too “lazy” to level and that we “won’t play long term” you can check any retailers armories right now to show that even if we only have one character we’ve leveled at least vanilla, tbc, wrath, cata, MoP, WoD, legion, bfa, and now shadowlands. so we’ve done objectively more leveling already than they EVER have. and paid full box price for everything, including vanilla.

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So does it hurt your feelings to know that people bought and sold characters all the time in TBC?

Did that cheapen your experience when it was current?


I didn’t ask about the economy, I asked about the “community” which was separate in your answer. The point is, early leveling content is already ruined by something you’re defending as stimulating the economy and community.

Think of this way.

Let’s pretend that all your friends are at a bar. You need proof you already had 10 drinks before you can get in. You’re late to the party, so you have to start at the other bar, and the only people there is a group of neckbeards paying someone else to drink for them so they can get their drink tickets.

What? That’s kind of an enormous run on sentence and doesn’t make any sense.

Nothing is forcing you to buy a boost either.

Still waiting for the logical argument for why you think boosts are a net positive and good for the overall health of the game btw :slight_smile:

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So…we just completely going to pretend that the well known phenomenon of the old world being dead upon release of TBC just actually didn’t happen. Lol okay.

Again we get that your arguments have been bad, but why you gotta go around trying to ignore history now?


They will increase the number of people playing relevant TBC content. Which is good for you know TBC.

And yes I realize you don’t understand that forcing people to level 1-58 wouldn’t force them to play the way you consider “right”


Boosts are good for the game: Because they get people who otherwise WOULDN’T or COULDN’T play to be able to Play.

That is GOOD for the game - I am 100% an example of this person.


How are “my feelings” related to a boost in any way lol??

Did you actually just bring up RMT? Like, unironically, in an attempt to “prove” something? If that’s what you have to resort to in order to convey a thought, you might want to reconsider the legitimacy of said thought.

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the more he posts the more it’s obvious his “memories” of tbc didn’t happen on the retail version of tbc. lol

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