"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

They like setting up strawmen is why :slight_smile:

Blizzard literally only gets money from subs for classic. It’s a smart business decision letting people boost ONCE.

I also want boosts in the game, so my mates that started in TBC can catch up to me and play as soon as tbc is released.

Except for dranei and blood eleves
 which start at level 1. What are you talking about???

It’s an even smarter business decision to let them boost TWICE, oh, and faction changes- add a mount/pet store, maybe some other Mts.

The token- imagine how much they’d make off that if players went to them for gold instead of websites.

So, you’re pro them doing things if it’s ‘good for business’? Why not add loot boxes, or tier sets on the store- I’m sure there’s many ways they could make the game more profitable!

Because ‘only money from subs’ just isn’t enough (even though that’s absolutely massive amounts of cash for rereleasing a cash cow they don’t have to do anything with- pure profit for no work- and they also make bank off transfers, so subs aren’t even the only way they make money atm)

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I wish they’d let me boost

This makes me so happy

But the big problem isn’t legitimate players purchasing a one time boost. The real crux of the issue is that this will dramatically increase botting which will worsen the gaming experience for everyone.

I mean, these level 58 bots can just start farming gold in BRD by pickpocketing immediately, or any other form of AE farming. The market will be flooded with gold from these accounts, and it will cause terrible inflation for players that play legitimately.

The game begins at level 1.


The game overall yes, but not TBC. The only content that does is Draenei/BE, which is part of the reason you can’t boost them.

It used to be that way up until WoD. :slight_smile:

These entitled babies think WoW always had a level boost and feel something is amiss when they don’t have it at their free disposal.

On the other hand Blizzard is very happy about this. :dollar: :moneybag: :money_mouth_face:

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That is correct. A bunch of whiney baby men who cry when they have to play the game. The only time they’re happy and the only thing they care about is glory and that next piece of gear. They’ve lost their mind to stupidity and greed.

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Lol the people who buy the boost don’t have friends lets be real here.


lmfao so true

When TBC was originally released, EVERYONE playing had a level 60. This is the historical oversight that so many close-minded people who have level 60s that are against boosts completely overlook.

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And those that weren’t, they were rushing as much as possible to get through the dark portal.
Only those that didn’t buy TBC expansion (a lot people didn’t get it day 1) were still playing classic.

TBC is the new vanilla. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Seems like most of the angry and aggressive people are the anti-boosters. Kind of hilarious when you think about it, it’s like the adult nerd version of “no girls allowed”, and the anti-boosters just throw a fit when their mom says to let their sister play with them

That is so beyond absurd it’s laughable. When TBC launched in 2007 the majority of players had not hit max level. You must have lived and played in a very isolated little bubble. The mass percentage of the playerbase was very, very casual. They were just hanging out with friends and slowly leveling up.


I lived and played during this era. Everyone had at least one level 60. Everyone was casual and everyone leveled up slowly but we had YEARS of time leveling. Stop creating realities that don’t exist and rewrite history that I actually lived through.

That’s weird because the subscription count actually went up during TBC.

Did those new players at the time have a level 60, as well? Or did they have to start level 1?

Thank you Blizzard!!!

The boost is going to allow my fiancée to join me in Outland. :heart: