"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

New subs started at level 1. Old subs were all level 60. So when the dark portal opened, all players were level 60. About 6% sub growth each quarter for a year shows that the number of people needing to level up was pretty small AFTER the expansion was out.

Meanwhile you have a situation where a large part of the population participating is gonna need this boost before the expansion even hits. This is because 100% of the subscription base was participating in Vanilla but not 100% of the Classic sub base.

Right. So any new subs for TBC Classic should start at level 1.

That’s fine, I’m sure that’s the case even in Classic.

I think that’s only true if you’re confusing retail subs with Classic subs. I know they’re shared, but I think drawing that distinction is important.

For all intents and purposes, if you didn’t play Classic, you are the equivalent of that 6% sub growth: you are the new player. You should start at level 1.

Also, regardless of how many people were 60 back then and are 60 now, they still had to level to 60. There was no boost back then.

Is your argument “boosts only exist because TBC is coming out sooner”? So if the game was stuck in Classic era for another few months, there’d be no need for boosts?

I played back then, and you’d have a VERY hard time convincing me there were more 60s back in vanilla than now in Classic.

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The 6% sub growth was Vanilla —> TBC not Classic —> Classic TBC
Vanilla —> TBC had a situation where ~100% of subs had at least one level 60.
Classic —> Classic TBC has a situation where many subs play retail, some subs play both and most subs dont’ have a Classic level 60.

Okay, so this is because you’re combining retail players and Classic players due to their sub being shared.

The only way you could possible argue that most subs don’t have a 60 is if A) you assume retail has more players than Classic and B) count retail players as Classic subs.

How many Classic players have a 60? Who cares how many retail players don’t? They’re irrelevant.

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It’s more of the retail crowd throwing a fit because they have to level and daddy blizzard gives them spoiled brats everything they want.


There are many retail players with classic characters. There are retail players who plan on playing TBC. There are retail players that don’t have level 60 classic characters that plan on playing TBC.

There are many classic players with classic characters that aren’t level 60. Countless reasons exist why they haven’t leveled to 60 and most of them are either phase 2 or 3 or their friends quitting around the same time or everyone simply stepping off the initial hype train.

not at all. most (not all, most) of the pro-boosters are rather reasonable and are just excited to play TBC

you anti-boosters are the ones that can’t accept something completely optional that has zero impact on your gameplay and provides no advantage whatsoever to the people who take it, and you’re the ones that start insulting people completely unprovoked. nearly every argument I’ve seen here has been started by an anti-booster. you’re children throwing fits for not getting your way

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Alright. Your source?

And again, to be clear…

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LOOOOL you guys cried AND CRIED. For 15 years bruh. 15 YEEEARS.

“why do i have to level ANOTHER character from level 1?”

“oooh daddy blizzard I don’t like professions…”

“ooh daddy blizzard it not far that I can’t experience content”

“oooh daddy blizzy, it’s not far that I can’t buy da gold”

“da da blizzard, I just want to raid with my friends”

"But but daddy, I need, I need to swap my faction cus alliance isn’t as good on this server’

“dada why can’t I change my hair and face dada?”

“dada I need to swap servers cus… cus… this server SUCKS!”

“dada I hate having to actually find a group to play with”

“dada why can’t we just always teleport to dungeons, it’s STUPID that I have to run there”

“dada, why do I have to choose talents? everyone just picks the same one anywayz”

“dada, why do I have to manage my arrows and bulleys wwwaaaaannnhhhh”

“deres deres not enough content waaaannnh”

The list never stops. All this whining over time destroyed the game. Blizzard gave into every stupid complain you kid’s had. All while the people who wanted to conserve the games basic rpg principles were looked at as the whiners? Ya i don’t think so. Projection is what it is


In general, the boost is a good thing.

I am very old school so I prefer not to have things handed to me at all - even if I have experienced the content. However, the newer iteration of games and younger generations of players prefer more instant gratification and prefer not to waste time re-doing content they may have completed before - and that is perfectly okay.

I am a pro-booster because I know the boost will increase subs and allow players to start in TBC right where they want to with the TBC expansion - especially those players who did not like classic, but loved TBC. It is a great expansion after all.

However, the boost will quite possibly be exploited by a community that is already crippling the game - Bots/gold sellers. I am fundamentally against anything that would empower this community.

The boost is a good thing as it will draw more players in and that is a good thing for the classic project as a whole.

Though I strongly feel that there is also a group of players who would not return/resub or who might even unsub if there is not an alternative server type that offers fresh, non-boosted, no cash shop servers. I would personally prefer this type - even as a pro-booster. I have a couple dozen friends that I know would prefer this type of server. Some are subbed. Some are waiting to know a more exact date for TBC launch, and some of them claim they will not resub if these types of servers are not offered. I cannot attest to whether or not they will resub or not. I know I resubbed for TBC - and I express my desire in the form of fresh servers without boosts or cash shops in the forums that relate to it.

I really hope to see this type of server - even if it is only 1 of each type (pvp/pve) in select regions… I appreciate the journey, but as a PVPer I also do not want to experience the journey at the detriment to myself in terms of early game advantage/strength. If these servers are not offered I will personally still play TBC. Though I suspect the hype will die off a lot sooner and I would not play for nearly as long… But that is just me personally. I feel far more invested in a player I develop from the ground up.

I mean…you must be trolling, right? No one can actually believe that.

If I had to wager money as to what percentage of the playerbase had a max level character at the time of TBC’s launch I’d say maybe 25%…and even that might be a stretch. WoW had around 8 million subs at the time, so that would be 2 million players with a max level. That’s a lot. It really wouldn’t surprise me if it was more like 10% of the playerbase.


you really were so excited to prove my point, huh?

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and what was that? that you’re a cry baby?

the fact that you can’t even see the irony in saying this after your last post is hilarious

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perhaps you can do us a favor clarify the irony

The man hasn’t posted anything from that account since that post. Just shows how disconnected they are.

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the fact that entire post was one long whiny rant and you’re now calling someone else a whiny crybaby

Just fighting fire with fire.

I just think it’s interesting that the classic community that signed the petition to bring classic wow to life all of a sudden changed their mind 5 years later… That’s where “go back to retail” came from.

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Blizzard going back on their word and lying- it’s about as American as Bobby using your wallets like his apple pie.


HAHAHA Bobby loves retail players