Char Customization: What Do We Want?

In general I would like to see the customization options for all allied races brought up to the same level as the core races.

The allied races are lacking customization options of their core race versions in all cases. In fact the only new customization options for the allied races appear to be some new color options for hair/eyes/skin and maybe one or two new hair styles.

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Some requests of mine, not already on the list…

Proper red hair color options (the only “red” humans have is stuck between the oddly purple “browns” and the dirty blonde colors… and it’s a brownish red… we need some more vibrant red hair options)
Proper true blonde & platinum blonde hair color options (Just like the issues with the Brown and Red colors for humans, the blonde options are a bit off… all three choices are varying intensities of Dirty Blonde… there isn’t a true blonde or even a platinum blonde option to be found)
Note: Proper reds, browns, and blondes can be found on Blood Elves… They even have platinum blonde… Proper browns and blondes are also found on Kul Tiran
Seperate Earring & Nose/Eyebrow Piercings (Every other race is getting this… but apparently not humans? WTF?)

Female Horn Accessories (Currently only available for Males)

Night Elf:
Female body Markings/Tattoos (Currently only available for Males)

Female posture options
Tusk Options (for Both Genders)

Hair colors that are NOT JUST HIGHLIGHTS (Seriously, I can’t stress this one enough… I am so sick of having nothing but fur tone hair as an option for my Pandaren with a few measly strands of color highlights in the bangs…)

Asymmetrical Bone options (The original announcement made it sound like this was happening, but from what I’ve seen it’s just going to be a “Bones or No Bones” toggle… I want real diversity… let us pick what combination of exposed bones we have if any)


My wishlist is quite big, like the OP, but I’m worried as time draws near for SL launch. All I want now is:


What do you mean? I’m glad you asked!

Currently there are a lot of inconsistencies across the board, to name a few of them:

  • Some races getting separated features. e.g.: beard/moustache/sideburn, earrings/piercings/nose rings, while others don’t.
  • Some races like gnome or draenei getting to choose color pallettes for accessories, while others are stuck with fixed options.
  • Some races getting WAY less than others. Compare Forsaken or Pandaren with Night Elves, for example.
  • Some races, like Goblin, getting no new unique feature. I don’t mean hairstyles or skin colors, becaue everyone gets that. I also don’t mean separating the earrings into 23 different options because that’s just re-arrangement. I mean stuff that is unique like face shapes, or vines.
  • Some ARs like Mechagnome or Void Elf getting some options from their parent races, while others didn’t get anything extra yet.

Something else cueing off of the mention of tusks for Orcs:

Teeth for tauren. I know they’re cows but if you’re going to commit to making them very prominent omnivors, and make the male teeth such prominent snaggles, giving females some fangs of their own would be really nice.
https:// imgur. com/a/X6v85fX (Remove the spaces)


You don’t need to add spaces. Just surround the link with ` (the key next to 1).

Like so:

Also, I shall post the image for you with my Level 3 powers of wonder!


Ah, thank you! I don’t use the forums very much, as you can probably guess.

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THIS. 1000000% YES THIS.


Ginger cows? Pretty please?


Nose options for non-goblin races please!! Face shapes as well!!

(Also the sailor moon bun hairstyles for elves please!!!)


Nice list. I’d like to add two things.

-For DKs: Red and Green glowing eye options to represent all 3 of their specs.

-The option to have your customizations change when you switch specs similar to transmog.


Additional Chassis Colors (Blue, Green, Red)

Ability to use just the Jaw Piece without eye mods.


I only want 3 things now, unlikely all 3:

  1. A smoking emote. LoTRO has this, you pull out a pipe and take a few puffs. Goblins could smoke cigars. It looks rad! But, I understand why it shouldn’t be in WoW.

  2. Sidecapes. Based on the bfa concept art, some of us were imagining some wild things would come from wardrobes. Not really.

3./lean. Just lemme be cool, like Flynn.

I wanted quivers but with non spec specific artifact tmogging in shadowlands, I can live with that.


Natural hair colors for humans. Like, actual brown hair that doesn’t have weird reddish tints to it. I am YEARNING for a Merida-styled hair, or something tamer. I just want long curly hair. Please lord Blizzard.


Lean/Muscular Pandaren body option
Big Trolls, I’m talking bout the ones you see commonly among the Drakkari & Amani… they’re already in the game and could use a model update…and also be playable option. not the dire ones.
Chaos Orc/Fel Orcs… red orc with bone spikes sticking out like the ones in TBC, or just a red orc tbh.

boob slider

Moooooo! :cow:

I really like the idea of different idle poses. Some races look a lot better in their attacking or spellcasting idle than they do while standing normally. It adds lots of personality and dynamism! I understand it’s probably a lot of work, though.

One simpler thing I’d like for Pandaren is ear color selection. Some faces have white ears and some have colored ears. Making that a separate toggle would allow a lot more variety!


I’d also like Void/Blood Elves to get the purple eye color currently seen on the elves in Dalaran. It’s so pretty, why keep it as NPC only?


More than 4 face options for females, 5 for males.
Add a face without the harelip, like :] not :3




Give every Alliance race to Horde. Delete the Alliance.

Then the game would reflect the story a little better.
The Horde and the Other races that follow them around sometimes.
I think they’re called “The Allegiance” or something

Emperor’s valor, compatriot.

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