Changes in 10.0.5 to Item Upgrades

Speaking of Gear Upgrade…Any word on when the weekly valour cap will be lifted? Or at the least, increased?

Nope, not working. I just tried. it says “item can no longer be upgraded”.


Very unlikely. If this is what does it, then they were looking for an excuse all along, so I guess so long.

We are leaving, you don’t need us

And it’s a fair wind
Blowin’ warm out of the south over my shoulder
Guess I’ll set a course and go

Also having this issue. Just bought the 359 boots to upgrade and and being told they can no longer be upgraded.


I wonder if it was changes like these that led to the statement about people not being able to find PvP vendors.

I really don’t know why you just didn’t leave things as they were, I can’t see any point to this change.


My issue right now is I can no longer easily see what the sigil costs are for the upgrade. A system forcing me to either BUY the lower pieces first, and then HOPE I have enough sigils to upgrade and wear it, or alternately go online to do research/homework is a bit on the stupid side. Previously I could just look at the vendor, know if I had the right amount of sigils or would that week, and then make my decision. Now it’s “hidden” behind an upgrade vendor.

All around bad decision by Blizzard on this.


Still buggy. I can’t upgrade on items I already had before patch. Going to assume they have disabled it until fixed since people have been getting free upgrades.

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It really isn’t. People will get frustrated, then find out why, and understand that bugs happen, more often than we would like, but at least it will get fixed and we can upgrade. People who unsub because of it have zero patience and need to chill.

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Honestly, I have patience but I have doubts,so today I 'll do the quest line then do absolutely nothing but fishing.


Hope this is resolved soon. Just like above, I’ll going fishing.

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since you guys are looking at items and stuff…think the team can look at stats on armor pieces in dungeons? some armor types have 3-4 items with identical stats on them (just different values).

can we get some variety and choices please? :revolving_hearts:

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Not working.
Drakebreaker’s Bracers
ilvl 366
Upgrade Level: 1/2
“This item can no longer be upgraded.”

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I cant upgrade my 2h sword " Drakebreakers Greatsword" either
this item can no longer be upgraded
was looking forward to the upgrade now I have 17 trophy of strife sitting around
feel like this was a giant waste of time working on fury warrior at this point frustrated

this toon not the hunter lol

still have a problem, cant upgrade itens.

It is currently not working. What a weird change. Please use the “If it ain’t broke…” philosophy from now on. Now you can’t even “browse” the upgraded item gear to see what you would get (if it was working). Whoever came up with that change should be fired.


i HOPE they did! Also, a post, a Tweet, or SOME kind of info would be nice!


Ouch. The upgrade NPC seems like a much better system than needing to scroll through a vendor and find the piece you are eligible to purchase…but only if it’s working. Hoping it gets fixed soon!