Chain Mail Bikini. Skimpy, Almost Nude, Near Naked Sexy Outfits

Except that nearly all skimpy outfits in the game are female oriented.

Then you just do not know how to apply them to a male. You can dress a blood elf male and female in the exact same mog to look equally revealing. I hardy ever dress this toon up skimpy. This is not my main and no where near my best toon but it has always been my fav toon so I treat it with respect and dont joke around with the skimpy mogs on this toon hardly ever and when I do they usually come off rather quick.

you see this sexy panda, Blizzard can give more anime with JRPG like it was in Warcraft 3, Comics and Manga (especially with Whitemane), and World of Warcraft from Vanilla to WotLK and even MoP and Legion like Nickelodeon did with Avatar, just as more fan services like SaO but not as exaggerated as Queens Blade (DON’T SEARCH FOR THAT ON THE INTERNET :rage:)

It may be that he included some anime (although he wanted to put everything related to China DEVS HYPOCRITES :rofl: :rofl:) But he would still need to include a last dance anime in a new race (EXCEPT THE DRACKTYRS FILTH I DON’T KNOW HOW TO WRITE IT :angry: )

geez… this link :rofl: :rofl:

that is also another problem regarding the new armor in each class since 8.1, it is a disappointment, and the worst thing is that they are increasingly limited.

As I said, more than in raids, what suffers a lot are the new dungeons of each expansion in the case of only one type of armor set, such as:

  • BfA: Kultiran set in Kul’Tiras Dungeons and Zandalar Set in Zandalar dungeons obviously.

  • Shadowlands: and the Oribos set in each of their respective dungeons.

Thing they don’t get away from being victims of the transmog system when you get a 278 Mythic+ armor tier off or weapon

That’s why I’m concerned that Blizzard’s diversity policy limits too much armor design and character details when creating it.

when I have some great content like Mirmidon in Ulduar let me know.

Until then no more trashs dump like gnome zones (mechagon, Gnomeran), geez… they really are more despicable than a goblin, and the goblin gave us the best lords in the game.

in fact the Tauren units in Warcraft 3 were completely naked, only carrying a log as a weapon.

And they were great enough to give him a song.

There was actually an NPC that didn’t change his armor detail, something like that seen as a classic pixel orc grunt in Warcraft 2 cinematics.


but seen with the Incubi, if you need equal armor details regardless of gender.

That shouldn’t affect it, it’s how it is youtuber user in FFXIV, just use a Chocobo head.

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It would be great if Warriors had a loincloth transmog as well as bearskin/tigerskin cloak so as to play out their Conan/barbarian RP fantasy.


Well WoW devs must think that one of the reasons for WoW is that there were more fans of Times of Connan than Warhamer.

Heres that Bunny dance I mentioned…Oh sooooo cute!

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Orgimmar pants and some other low level gear are pretty much loin cloth. Ive used them for a mog before.

This video makes me want to punch a wall and kick a kitten through field goal posts!

…I have no idea what you meant by that.

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It means, what kids these days would call cringe :face_vomiting:

my only issue is that I can’t really dress my male characters in skimpy armor. Most skimpy armor was classic-era where there was a massive inbalance between how armor looked like between genders, most recently we “only” got one or two sets in bfa.

My beefy tauren deserves to wear skimpy

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Just make legs slot transmog to invisible like all the other armor slots and let your character run around in their skivvies. That would work for all races. The females would look like they were wearing bikinis. Although the males would look like they were wearing trunks or tight shorts.


This is logical.

It also fails because it is logical.

You see, no matter what they look like, they’re technically panties. And for some reason, people get all heated up over the idea of displayed panties. Gamers have been known to go to ridiculous lengths to try to peek up the skirt of a female character when they have sixteen different swimsuit options unlocked.

And others object. Not merely on these forums, either, but in the news, on major boards, eventually on 4Chan (shudder).

It’s a box o’ headaches Blizzard isn’t willing to open. And I, for one, don’t blame them.


Hmmm… then maybe we should all just wear long hooded robes. That would make it equal for everyone. And all robes had to be a neutral grey color. That would make it a unifying element . Hmm… Wait. I want to feel special. Think I’ll wear a Tan and brown colored robe. A nice accessory would be a green lightsaber. No wait. That sounds way to timid. I want to be taken seriously. So perhaps I’ll wear a black robe and carry a red double bladed lightsaber. Yeah, that’s it. The only thing left to change would be my name. How does Darth Tarasina sound?

but for lack of idea, and horrible suit designs since 8.1

I see that Blizzard needs to bring us a lot of Skimpys and Bikinis armor options again.

In your case, I would have wanted your transmog to be white, since that’s the one missing from the color list.

thing that the Kirian set apart from boring, pointless, the same seen 17 years ago, is the most horrible and wasteful in white armor.

Really everything about Kirian and Bastion starting from Pelagos sucks and one of the reasons like Diablo 3, when Blizzard speaks with content from heaven or angels charactes, their game does poorly, as if it were the Hollywood actors who played the role of Christ in the Passion of Christ or Jesus Christ Super Star.

And if that’s not enough, we need thigh highs as a new design.

And white for what’s missing, yeah… 2B Nier Automota.

Wear what you want. Every thing in Wow was created by Blizz hence it is 100% legit. Put into the game by the game maker. So whatever outfit you have transmoged and you wear around the World of Warcraft is ok. Even if you want to transmog your gear invisible and not wear legs so it looks like your running around in your underwear, that’s fine too. It is all working as intended by the developers.

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Well that’s true enough if the devs control everything in the game and what the player can do in game. So if a player can do something it is as intended by the game developers.

Just because a developer puts things in the game doesn’t mean it is correct. Filthy minded players will use things in ways that corrupt the intentions of the developers. We all know that the Bizz team are all Bastions of Purity and correctness. They are all supper conservative and I am sure they cringe at this blasphemy you filthy minded people stoop to. Don’t try to condone filth.

I can see you are a woman of loose morals. Repent!

Ah…Shut up!

This thread has inspired me to mog all my female characters to be as naked as possible.